
88 lines
2.9 KiB

module Browse (browseModule) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import DynFlags (getDynFlags) -- FIXME
import GHC
import GHCApi
import Name
import Outputable
import TyCon
import Type
import Types
import Var
browseModule :: Options -> String -> IO String
browseModule opt mdlName = convert opt . format <$> browse opt mdlName
| operators opt = formatOps
| otherwise = removeOps
removeOps = sort . filter (isAlpha.head)
formatOps = sort . map formatOps'
formatOps' x@(s:_)
| isAlpha s = x
| otherwise = "(" ++ name ++ ")" ++ tail_
(name, tail_) = break isSpace x
formatOps' [] = error "formatOps'"
browse :: Options -> String -> IO [String]
browse opt mdlName = withGHC $ do
_ <- initSession0 opt
lookupModuleInfo >>= maybe (return []) (if detailed opt then processModule else return . processExports)
lookupModuleInfo = findModule (mkModuleName mdlName) Nothing >>= getModuleInfo
processExports :: ModuleInfo -> [String]
processExports = map getOccString . modInfoExports
processModule :: ModuleInfo -> Ghc [String]
processModule minfo = do
dynFlags <- getDynFlags
mapM (processName dynFlags) names
names = modInfoExports minfo
processName :: DynFlags -> Name -> Ghc String
processName dynFlags nm = do
tyInfo <- modInfoLookupName minfo nm
-- If nothing found, load dependent module and lookup global
tyResult <- maybe (inOtherModule nm) (return . Just) tyInfo
return $ fromMaybe (getOccString nm) (tyResult >>= showThing dynFlags)
inOtherModule :: Name -> Ghc (Maybe TyThing)
inOtherModule nm = do
_ <- getModuleInfo (nameModule nm) -- FIXME
lookupGlobalName nm
showThing :: DynFlags -> TyThing -> Maybe String
showThing dflags t = case t of
AnId i -> Just $ getOccString i ++ " :: " ++ showOutputable dflags (removeForAlls $ varType i)
ATyCon typ -> do
tyType' <- tyType typ
return $ unwords $ [tyType', getOccString typ] ++ map getOccString (tyConTyVars typ)
_ -> Nothing
tyType :: TyCon -> Maybe String
tyType typ
| isAlgTyCon typ
&& not (isNewTyCon typ)
&& not (isClassTyCon typ) = Just "data"
| isNewTyCon typ = Just "newtype"
| isClassTyCon typ = Just "class"
| isSynTyCon typ = Just "type"
| otherwise = Nothing
removeForAlls :: Type -> Type
removeForAlls ty = case splitFunTy_maybe ty' of
Nothing -> ty'
Just (pre, ftype) -> if isPredTy pre then mkFunTy pre (dropForAlls ftype) else ty'
ty' = dropForAlls ty
showOutputable :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> a -> String
showOutputable dflags = unwords . lines . showSDocForUser dflags neverQualify . ppr