2014-05-14 17:06:29 +02:00

35 lines
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module BrowseSpec where
import Control.Applicative
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cradle
import Test.Hspec
import TestUtils
import Dir
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "browse" $ do
it "lists up symbols in the module" $ do
syms <- runD $ lines <$> browse "Data.Map"
syms `shouldContain` ["differenceWithKey"]
describe "browse -d" $ do
it "lists up symbols with type info in the module" $ do
syms <- run defaultOptions { detailed = True }
$ lines <$> browse "Data.Either"
syms `shouldContain` ["either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c"]
it "lists up data constructors with type info in the module" $ do
cradle <- findCradle
syms <- run defaultOptions { detailed = True}
$ lines <$> browse "Data.Either"
syms `shouldContain` ["Left :: a -> Either a b"]
describe "browse local" $ do
it "lists symbols in a local module" $ do
withDirectory_ "test/data" $ do
syms <- runID $ lines <$> browse "Baz"
syms `shouldContain` ["baz"]