
198 lines
7.6 KiB

-- ghc-mod: Happy Haskell Hacking
-- Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Gröber <dxld ÄT darkboxed DOT org>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module GhcMod.DynFlagsTH where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Data
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Generics.Aliases
import Data.Generics.Schemes
import BasicTypes
import DynFlags
import Prelude
deriving instance Data GhcMode
deriving instance Data GhcLink
deriving instance Data HscTarget
deriving instance Data Way
deriving instance Data DynLibLoader
deriving instance Data Option
deriving instance Data IgnorePackageFlag
deriving instance Data PackageFlag
deriving instance Data ModRenaming
deriving instance Data PackageArg
deriving instance Data TrustFlag
deriving instance Data SafeHaskellMode
-- deriving instance Data SseVersion
-- -------------------------------------
-- instance Data SseVersion where
-- toConstr _ = toConstr SseVersionD
-- data SseVersionData = SseVersionD deriving Data
-- -------------------------------------
instance Data IntWithInf where
toConstr _ = toConstr IntWithInfD
data IntWithInfData = IntWithInfD deriving Data
-- -------------------------------------
deriveEqDynFlags :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec]
deriveEqDynFlags qds = do
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
~(TyConI (DataD [] _ [] [ctor] _ ))
~(TyConI (DataD [] _ [] _ [ctor] _ ))
<- reify ''DynFlags
let ~(RecC _ fs) = ctor
a <- newName "a"
b <- newName "b"
-- let combFunc = [| \(bs,ss) -> (and bs, unwords ss) |]
-- e <- AppE (VarE 'and) . ListE <$> sequence (mapMaybe (eq a b) fs)
-- e <- AppE (combFunc) . ListE <$> sequence $ combFunc (catMaybes $ map (eq a b) fs)
e <- ListE <$> sequence (mapMaybe (eq a b) fs)
tysig@(SigD n _) :_ <- qds
return $ [tysig, FunD n [Clause [VarP a, VarP b] (NormalB e) []]]
eq :: Name -> Name -> (Name, Strict, Type) -> Maybe (Q Exp)
eq a b (fun@(Name (OccName fon) _), _, ft)
| not (isUneqable || isIgnored) = Just expr
| otherwise = Nothing
isUneqable = everything (||) (mkQ False hasUnEqable) ft
hasUnEqable (AppT (ConT (Name (OccName on) _)) _)
| any (==on) ignoredConstructorNames = True
hasUnEqable (ConT (Name (OccName on) _))
| any (==on) ignoredTypeNames = True
| any (==on) ignoredTypeOccNames = True
hasUnEqable _ = False
isIgnored = fon `elem` ignoredNames
ignoredConstructorNames = [ "IORef" ]
ignoredNames = [ "pkgDatabase" -- 7.8
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 706
, "ways" -- 'Ways' is not exported :/
, "sseVersion"
ignoredTypeNames =
[ "LogAction"
, "PackageState"
, "Hooks"
, "FlushOut"
, "FlushErr"
, "Settings" -- I think these can't cange at runtime
ignoredTypeOccNames = [ "OnOff" ]
fa = AppE (VarE fun) (VarE a)
fb = AppE (VarE fun) (VarE b)
expr =
case fon of
"rtsOptsEnabled" -> do
let eqfn = [| let fn RtsOptsNone RtsOptsNone = [(True, "")]
fn RtsOptsSafeOnly RtsOptsSafeOnly = [(True, "")]
fn RtsOptsAll RtsOptsAll = [(True, "")]
fn _ _ = [(False, "rtsOptsEnabled changed")]
in fn
[e| $(eqfn) $(return fa) $(return fb) |]
"extraPkgConfs" -> do
-- let eqfn = [| let fn a' b' = and (zipWith eqpr (a' []) (b' []))
-- && length (a' []) == length (b' [])
let eqfn = [| let fn a' b' = cond a' b'
cond a' b' = zz ++ ll
zz :: [(Bool,String)]
zz = (zipWith eqpr (a' []) (b' []))
ll :: [(Bool,String)]
ll = [( length (a' []) == length (b' [])
, if length (a' []) == length (b' []) then "" else "extraPkgConfs length mismatch")]
eqpr GlobalPkgConf GlobalPkgConf = (True, "")
eqpr UserPkgConf UserPkgConf = (True, "")
eqpr (PkgConfFile pa) (PkgConfFile pb) = (pa == pb,if pa == pb then "" else "extraPkgConfs changed")
eqpr _ _ = (False, "extraPkgConfs changed")
in fn
[e| $(eqfn) $(return fa) $(return fb) |]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710 && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
"sigOf" -> do
let eqfn = [| let fn NotSigOf NotSigOf = [(True, "")]
fn (SigOf a') (SigOf b') = [(a' == b', if a' == b' then "" else "sigOf changed")]
fn (SigOfMap a') (SigOfMap b') = [(a' == b', if a' == b' then "" else "sigOfMap changed")]
fn _ _ = [(False, "sigOf changed")]
in fn
[e| $(eqfn) $(return fa) $(return fb) |]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL <= 706
"profAuto" -> do
let eqfn = [| let fn NoProfAuto NoProfAuto = [(True, "")]
fn ProfAutoAll ProfAutoAll = [(True, "")]
fn ProfAutoTop ProfAutoTop = [(True, "")]
fn ProfAutoExports ProfAutoExports = [(True, "")]
fn ProfAutoCalls ProfAutoCalls = [(True, "")]
fn _ _ = [(False, "profAuto changed")]
in fn
[e| $(eqfn) $(return fa) $(return fb) |]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
"language" -> do
let eqfn = [| let fn (Just Haskell98) (Just Haskell98) = [(True, "")]
fn (Just Haskell2010) (Just Haskell2010) = [(True, "")]
fn Nothing Nothing = [(True, "")]
fn _ _ = [(False, "language changed")]
in fn
[e| $(eqfn) $(return fa) $(return fb) |]
_ ->
-- [e| $(return fa) == $(return fb) |]
-- [e| [($(return fa) == $(return fb), if $(return fa) == $(return fb) then "" else "default changed")] |]
[e| [($(return fa) == $(return fb), if $(return fa) == $(return fb) then "" else ("default changed:" ++ fon ++ ":" ++ (show $ toConstr $(return fa)) ++ " /= " ++ (show $ toConstr $(return fa)) ) )] |]
-- expr' = [e| trace (if $(expr) == True then "" else show ($(litE $ StringL fon), $(expr))) $(expr) |]