This turned out to be quite involved but save for this huge commit it's actually quite awesome and squashes quite a few bugs and nasty problems (hopefully). Most importantly we now have native cabal component support without the user having to do anything to get it! To do this we traverse imports starting from each component's entrypoints (library modules or Main source file for executables) and use this information to find which component's options each module will build with. Under the assumption that these modules have to build with every component they're used in we can now just pick one. Quite a few internal assumptions have been invalidated by this change. Most importantly the runGhcModT* family of cuntions now change the current working directory to `cradleRootDir`.
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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, FlexibleInstances, Rank2Types #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.SrcUtils where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import CoreUtils (exprType)
import Data.Generics
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Ord as O
import GHC (LHsExpr, LPat, Id, DynFlags, SrcSpan, Type, Located, ParsedSource, RenamedSource, TypecheckedSource, GenLocated(L))
import qualified GHC as G
import GHC.SYB.Utils (Stage(..), everythingStaged)
import GhcMonad
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated as HE
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Doc
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap as Gap
import OccName (OccName)
import Outputable (PprStyle)
import TcHsSyn (hsPatType)
instance HasType (LHsExpr Id) where
getType tcm e = do
hs_env <- G.getSession
mbe <- liftIO $ Gap.deSugar tcm e hs_env
return $ (G.getLoc e, ) <$> CoreUtils.exprType <$> mbe
instance HasType (LPat Id) where
getType _ (G.L spn pat) = return $ Just (spn, hsPatType pat)
listifySpans :: Typeable a => TypecheckedSource -> (Int, Int) -> [Located a]
listifySpans tcs lc = listifyStaged TypeChecker p tcs
p (L spn _) = G.isGoodSrcSpan spn && spn `G.spans` lc
listifyParsedSpans :: Typeable a => ParsedSource -> (Int, Int) -> [Located a]
listifyParsedSpans pcs lc = listifyStaged Parser p pcs
p (L spn _) = G.isGoodSrcSpan spn && spn `G.spans` lc
listifyRenamedSpans :: Typeable a => RenamedSource -> (Int, Int) -> [Located a]
listifyRenamedSpans pcs lc = listifyStaged Renamer p pcs
p (L spn _) = G.isGoodSrcSpan spn && spn `G.spans` lc
listifyStaged :: Typeable r => Stage -> (r -> Bool) -> GenericQ [r]
listifyStaged s p = everythingStaged s (++) [] ([] `mkQ` (\x -> [x | p x]))
cmp :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Ordering
cmp a b
| a `G.isSubspanOf` b = O.LT
| b `G.isSubspanOf` a = O.GT
| otherwise = O.EQ
toTup :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> (SrcSpan, Type) -> ((Int,Int,Int,Int),String)
toTup dflag style (spn, typ) = (fourInts spn, pretty dflag style typ)
fourInts :: SrcSpan -> (Int,Int,Int,Int)
fourInts = fromMaybe (0,0,0,0) . Gap.getSrcSpan
fourIntsHE :: HE.SrcSpan -> (Int,Int,Int,Int)
fourIntsHE loc = ( HE.srcSpanStartLine loc, HE.srcSpanStartColumn loc
, HE.srcSpanEndLine loc, HE.srcSpanEndColumn loc)
-- Check whether (line,col) is inside a given SrcSpanInfo
typeSigInRangeHE :: Int -> Int -> HE.Decl HE.SrcSpanInfo -> Bool
typeSigInRangeHE lineNo colNo (HE.TypeSig (HE.SrcSpanInfo s _) _ _) =
HE.srcSpanStart s <= (lineNo, colNo) && HE.srcSpanEnd s >= (lineNo, colNo)
typeSigInRangeHE lineNo colNo (HE.TypeFamDecl (HE.SrcSpanInfo s _) _ _) =
HE.srcSpanStart s <= (lineNo, colNo) && HE.srcSpanEnd s >= (lineNo, colNo)
typeSigInRangeHE lineNo colNo (HE.DataFamDecl (HE.SrcSpanInfo s _) _ _ _) =
HE.srcSpanStart s <= (lineNo, colNo) && HE.srcSpanEnd s >= (lineNo, colNo)
typeSigInRangeHE _ _ _= False
pretty :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> Type -> String
pretty dflag style = showOneLine dflag style . Gap.typeForUser
showName :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> G.Name -> String
showName dflag style name = showOneLine dflag style $ Gap.nameForUser name
showOccName :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> OccName -> String
showOccName dflag style name = showOneLine dflag style $ Gap.occNameForUser name