
92 lines
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module Browse (browseModule) where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import GHC
import GHCApi
import DynFlags (getDynFlags)
import Name
import Types
import Outputable
import Var
import TyCon
import Type
browseModule :: Options -> String -> IO String
browseModule opt mdlName = (convert opt . format) <$> browse opt mdlName
| operators opt = formatOps
| otherwise = removeOps
removeOps = sort . filter (isAlpha.head)
formatOps = sort . map formatOps'
formatOps' x@(s:_)
| isAlpha s = x
| otherwise = "(" ++ name ++ ")" ++ tail_
(name, tail_) = break isSpace x
formatOps' [] = error "formatOps'"
browse :: Options -> String -> IO [String]
browse opt mdlName = withGHC $ do
_ <- initSession0 opt
lookupModuleInfo >>= maybe (return []) (if detailed opt then processModule else return . processExports)
lookupModuleInfo = findModule (mkModuleName mdlName) Nothing >>= getModuleInfo
processExports :: ModuleInfo -> [String]
processExports = map getOccString . modInfoExports
processModule :: ModuleInfo -> Ghc [String]
processModule minfo = do
dynFlags <- getDynFlags
processName :: Name -> Ghc String
processName nm = do
tyInfo <- modInfoLookupName minfo nm
-- If nothing found, load dependent module and lookup global
tyResult <- maybe inOtherModule (return . Just) tyInfo
return $ fromMaybe name (tyResult >>= showThing dynFlags)
inOtherModule :: Ghc (Maybe TyThing)
inOtherModule = do
otherModule <- getModuleInfo (nameModule nm)
lookupGlobalName nm
name = getOccString nm
mapM processName exports
exports = modInfoExports minfo
showThing :: DynFlags -> TyThing -> Maybe String
showThing dflags t = case t of
(AnId i) -> Just $ getOccString i ++ " :: " ++ showOutputable dflags (removeForAlls $ varType i)
(ATyCon t) -> do
tyType' <- tyType t
return $ intercalate " " $ [tyType', getOccString t] ++ map getOccString (tyConTyVars t)
_ -> Nothing
tyType :: TyCon -> Maybe String
tyType t
| isAlgTyCon t && not (isNewTyCon t) && not (isClassTyCon t) = Just "data"
| isNewTyCon t = Just "newtype"
| isClassTyCon t = Just "class"
| isSynTyCon t = Just "type"
| otherwise = Nothing
removeForAlls :: Type -> Type
removeForAlls ty = case splitFunTy_maybe ty' of
Nothing -> ty'
Just (pre, ftype) -> if isPredTy pre then mkFunTy pre (dropForAlls ftype) else ty'
ty' = dropForAlls ty
showOutputable :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> a -> String
showOutputable dflags = unwords . lines . showSDocForUser dflags neverQualify . ppr