- Remove Language.Haskell prefix from all modules - Move 'GHCMod.*' to 'GhcMod.Exe' - Move 'GhcModExe' to 'GhcMod.Exe'
48 lines
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48 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module TargetSpec where
import GhcMod.Target
import GhcMod.LightGhc
import GhcMod.Gap
import Test.Hspec
import TestUtils
import GHC
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "runLightGhc" $ do
it "works at all" $ do
withLightHscEnv [] $ \env ->
runLightGhc env (return ()) `shouldReturn` ()
it "has modules in scope" $ do
(withLightHscEnv [] $ \env ->
runLightGhc env $ do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
let i = intersect (listVisibleModuleNames dflags)
["Control.Applicative", "Control.Arrow"
,"Control.Exception", "GHC.Exts", "GHC.Float"]
liftIO $ i `shouldSatisfy` not . null) :: IO ()
it "can get module info" $ do
(withLightHscEnv [] $ \env ->
runLightGhc env $ do
mdl <- findModule "Data.List" Nothing
mmi <- getModuleInfo mdl
liftIO $ isJust mmi `shouldBe` True) :: IO ()
describe "resolveModule" $ do
it "Works when a module given as path uses CPP" $ do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
let srcDirs = [dir </> "test/data/target/src"]
x <- withLightHscEnv [] $ \env -> runD $ do
resolveModule env srcDirs (Left $ dir </> "test/data/target/Cpp.hs")
liftIO $ x `shouldBe` Just (ModulePath "Cpp" $ dir </> "test/data/target/Cpp.hs")