2013-05-08 16:27:54 +09:00

174 lines
5.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module GHCApi (
, withGHCDummyFile
, initializeFlags
, initializeFlagsWithCradle
, setTargetFile
, getDynamicFlags
, setSlowDynFlags
, checkSlowAndSet
, canCheckFast
) where
import CabalApi
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import CoreMonad
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import DynFlags
import ErrMsg
import Exception
import GHC
import GHC.Paths (libdir)
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Types
withGHCDummyFile :: Alternative m => Ghc (m a) -> IO (m a)
withGHCDummyFile = withGHC "Dummy"
withGHC :: Alternative m => FilePath -> Ghc (m a) -> IO (m a)
withGHC file body = ghandle ignore $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
defaultCleanupHandler dflags body
ignore :: Alternative m => SomeException -> IO (m a)
ignore e = do
hPutStr stderr $ file ++ ":0:0:Error:"
hPrint stderr e
importDirs :: [IncludeDir]
importDirs = [".","..","../..","../../..","../../../..","../../../../.."]
data Build = CabalPkg | SingleFile deriving Eq
initializeFlagsWithCradle :: Options -> Cradle -> [GHCOption] -> Bool -> Ghc LogReader
initializeFlagsWithCradle opt cradle ghcOptions logging
| cabal = withCabal `gcatch` fallback
| otherwise = withoutCabal
cabal = isJust $ cradleCabalFile cradle
withCabal = do
(gopts,idirs,depPkgs) <- liftIO $ fromCabalFile ghcOptions cradle
initSession CabalPkg opt gopts idirs (Just depPkgs) logging
withoutCabal =
initSession SingleFile opt ghcOptions importDirs Nothing logging
fallback :: BrokenCabalFile -> Ghc LogReader
fallback _ = withoutCabal
initSession :: Build
-> Options
-> [GHCOption]
-> [IncludeDir]
-> Maybe [Package]
-> Bool
-> Ghc LogReader
initSession build opt cmdOpts idirs mDepPkgs logging = do
dflags0 <- getSessionDynFlags
(dflags1,readLog) <- setupDynamicFlags dflags0
_ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags1
return readLog
setupDynamicFlags df0 = do
df1 <- modifyFlagsWithOpts df0 cmdOpts
let df2 = modifyFlags df1 idirs mDepPkgs (expandSplice opt) build
df3 <- modifyFlagsWithOpts df2 $ ghcOpts opt
liftIO $ setLogger logging df3
initializeFlags :: Options -> Ghc ()
initializeFlags opt = do
dflags0 <- getSessionDynFlags
dflags1 <- modifyFlagsWithOpts dflags0 $ ghcOpts opt
void $ setSessionDynFlags dflags1
-- FIXME removing Options
modifyFlags :: DynFlags -> [IncludeDir] -> Maybe [Package] -> Bool -> Build -> DynFlags
modifyFlags d0 idirs mDepPkgs splice build
| splice = setSplice d4
| otherwise = d4
d1 = d0 { importPaths = idirs }
d2 = setFastOrNot d1 Fast
d3 = maybe d2 (addDevPkgs d2) mDepPkgs
d4 | build == CabalPkg = setCabalPkg d3
| otherwise = d3
setCabalPkg :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
setCabalPkg dflag = dopt_set dflag Opt_BuildingCabalPackage
setSplice :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
setSplice dflag = dopt_set dflag Opt_D_dump_splices
addDevPkgs :: DynFlags -> [Package] -> DynFlags
addDevPkgs df pkgs = df''
df' = dopt_set df Opt_HideAllPackages
df'' = df' {
packageFlags = map ExposePackage pkgs ++ packageFlags df
setFastOrNot :: DynFlags -> CheckSpeed -> DynFlags
setFastOrNot dflags Slow = dflags {
ghcLink = LinkInMemory
, hscTarget = HscInterpreted
setFastOrNot dflags Fast = dflags {
ghcLink = NoLink
, hscTarget = HscNothing
setSlowDynFlags :: Ghc ()
setSlowDynFlags = (flip setFastOrNot Slow <$> getSessionDynFlags)
>>= void . setSessionDynFlags
-- To check TH, a session module graph is necessary.
-- "load" sets a session module graph using "depanal".
-- But we have to set "-fno-code" to DynFlags before "load".
-- So, this is necessary redundancy.
checkSlowAndSet :: Ghc ()
checkSlowAndSet = do
fast <- canCheckFast <$> depanal [] False
unless fast setSlowDynFlags
modifyFlagsWithOpts :: DynFlags -> [String] -> Ghc DynFlags
modifyFlagsWithOpts dflags cmdOpts =
tfst <$> parseDynamicFlags dflags (map noLoc cmdOpts)
tfst (a,_,_) = a
setTargetFile :: (GhcMonad m) => String -> m ()
setTargetFile file = do
target <- guessTarget file Nothing
setTargets [target]
getDynamicFlags :: IO DynFlags
getDynamicFlags = runGhc (Just libdir) getSessionDynFlags
canCheckFast :: ModuleGraph -> Bool
canCheckFast = not . any (hasTHorQQ . ms_hspp_opts)
hasTHorQQ :: DynFlags -> Bool
hasTHorQQ dflags = any (`xopt` dflags) [Opt_TemplateHaskell, Opt_QuasiQuotes]