This way `configDependencies` works even when the Cabal version used by cabal-install is later than the one used by ghc-mod.
32 lines
1.2 KiB
32 lines
1.2 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Spec
import Dir
import Test.Hspec
import System.Process
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod (debugInfo, defaultOptions, findCradle)
import Control.Exception as E
main = do
let sandboxes = [ "test/data", "test/data/check-packageid"
, "test/data/duplicate-pkgver/" ]
genSandboxCfg dir = withDirectory dir $ \cwd -> do
system ("sed 's|@CWD@|" ++ cwd ++ "|g' cabal.sandbox.config.in > cabal.sandbox.config")
pkgDirs =
[ "test/data/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d"
, "test/data/check-packageid/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d"
, "test/data/duplicate-pkgver/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d"]
genGhcPkgCache dir = system $ "ghc-pkg recache --force -f" ++ dir
genSandboxCfg `mapM_` sandboxes
genGhcPkgCache `mapM_` pkgDirs
system "find test -name setup-config -exec rm {} \\;"
system "cabal --version"
putStrLn $ "ghc-mod was built with Cabal version " ++ VERSION_Cabal
system "ghc --version"
(putStrLn =<< debugInfo defaultOptions =<< findCradle)
`E.catch` (\(_ :: E.SomeException) -> return () )
hspec spec