this is only an approximation I have no idea what the correct bounds should be but I'm fed up with cabal trying to install ancient versions when new ghc releases come out.
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Name: ghc-mod
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Kazu Yamamoto <kazu@iij.ad.jp>
Maintainer: Kazu Yamamoto <kazu@iij.ad.jp>
License: BSD3
License-File: LICENSE
Homepage: http://www.mew.org/~kazu/proj/ghc-mod/
Synopsis: Happy Haskell programming on Emacs
Description: This packages includes Elisp files
and a Haskell command, "ghc-mod".
"ghc*.el" enable completion of
Haskell symbols on Emacs.
"ghc-mod" is a backend of "ghc*.el".
It lists up all installed modules
or extracts names of functions, classes,
and data declarations.
Category: Development
Cabal-Version: >= 1.6
Build-Type: Simple
Data-Dir: elisp
Data-Files: Makefile ghc.el ghc-func.el ghc-doc.el ghc-comp.el
Executable ghc-mod
Main-Is: GHCMod.hs
GHC-Options: -Wall
Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 4.3,
parsec, process, haskell-src-exts
Source-Repository head
Type: git
Location: git://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/ghc-mod.git