Daniel Gröber 2806f702d9 Start implementing line-prefix stuff
readProcess wrapper still missing from CabalHelper
2015-08-13 06:47:12 +02:00

55 lines
1.4 KiB

module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Output (
, gmErrStr
, gmPutStrLn
, gmErrStrLn
) where
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types hiding (LineSeparator)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad.Types
withLines :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
withLines f s = let
res = unlines $ map f $ lines s
case s of
[] -> res
_ | generalCategory (last s) /= LineSeparator ->
reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse res
_ -> res
outputFns :: (GmEnv m, MonadIO m') => m (String -> m' (), String -> m' ())
outputFns = do
GhcModEnv {..} <- gmeAsk
let Options {..} = gmOptions
let pfx f = withLines f
let (outPfx, errPfx) = case linePrefix of
Nothing -> ( id, id )
Just (op, ep) -> ( pfx (op++), pfx (ep++) )
return $ case gmOutput of
GmOutputStdio ->
(liftIO . putStr . outPfx , liftIO . hPutStr stderr . errPfx)
GmOutputChan c ->
(liftIO . writeChan c . outPfx, liftIO . writeChan c . errPfx)
gmPutStr, gmPutStrLn, gmErrStr, gmErrStrLn
:: (MonadIO m, GmEnv m) => String -> m ()
gmPutStr str = do
putOut <- fst `liftM` outputFns
putOut str
gmPutStrLn = gmPutStr . (++"\n")
gmErrStrLn = gmErrStr . (++"\n")
gmErrStr str = do
putErr <- snd `liftM` outputFns
putErr str