Daniel Gröber 89b1ac2d1e Optimize dumpsym maximum memory usage
This took ages to track down. Turns out GHC keeps references to all
loaded ModIfaces in the PackageInterfaceTable in ExternalPackageState
for caching. ExternalPackageState is in an IORef in HscEnv so
overwriting that with a copy from right after init improves things a
bit. Next I use unsafeInterleaveIO to load the ModIfaces as we serialize
the symbol table rather than before thus reducing the amount of memory
needed even more.
2016-01-08 16:58:40 +01:00

211 lines
6.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, DoAndIfThenElse, TupleSections #-}
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Find
#ifndef SPEC
( Symbol
, SymbolDb
, loadSymbolDb
, lookupSymbol
, dumpSymbol
, findSymbol
, lookupSym
, isOutdated
-- * Load 'SymbolDb' asynchronously
, AsyncSymbolDb
, newAsyncSymbolDb
, getAsyncSymbolDb
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.List
import Data.Binary
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified GHC as G
import FastString
import Module
import OccName
import HscTypes
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Output
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.World
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Target
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.LightGhc
import Exception
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Function
import System.Directory
import System.Directory.ModTime
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import Prelude
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- | Type of function and operation names.
type Symbol = ByteString
type ModuleNameBS = ByteString
-- | Database from 'Symbol' to \['ModuleString'\].
data SymbolDb = SymbolDb
{ table :: Map Symbol [ModuleNameBS]
, symbolDbCachePath :: FilePath
isOutdated :: IOish m => SymbolDb -> GhcModT m Bool
isOutdated db =
(liftIO . isOlderThan (symbolDbCachePath db)) =<< timedPackageCaches
-- | Looking up 'SymbolDb' with 'Symbol' to \['ModuleString'\]
-- which will be concatenated. 'loadSymbolDb' is called internally.
findSymbol :: IOish m => String -> GhcModT m String
findSymbol sym = do
tmpdir <- cradleTempDir <$> cradle
loadSymbolDb tmpdir >>= lookupSymbol sym
-- | Looking up 'SymbolDb' with 'Symbol' to \['ModuleString'\]
-- which will be concatenated.
lookupSymbol :: IOish m => String -> SymbolDb -> GhcModT m String
lookupSymbol sym db = convert' $ lookupSym (fastStringToByteString $ mkFastString sym) db
lookupSym :: Symbol -> SymbolDb -> [ModuleString]
lookupSym sym db = map (ModuleString . unpackFS . mkFastStringByteString) $ M.findWithDefault [] sym $ table db
-- | Loading a file and creates 'SymbolDb'.
loadSymbolDb :: IOish m => FilePath -> GhcModT m SymbolDb
loadSymbolDb dir = do
ghcMod <- liftIO ghcModExecutable
readProc <- gmReadProcess
file <- liftIO $ chop <$> readProc ghcMod ["dumpsym", dir] ""
!db <- M.fromList . decode <$> liftIO (LBS.readFile file)
return $ SymbolDb
{ table = db
, symbolDbCachePath = file
chop :: String -> String
chop "" = ""
chop xs = init xs
-- used 'ghc-mod dumpsym'
-- | Dumping a set of ('Symbol',\['ModuleString'\]) to a file
-- if the file does not exist or is invalid.
-- The file name is printed.
dumpSymbol :: IOish m => FilePath -> GhcModT m String
dumpSymbol dir = do
create <- (liftIO . isOlderThan cache) =<< timedPackageCaches
pkgOpts <- packageGhcOptions
when create $ liftIO $ do
withLightHscEnv pkgOpts $ \env -> do
writeSymbolCache cache =<< getGlobalSymbolTable env
return $ unlines [cache]
cache = dir </> symbolCacheFile
writeSymbolCache :: FilePath
-> Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS)
-> IO ()
writeSymbolCache cache sm =
void . withFile cache WriteMode $ \hdl ->
LBS.hPutStr hdl (encode sm)
-- | Check whether given file is older than any file from the given set.
-- Returns True if given file does not exist.
isOlderThan :: FilePath -> [TimedFile] -> IO Bool
isOlderThan cache files = do
exist <- doesFileExist cache
if not exist
then return True
else do
tCache <- getModTime cache
return $ any (tCache <=) $ map tfTime files -- including equal just in case
-- | Browsing all functions in all system modules.
getGlobalSymbolTable :: HscEnv -> IO (Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS))
getGlobalSymbolTable hsc_env =
foldM (extend hsc_env) M.empty $ listVisibleModules $ hsc_dflags hsc_env
extend :: HscEnv
-> Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS)
-> Module
-> IO (Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS))
extend hsc_env mm mdl = do
eps <- readIORef $ hsc_EPS hsc_env
modinfo <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ runLightGhc hsc_env $ do
G.getModuleInfo mdl <* liftIO (writeIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env) eps)
return $ M.unionWith S.union mm $ extractBindings modinfo mdl
extractBindings :: Maybe G.ModuleInfo
-> G.Module
-> Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS)
extractBindings Nothing _ = M.empty
extractBindings (Just inf) mdl = M.fromList $ do
name <- G.modInfoExports inf
let sym = fastStringToByteString $ occNameFS $ G.getOccName name
mdls = S.singleton $ fastStringToByteString $ moduleNameFS $ moduleName mdl
return (sym, mdls)
data AsyncSymbolDb = AsyncSymbolDb FilePath (MVar (Either SomeException SymbolDb))
asyncLoadSymbolDb :: IOish m
=> FilePath
-> MVar (Either SomeException SymbolDb)
-> GhcModT m ()
asyncLoadSymbolDb tmpdir mv = void $
liftBaseWith $ \run -> forkIO $ void $ run $ do
edb <- gtry $ loadSymbolDb tmpdir
liftIO $ putMVar mv edb
newAsyncSymbolDb :: IOish m => FilePath -> GhcModT m AsyncSymbolDb
newAsyncSymbolDb tmpdir = do
mv <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
asyncLoadSymbolDb tmpdir mv
return $ AsyncSymbolDb tmpdir mv
getAsyncSymbolDb :: forall m. IOish m => AsyncSymbolDb -> GhcModT m SymbolDb
getAsyncSymbolDb (AsyncSymbolDb tmpdir mv) = do
db <- liftIO $ handleEx <$> takeMVar mv
outdated <- isOutdated db
if outdated
then do
asyncLoadSymbolDb tmpdir mv
liftIO $ handleEx <$> readMVar mv
else do
liftIO $ putMVar mv $ Right db
return db
handleEx edb =
case edb of
Left ex -> throw ex
Right db -> db