Name: ghc-mod Version: Author: Kazu Yamamoto , Daniel Gröber , Alejandro Serrano , Nikolay Yakimov Maintainer: Daniel Gröber License: AGPL-3 License-File: LICENSE License-Files: COPYING.BSD3 COPYING.AGPL3 Homepage: Synopsis: Happy Haskell Hacking Description: ghc-mod is a backend program to enrich Haskell programming in editors. It strives to offer most of the features one has come to expect from modern IDEs in any editor. ghc-mod provides a library for other haskell programs to use as well as a standalone program for easy editor integration. All of the fundamental functionality of the frontend program can be accessed through the library however many implementation details are hidden and if you want to significantly extend ghc-mod you should submit these changes upstream instead of implementing them on top of the library. Category: GHC, Development Cabal-Version: >= 1.24 Build-Type: Custom Data-Files: elisp/Makefile elisp/*.el Extra-Source-Files: ChangeLog core/GhcMod/Monad/Compat.hs_h test/data/annotations/*.hs test/data/broken-cabal/*.cabal test/data/broken-sandbox/cabal.sandbox.config test/data/broken-sandbox/dummy.cabal test/data/cabal-flags/cabal-flags.cabal test/data/cabal-project/*.cabal test/data/cabal-project/*.hs test/data/cabal-project/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d/Cabal- test/data/cabal-project/subdir1/subdir2/dummy test/data/case-split/*.hs test/data/check-packageid/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d/template-haskell- test/data/check-test-subdir/*.cabal test/data/check-test-subdir/src/Check/Test/*.hs test/data/check-test-subdir/test/*.hs test/data/check-test-subdir/test/Bar/*.hs test/data/duplicate-pkgver/duplicate-pkgver.cabal test/data/duplicate-pkgver/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d/template-haskell-1.0-7c59d13f32294d1ef6dc6233c24df961.conf test/data/duplicate-pkgver/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d/template-haskell- test/data/duplicate-pkgver/.cabal-sandbox/i386-osx-ghc-7.6.3-packages.conf.d/template-haskell- test/data/foreign-export/*.hs test/data/ghc-mod-check/*.cabal test/data/ghc-mod-check/*.hs test/data/ghc-mod-check/lib/Data/*.hs test/data/hlint/*.hs test/data/home-module-graph/cpp/*.hs test/data/home-module-graph/cycle/*.hs test/data/home-module-graph/errors/*.hs test/data/home-module-graph/indirect/*.hs test/data/home-module-graph/indirect-update/*.hs test/data/import-cycle/*.hs test/data/non-exported/*.hs test/data/pattern-synonyms/*.cabal test/data/pattern-synonyms/*.hs test/data/quasi-quotes/*.hs test/data/template-haskell/*.hs test/data/target/*.hs test/data/check-missing-warnings/*.hs test/data/custom-cradle/custom-cradle.cabal test/data/custom-cradle/ghc-mod.package-db-stack test/data/custom-cradle/package-db-a/.gitkeep test/data/custom-cradle/package-db-b/.gitkeep test/data/custom-cradle/package-db-c/.gitkeep test/data/cabal-preprocessors/*.cabal test/data/cabal-preprocessors/*.hs test/data/cabal-preprocessors/*.hsc test/data/file-mapping/*.hs test/data/file-mapping/preprocessor/*.hs test/data/file-mapping/lhs/*.lhs test/data/nice-qualification/*.hs test/data/stack-project/ test/data/stack-project/new-template.cabal test/data/stack-project/*.hs test/data/stack-project/app/*.hs test/data/stack-project/src/*.hs test/data/stack-project/test/*.hs bench/data/simple-cabal/simple-cabal.cabal bench/data/simple-cabal/*.hs Custom-Setup Setup-Depends: base , Cabal < 2.1 && >= 1.24 , cabal-doctest < 1.1 && >= 1 , containers , filepath , directory , process , template-haskell , transformers Library Default-Language: Haskell2010 GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-deprecations Default-Extensions: ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeOperators, ViewPatterns HS-Source-Dirs: ., core, shared Exposed-Modules: GhcMod GhcMod.Exe.Boot GhcMod.Exe.Browse GhcMod.Exe.CaseSplit GhcMod.Exe.Check GhcMod.Exe.Debug GhcMod.Exe.FillSig GhcMod.Exe.Find GhcMod.Exe.Flag GhcMod.Exe.Info GhcMod.Exe.Internal GhcMod.Exe.Lang GhcMod.Exe.Lint GhcMod.Exe.Modules GhcMod.Exe.PkgDoc GhcMod.Exe.Test GhcMod.CabalHelper GhcMod.Caching GhcMod.Caching.Types GhcMod.Convert GhcMod.Cradle GhcMod.CustomPackageDb GhcMod.DebugLogger GhcMod.Doc GhcMod.DynFlags GhcMod.DynFlagsTH GhcMod.Error GhcMod.FileMapping GhcMod.Gap GhcMod.GhcPkg GhcMod.HomeModuleGraph GhcMod.LightGhc GhcMod.Logger GhcMod.Logging GhcMod.Monad GhcMod.Monad.Env GhcMod.Monad.Log GhcMod.Monad.Newtypes GhcMod.Monad.Orphans GhcMod.Monad.Out GhcMod.Monad.State GhcMod.Monad.Types GhcMod.Options.DocUtils GhcMod.Options.Help GhcMod.Options.Options GhcMod.Output GhcMod.PathsAndFiles GhcMod.Pretty GhcMod.Read GhcMod.SrcUtils GhcMod.Stack GhcMod.Target GhcMod.Types GhcMod.Utils GhcMod.World Other-Modules: Paths_ghc_mod Utils Data.Binary.Generic System.Directory.ModTime Build-Depends: -- See Note [GHC Boot libraries] binary , bytestring , containers , deepseq , directory , filepath , mtl , old-time , process , template-haskell , time , transformers , base < 4.11 && >= , djinn-ghc < 0.1 && >= , extra < 1.6 && >= 1.4 , fclabels < 2.1 && >= 2.0 , ghc-paths < 0.2 && >= , ghc-syb-utils < 0.3 && >= 0.2.3 , haskell-src-exts < 1.20 && >= 1.18 , hlint < 2.1 && >= 2.0.8 , monad-control < 1.1 && >= 1 , monad-journal < 0.8 && >= 0.4 , optparse-applicative < 0.14 && >= , pipes < 4.4 && >= 4.1 , safe < 0.4 && >= 0.3.9 , semigroups < 0.19 && >= 0.10.0 , split < 0.3 && >= 0.2.2 , syb < 0.8 && >= 0.5.1 , temporary < 1.3 && >= , text < 1.3 && >= , transformers-base < 0.5 && >= 0.4.4 , cabal-helper < 0.9 && >= , ghc < 8.4 && >= 7.8 if impl(ghc >= 8.0) Build-Depends: ghc-boot Executable ghc-mod Default-Language: Haskell2010 Main-Is: GhcModMain.hs Other-Modules: Paths_ghc_mod , GhcMod.Exe.Options , GhcMod.Exe.Options.Commands , GhcMod.Exe.Version , GhcMod.Exe.Options.ShellParse GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-deprecations -threaded Default-Extensions: ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts HS-Source-Dirs: src, shared Build-Depends: -- See Note [GHC Boot libraries] directory , filepath , mtl , process , base < 4.11 && >= , fclabels < 2.1 && >= 2.0 , monad-control < 1.1 && >= 1 , optparse-applicative < 0.14 && >= , semigroups < 0.19 && >= 0.10.0 , split < 0.3 && >= 0.2.2 , ghc < 8.4 && >= 7.8 , ghc-mod Executable ghc-modi Default-Language: Haskell2010 Main-Is: GhcModi.hs Other-Modules: Paths_ghc_mod Utils System.Directory.ModTime GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded -fno-warn-deprecations if os(windows) Cpp-Options: -DWINDOWS Default-Extensions: ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts HS-Source-Dirs: ., src, shared Build-Depends: -- See Note [GHC Boot libraries] binary , deepseq , directory , filepath , old-time , process , time , base < 4.11 && >= , ghc-mod Test-Suite doctest Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Default-Language: Haskell2010 HS-Source-Dirs: test Ghc-Options: -Wall Default-Extensions: ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts Main-Is: doctests.hs Build-Depends: base < 4.11 && >= , doctest < 0.12 && >= 0.9.3 , directory , ghc , mtl , transformers Test-Suite spec Default-Language: Haskell2010 Default-Extensions: ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeOperators, ViewPatterns Main-Is: Main.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: test, src Ghc-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-deprecations -threaded Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Other-Modules: Paths_ghc_mod Dir TestUtils GhcMod.Exe.Options.ShellParse -- $ ls test/*Spec.hs | sed 's_^.*/\(.*\)\.hs$_\1_' | sort BrowseSpec CabalHelperSpec CaseSplitSpec CheckSpec CradleSpec CustomPackageDbSpec FileMappingSpec FindSpec FlagSpec GhcPkgSpec HomeModuleGraphSpec InfoSpec LangSpec LintSpec ListSpec MonadSpec PathsAndFilesSpec ShellParseSpec TargetSpec Build-Depends: -- See Note [GHC Boot libraries] containers , directory , filepath , mtl , process , transformers , base < 4.11 && >= , fclabels < 2.1 && >= 2.0 , hspec < 2.5 && >= 2.0.0 , monad-journal < 0.8 && >= 0.4 , split < 0.3 && >= 0.2.2 , temporary < 1.3 && >= if impl(ghc < 7.8) Build-Depends: convertible < 1.2 && >= if impl(ghc >= 8.0) Build-Depends: ghc-boot Build-Depends: cabal-helper < 0.9 && >= , ghc < 8.4 && >= 7.8 , ghc-mod Test-Suite shelltest Default-Language: Haskell2010 Main-Is: ShellTest.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: shelltest Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Build-Tools: shelltest Build-Depends: base < 4.11 && >= , process < 1.5 -- , shelltestrunner >= 1.3.5 if !flag(shelltest) Buildable: False Benchmark criterion Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Default-Language: Haskell2010 Default-Extensions: ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeOperators, ViewPatterns HS-Source-Dirs: bench, test Main-Is: Bench.hs Build-Depends: -- See Note [GHC Boot libraries] directory , filepath , base < 4.11 && >= , criterion < 1.2 && >= , temporary < 1.3 && >= , ghc-mod Buildable: False Flag shelltest Description: Enable/disable shelltest test-suite Default: False Manual: True Source-Repository head Type: git Location: -- Note [GHC Boot libraries] -- -- We don't give bounds to GHC boot libraries as our dependency on 'ghc' already -- constrains these packages to the version that shipped with GHC.