module Check (checkSyntax) where import Bag import Cabal import Control.Applicative import Data.IORef import ErrUtils import Exception import FastString import GHC import HscTypes import Outputable hiding (showSDoc) import Prelude hiding (catch) import Pretty import Types ---------------------------------------------------------------- checkSyntax :: Options -> String -> IO String checkSyntax _ file = unlines <$> check file ---------------------------------------------------------------- check :: String -> IO [String] check fileName = withGHC $ do ref <- newRef [] (owdir,mdirfile) <- getDirs case mdirfile of Nothing -> do initSession options Nothing setTargetFile fileName Just (cdir,cfile) -> do midirs <- parseCabalFile cfile changeToCabalDirectory cdir let idirs = case midirs of Nothing -> [cdir,owdir] Just dirs -> dirs ++ [owdir] initSession options (Just idirs) setTargetFile (ajustFileName fileName owdir cdir) loadWithLogger (refLogger ref) LoadAllTargets `gcatch` handleParseError ref clearWarnings readRef ref where options = ["-Wall","-fno-warn-unused-do-bind"] handleParseError ref e = do liftIO . writeIORef ref $ errBagToStrList . srcErrorMessages $ e return Succeeded newRef = liftIO . newIORef readRef = liftIO . readIORef ---------------------------------------------------------------- refLogger :: IORef [String] -> WarnErrLogger refLogger ref Nothing = (errBagToStrList <$> getWarnings) >>= liftIO . writeIORef ref refLogger ref (Just e) = liftIO . writeIORef ref $ errBagToStrList . srcErrorMessages $ e errBagToStrList :: Bag ErrMsg -> [String] errBagToStrList = map showErrMsg . reverse . bagToList ---------------------------------------------------------------- showErrMsg :: ErrMsg -> String showErrMsg err = file ++ ":" ++ line ++ ":" ++ col ++ ":" ++ msg ++ "\0" ++ ext where spn = head (errMsgSpans err) file = unpackFS (srcSpanFile spn) line = show (srcSpanStartLine spn) col = show (srcSpanStartCol spn) msg = showSDoc (errMsgShortDoc err) ext = showSDoc (errMsgExtraInfo err) style :: PprStyle style = mkUserStyle neverQualify AllTheWay showSDoc :: SDoc -> String --showSDoc d = map toNull . Pretty.showDocWith ZigZagMode $ d style showSDoc d = map toNull . Pretty.showDocWith PageMode $ d style where toNull '\n' = '\0' toNull x = x