#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.Setup import Distribution.Simple.Install import Distribution.Simple.Register import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as ID import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo import Distribution.PackageDescription import Safe import Control.Arrow import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Version import Data.Monoid import System.Process import System.Exit import System.FilePath import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP import SetupCompat main :: IO () main = defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks { confHook = \(gpd, hbi) cf -> xBuildDependsLike <$> (confHook simpleUserHooks) (gpd, hbi) cf , instHook = inst , copyHook = copy -- , postConf = sanityCheckCabalVersions } xBuildDependsLike :: LocalBuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo xBuildDependsLike lbi = let cc = componentsConfigs lbi pd = localPkgDescr lbi deps = dependsMap lbi in setComponentsConfigs lbi [ (cn, updateClbi deps comp clbi, cdeps) | (cn, clbi, cdeps) <- cc , let comp = getComponent pd cn ] where updateClbi deps comp clbi = setUnionDeps (otherDeps deps comp) clbi dependsMap :: LocalBuildInfo -> [(ComponentName, Deps)] dependsMap lbi = second getDeps <$> allComponentsInBuildOrder lbi otherDeps :: [(ComponentName, Deps)] -> Component -> Deps otherDeps deps comp = fromMaybe noDeps $ flip lookup deps =<< read <$> lookup "x-build-depends-like" fields where fields = customFieldsBI (componentBuildInfo comp) -- mostly copypasta from 'defaultInstallHook' inst :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> InstallFlags -> IO () inst pd lbi _uf ifl = do let copyFlags = defaultCopyFlags { copyDistPref = installDistPref ifl, copyDest = toFlag NoCopyDest, copyVerbosity = installVerbosity ifl } xInstallTarget pd lbi (\pd' lbi' -> install pd' lbi' copyFlags) let registerFlags = defaultRegisterFlags { regDistPref = installDistPref ifl, regInPlace = installInPlace ifl, regPackageDB = installPackageDB ifl, regVerbosity = installVerbosity ifl } when (hasLibs pd) $ register pd lbi registerFlags copy :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> CopyFlags -> IO () copy pd lbi _uh cf = xInstallTarget pd lbi (\pd' lbi' -> install pd' lbi' cf) xInstallTarget :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> (PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()) -> IO () xInstallTarget pd lbi fn = do let (extended, regular) = partition (isJust . installTarget) (executables pd) let pd_regular = pd { executables = regular } _ <- flip mapM extended $ \exe -> do putStrLn $ "extended " ++ show (exeName exe) let idirtpl = installDirTemplates lbi env = installDirsTemplateEnv idirtpl libexecdir' = fromPathTemplate (libexecdir idirtpl) pd_extended = onlyExePackageDesc [exe] pd install_target = fromJustNote "xInstallTarget" $ installTarget exe install_target' = ID.substPathTemplate env install_target -- $libexec isn't a real thing :/ so we have to simulate it install_target'' = substLibExec' libexecdir' install_target' let lbi' = lbi { installDirTemplates = (installDirTemplates lbi) { bindir = install_target'' } } fn pd_extended lbi' fn pd_regular lbi where installTarget :: Executable -> Maybe PathTemplate installTarget exe = toPathTemplate <$> lookup "x-install-target" (customFieldsBI $ buildInfo exe) substLibExec libexecdir "$libexecdir" = libexecdir substLibExec _ comp = comp substLibExec' dir = withPT $ withSP $ map (substLibExec dir . dropTrailingPathSeparator) withPT f pt = toPathTemplate $ f (fromPathTemplate pt) withSP f p = joinPath $ f (splitPath p) onlyExePackageDesc :: [Executable] -> PackageDescription -> PackageDescription onlyExePackageDesc exes pd = emptyPackageDescription { package = package pd , executables = exes } parseVer str = case filter ((=="") . snd) $ readP_to_S parseVersion str of [(ver, _)] -> ver _ -> error $ "No parse (Ver) :(\n" ++ str ++ "\n" -- sanityCheckCabalVersions args cf desc lbi = do -- (cabalInstallVer, cabalVer) <- getCabalExecVer -- let -- ghcVer = compilerVersion (compiler lbi) -- -- ghc >= 7.10? -- minGhc710 = ghcVer `withinRange` orLaterVersion (parseVer "7.10") -- when minGhc710 $ do -- let cabalHelperCabalVer = compCabalVer (CExeName "cabal-helper") -- when (not $ cabalVer `sameMajorVersionAs` cabalHelperCabalVer) $ -- failCabalVersionDifferent cabalVer cabalHelperCabalVer -- -- carry on as usual -- (postConf simpleUserHooks) args cf desc lbi -- where -- earlierVersionThan ver ver' = -- ver `withinRange` earlierVersion ver' -- sameMajorVersionAs ver ver' = -- ver `withinRange` withinVersion (Version (take 2 $ versionBranch ver') []) -- compCabalVer comp = let -- clbi = getComponentLocalBuildInfo lbi comp -- [cabalVer] = -- [ ver | (_, PackageIdentifier pkg ver) <- componentPackageDeps clbi -- , pkg == PackageName "Cabal" ] -- in cabalVer -- getCabalExecVer = do -- ["cabal-install", "version", cabalInstallVer, "using", "version", cabalVer, "of", "the", "Cabal", "library"] <- words <$> readProcess "cabal" ["--version"] "" -- return (parseVer cabalInstallVer, parseVer cabalVer) -- failCabalVersionDifferent cabalVer libCabalVer = -- putStrLn rerr >> exitFailure -- where -- replace :: String -> String -> String -> String -- replace _ _ [] = [] -- replace n r h@(h':hs) -- | map snd (n `zip` h ) == n = r ++ replace n r (drop (length n) h) -- | otherwise = h':replace n r hs -- rerr = replace "X.XX.X.X" (showVersion libCabalVer) $ -- replace "Y.YY.Y.Y" (showVersion cabalVer) err -- err = "\ -- \Error: Cabal seems to have decided ghc-mod should be built using Cabal\n\ -- \X.XX.X.X while the `cabal' executable in your PATH was built with Cabal\n\ -- \Y.YY.Y.Y. This will lead to conflicts when running ghc-mod in any project\n\ -- \where you use this `cabal' executable. Please compile ghc-mod using the same\n\ -- \Cabal version as your `cabal' executable or recompile cabal-install using\n\ -- \this version of the Cabal library.\n\ -- \\n\ -- \See: https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/ghc-mod/wiki/InconsistentCabalVersions\n"