{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module CabalApi ( fromCabalFile , cabalParseFile , cabalBuildInfo , cabalAllDependPackages , cabalAllSourceDirs , getGHCVersion ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, listToMaybe) import Data.Set (fromList, toList) import Distribution.Package (Dependency(Dependency), PackageName(PackageName)) import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription) import Distribution.Simple.Program (ghcProgram) import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types (programName, programFindVersion) import Distribution.Text (display) import Distribution.Verbosity (silent) import Distribution.Version (versionBranch) import System.FilePath import Types ---------------------------------------------------------------- fromCabalFile :: [GHCOption] -> Cradle -> IO ([GHCOption],[IncludeDir],[Package]) fromCabalFile ghcOptions cradle = do cabal <- cabalParseFile cfile case cabalBuildInfo cabal of Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "cabal file is broken" Just binfo -> return $ cookInfo ghcOptions cradle cabal binfo where Just cfile = cradleCabalFile cradle cookInfo :: [String] -> Cradle -> GenericPackageDescription -> BuildInfo -> ([GHCOption],[IncludeDir],[Package]) cookInfo ghcOptions cradle cabal binfo = (gopts,idirs,depPkgs) where owdir = cradleCurrentDir cradle Just cdir = cradleCabalDir cradle Just cfile = cradleCabalFile cradle gopts = getGHCOptions ghcOptions binfo idirs = includeDirectories cdir owdir $ cabalAllSourceDirs cabal depPkgs = removeMe cfile $ cabalAllDependPackages cabal removeMe :: FilePath -> [String] -> [String] removeMe cabalfile = filter (/= me) where me = dropExtension $ takeFileName cabalfile ---------------------------------------------------------------- cabalParseFile :: FilePath -> IO GenericPackageDescription cabalParseFile = readPackageDescription silent ---------------------------------------------------------------- getGHCOptions :: [String] -> BuildInfo -> [String] getGHCOptions ghcOptions binfo = ghcOptions ++ exts ++ [lang] ++ libs ++ libDirs where exts = map (("-X" ++) . display) $ usedExtensions binfo lang = maybe "-XHaskell98" (("-X" ++) . display) $ defaultLanguage binfo libs = map ("-l" ++) $ extraLibs binfo libDirs = map ("-L" ++) $ extraLibDirs binfo ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Causes error, catched in the upper function. cabalBuildInfo :: GenericPackageDescription -> Maybe BuildInfo cabalBuildInfo pd = fromLibrary pd <|> fromExecutable pd where fromLibrary c = libBuildInfo . condTreeData <$> condLibrary c fromExecutable c = buildInfo . condTreeData . snd <$> listToMaybe (condExecutables c) ---------------------------------------------------------------- cabalAllSourceDirs :: GenericPackageDescription -> [FilePath] cabalAllSourceDirs = fromPackageDescription (f libBuildInfo) (f buildInfo) (f testBuildInfo) (f benchmarkBuildInfo) where f getBuildInfo = concatMap (hsSourceDirs . getBuildInfo . condTreeData) cabalAllDependPackages :: GenericPackageDescription -> [Package] cabalAllDependPackages pd = uniqueAndSort pkgs where pkgs = map getDependencyPackageName $ cabalAllDependency pd cabalAllDependency :: GenericPackageDescription -> [Dependency] cabalAllDependency = fromPackageDescription getDeps getDeps getDeps getDeps where getDeps :: [Tree a] -> [Dependency] getDeps = concatMap condTreeConstraints getDependencyPackageName :: Dependency -> Package getDependencyPackageName (Dependency (PackageName nm) _) = nm ---------------------------------------------------------------- type Tree = CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] fromPackageDescription :: ([Tree Library] -> [a]) -> ([Tree Executable] -> [a]) -> ([Tree TestSuite] -> [a]) -> ([Tree Benchmark] -> [a]) -> GenericPackageDescription -> [a] fromPackageDescription f1 f2 f3 f4 pd = lib ++ exe ++ tests ++ bench where lib = f1 . maybeToList . condLibrary $ pd exe = f2 . map snd . condExecutables $ pd tests = f3 . map snd . condTestSuites $ pd bench = f4 . map snd . condBenchmarks $ pd ---------------------------------------------------------------- includeDirectories :: String -> String -> [FilePath] -> [String] includeDirectories cdir owdir [] = uniqueAndSort [cdir,owdir] includeDirectories cdir owdir dirs = uniqueAndSort (map (cdir ) dirs ++ [owdir]) ---------------------------------------------------------------- uniqueAndSort :: [String] -> [String] uniqueAndSort = toList . fromList ---------------------------------------------------------------- getGHCVersion :: IO (String, Int) getGHCVersion = ghcVer >>= toTupple where ghcVer = programFindVersion ghcProgram silent (programName ghcProgram) toTupple Nothing = throwIO $ userError "ghc not found" toTupple (Just v) | length vs < 2 = return (verstr, 0) | otherwise = return (verstr, ver) where vs = versionBranch v ver = (vs !! 0) * 100 + (vs !! 1) verstr = intercalate "." . map show $ vs