-- | The ghc-mod library. module Language.Haskell.GhcMod ( -- * Cradle Cradle(..) , findCradle -- * Options , Options(..) , LineSeparator(..) , OutputStyle(..) , defaultOptions -- * Types , ModuleString , Expression -- * 'IO' utilities , browseModule , checkSyntax , lintSyntax , infoExpr , typeExpr , listModules , listLanguages , listFlags , debugInfo , rootInfo -- * Converting the 'Ghc' monad to the 'IO' monad , withGHC , withGHCDummyFile -- * 'Ghc' utilities , browse , check , info , typeOf , listMods , debug ) where import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Browse import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Check import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cradle import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Debug import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Flag import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GHCApi import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Info import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Lang import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Lint import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.List import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types