-- ghc-mod: Making Haskell development *more* fun -- Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Gröber <dxld ÄT darkboxed DOT org> -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Affero General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error ( GhcModError(..) , GMConfigStateFileError(..) , GmError , gmeDoc , ghcExceptionDoc , liftMaybe , overrideError , modifyError , modifyError' , modifyGmError , tryFix , GHandler(..) , gcatches , module Control.Monad.Error , module Control.Exception ) where import Control.Arrow import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.Error hiding (MonadIO, liftIO) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.List import Data.Version import System.Process (showCommandForUser) import Text.PrettyPrint import Text.Printf import Exception import Panic import Config (cProjectVersion, cHostPlatformString) import Paths_ghc_mod (version) import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Pretty type GmError m = MonadError GhcModError m gmCsfeDoc :: GMConfigStateFileError -> Doc gmCsfeDoc GMConfigStateFileNoHeader = text $ "Saved package config file header is missing. " ++ "Try re-running the 'configure' command." gmCsfeDoc GMConfigStateFileBadHeader = text $ "Saved package config file header is corrupt. " ++ "Try re-running the 'configure' command." gmCsfeDoc GMConfigStateFileNoParse = text $ "Saved package config file body is corrupt. " ++ "Try re-running the 'configure' command." gmCsfeDoc GMConfigStateFileMissing = text $ "Run the 'configure' command first." -- gmCsfeDoc (ConfigStateFileBadVersion oldCabal oldCompiler _) = text $ -- "You need to re-run the 'configure' command. " -- ++ "The version of Cabal being used has changed (was " -- ++ display oldCabal ++ ", now " -- ++ display currentCabalId ++ ")." -- ++ badCompiler -- where -- badCompiler -- | oldCompiler == currentCompilerId = "" -- | otherwise = -- " Additionally the compiler is different (was " -- ++ display oldCompiler ++ ", now " -- ++ display currentCompilerId -- ++ ") which is probably the cause of the problem." gmeDoc :: GhcModError -> Doc gmeDoc e = case e of GMENoMsg -> text "Unknown error" GMEString msg -> text msg GMECabalConfigure msg -> text "Configuring cabal project failed: " <> gmeDoc msg GMECabalFlags msg -> text "Retrieval of the cabal configuration flags failed: " <> gmeDoc msg GMECabalComponent cn -> text "Cabal component " <> quotes (gmComponentNameDoc cn) <> text " could not be found." GMECabalCompAssignment ctx -> text "Could not find a consistent component assignment for modules:" $$ (nest 4 $ foldr ($+$) empty $ map ctxDoc ctx) $$ text "" $$ (if all (Set.null . snd) ctx then noComponentSuggestions else empty) $$ text "- To find out which components ghc-mod knows about try:" $$ nest 4 (backticks $ text "ghc-mod debug") where noComponentSuggestions = text "- Are some of these modules part of a test and or benchmark?\ \ Try enabling them:" $$ nest 4 (backticks $ text "cabal configure --enable-tests [--enable-benchmarks]") backticks d = char '`' <> d <> char '`' ctxDoc = moduleDoc *** compsDoc >>> first (<> colon) >>> uncurry (flip hang 4) moduleDoc (Left fn) = text "File " <> quotes (text fn) moduleDoc (Right mdl) = text "Module " <> quotes (text $ moduleNameString mdl) compsDoc sc | Set.null sc = text "has no known components" compsDoc sc = fsep $ punctuate comma $ map gmComponentNameDoc $ Set.toList sc GMEProcess cmd args emsg -> let c = showCommandForUser cmd args in case emsg of Right err -> text (printf "Launching system command `%s` failed: " c) <> gmeDoc err Left (_out, _err, rv) -> text $ printf "Launching system command `%s` failed (exited with %d)" c rv GMENoCabalFile -> text "No cabal file found." GMETooManyCabalFiles cfs -> text $ "Multiple cabal files found. Possible cabal files: \"" ++ intercalate "\", \"" cfs ++"\"." GMECabalStateFile csfe -> gmCsfeDoc csfe ghcExceptionDoc :: GhcException -> Doc ghcExceptionDoc e@(CmdLineError _) = text $ "<command line>: " ++ showGhcException e "" ghcExceptionDoc (UsageError str) = strDoc str ghcExceptionDoc (Panic msg) = vcat $ map text $ lines $ printf "\ \GHC panic! (the 'impossible' happened)\n\ \ ghc-mod version %s\n\ \ GHC library version %s for %s:\n\ \ %s\n\ \\n\ \Please report this as a bug: %s\n" gmVer ghcVer platform msg url where gmVer = showVersion version ghcVer = cProjectVersion platform = cHostPlatformString url = "https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/ghc-mod/issues" :: String ghcExceptionDoc e = text $ showGhcException e "" liftMaybe :: MonadError e m => e -> m (Maybe a) -> m a liftMaybe e action = maybe (throwError e) return =<< action overrideError :: MonadError e m => e -> m a -> m a overrideError e action = modifyError (const e) action modifyError :: MonadError e m => (e -> e) -> m a -> m a modifyError f action = action `catchError` \e -> throwError $ f e infixr 0 `modifyError'` modifyError' :: MonadError e m => m a -> (e -> e) -> m a modifyError' = flip modifyError modifyGmError :: (MonadIO m, ExceptionMonad m) => (GhcModError -> GhcModError) -> m a -> m a modifyGmError f a = gcatch a $ \(ex :: GhcModError) -> liftIO $ throwIO (f ex) tryFix :: MonadError e m => m a -> (e -> m ()) -> m a tryFix action f = do action `catchError` \e -> f e >> action data GHandler m a = forall e . Exception e => GHandler (e -> m a) gcatches :: (MonadIO m, ExceptionMonad m) => m a -> [GHandler m a] -> m a gcatches io handlers = io `gcatch` gcatchesHandler handlers gcatchesHandler :: (MonadIO m, ExceptionMonad m) => [GHandler m a] -> SomeException -> m a gcatchesHandler handlers e = foldr tryHandler (liftIO $ throw e) handlers where tryHandler (GHandler handler) res = case fromException e of Just e' -> handler e' Nothing -> res