module FileMappingSpec where import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.FileMapping import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils (withMappedFile) import Test.Hspec import TestUtils import qualified Data.Map as M import Dir import Data.Maybe import Language.Haskell.GhcMod spec :: Spec spec = do describe "loadMappedFile" $ do it "inserts a given FilePath FileMapping into state with canonicalized path" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do mappedFiles <- runD $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (MemoryMapping Nothing) getMMappedFiles dir <- getCurrentDirectory show mappedFiles `shouldBe` show (M.fromList [(dir "File.hs", MemoryMapping Nothing)]) it "should try to guess a canonical name if file doesn't exist" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do mappedFiles <- runD $ do loadMappedFile "NonExistantFile.hs" (MemoryMapping Nothing) getMMappedFiles dir <- getCurrentDirectory show mappedFiles `shouldBe` show (M.fromList [(dir "NonExistantFile.hs", MemoryMapping Nothing)]) describe "unloadMappedFile" $ do it "removes a given FilePath from state" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do mappedFiles <- runD $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (MemoryMapping Nothing) unloadMappedFile "File.hs" getMMappedFiles show mappedFiles `shouldBe` show (M.fromList ([] :: [(FilePath, FileMapping)])) it "should work even if file does not exist" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do mappedFiles <- runD $ do loadMappedFile "NonExistantFile.hs" (MemoryMapping Nothing) unloadMappedFile "NonExistantFile.hs" getMMappedFiles show mappedFiles `shouldBe` show (M.fromList ([] :: [(FilePath, FileMapping)])) describe "loadMappedFiles" $ do it "loads all file mappings passed as Options" $ do let fm = [("File.hs", RedirectedMapping "File_Redir.hs"), ("File2.hs", MemoryMapping Nothing)] mappedFiles <- run defaultOptions { fileMappings = fm } $ loadMappedFiles >> getMMappedFiles dir <- getCurrentDirectory M.lookup (dir "File.hs") mappedFiles `shouldSatisfy` isJust M.lookup (dir "File2.hs") mappedFiles `shouldSatisfy` isJust it "prioritizes latter occurence of the same file" $ do let fm = [("File.hs", RedirectedMapping "File_Redir.hs"), ("File.hs", MemoryMapping Nothing)] mappedFiles <- run defaultOptions { fileMappings = fm } $ loadMappedFiles >> getMMappedFiles dir <- getCurrentDirectory show (M.lookup (dir "File.hs") mappedFiles) `shouldBe` show (Just (MemoryMapping Nothing)) describe "withMappedFile" $ do it "checks if there is a redirected file and calls and action with its FilePath" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do res <- runD $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (RedirectedMapping "File_Redir.hs") withMappedFile "File.hs" return res `shouldBe` "File_Redir.hs" it "checks if there is an in-memory file and calls and action with temporary file" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do (fn, src) <- runD $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (MemoryMapping $ Just "main = test") withMappedFile "File.hs" $ \fn -> do src <- liftIO $ readFile fn return (fn, src) fn `shouldSatisfy` (/="File.hs") src `shouldBe` "main = test" it "runs action with original filename if there is no mapping" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do fn <- runD $ do withMappedFile "File.hs" return fn `shouldBe` "File.hs" describe "integration tests" $ do it "checks redirected file if one is specified and outputs original filename" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do let fm = [("File.hs", RedirectedMapping "File_Redir.hs")] res <- run defaultOptions {fileMappings = fm} $ do loadMappedFiles checkSyntax ["File.hs"] res `shouldBe` "File.hs:1:1:Warning: Top-level binding with no type signature: main :: IO ()\n" it "checks in-memory file if one is specified and outputs original filename" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do let fm = [("File.hs", MemoryMapping $ Just "main = putStrLn \"Hello World!\"\n")] res <- run defaultOptions {fileMappings = fm} $ do loadMappedFiles checkSyntax ["File.hs"] res `shouldBe` "File.hs:1:1:Warning: Top-level binding with no type signature: main :: IO ()\n" it "lints redirected file if one is specified and outputs original filename" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do res <- runD $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (RedirectedMapping "File_Redir_Lint.hs") lint "File.hs" res `shouldBe` "File.hs:4:1: Error: Eta reduce\NULFound:\NUL func a b = (*) a b\NULWhy not:\NUL func = (*)\n" it "lints in-memory file if one is specified and outputs original filename" $ do withDirectory_ "test/data/file-mapping" $ do res <- runD $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (MemoryMapping $ Just "func a b = (++) a b\n") lint "File.hs" res `shouldBe` "File.hs:1:1: Error: Eta reduce\NULFound:\NUL func a b = (++) a b\NULWhy not:\NUL func = (++)\n" it "shows types of the expression for redirected files" $ do let tdir = "test/data/file-mapping" res <- runD' tdir $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (RedirectedMapping "File_Redir_Lint.hs") types "File.hs" 4 12 res `shouldBe` "4 12 4 15 \"a -> a -> a\"\n4 12 4 17 \"a -> a\"\n4 12 4 19 \"a\"\n4 1 4 19 \"a -> a -> a\"\n" it "shows types of the expression for in-memory files" $ do let tdir = "test/data/file-mapping" res <- runD' tdir $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (MemoryMapping $ Just "main = putStrLn \"Hello!\"") types "File.hs" 1 14 res `shouldBe` "1 8 1 16 \"String -> IO ()\"\n1 8 1 25 \"IO ()\"\n1 1 1 25 \"IO ()\"\n" it "shows info for the expression for redirected files" $ do let tdir = "test/data/file-mapping" res <- runD' tdir $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (RedirectedMapping "File_Redir_Lint.hs") info "File.hs" $ Expression "func" res `shouldBe` "func :: Num a => a -> a -> a \t-- Defined at File.hs:4:1\n" it "shows info for the expression for in-memory files" $ do let tdir = "test/data/file-mapping" res <- runD' tdir $ do loadMappedFile "File.hs" (MemoryMapping $ Just "module File where\n\ntestfun = putStrLn \"Hello!\"") info "File.hs" $ Expression "testfun" res `shouldBe` "testfun :: IO () \t-- Defined at File.hs:3:1\n"