2014-04-07 v4.0.2
	* The ghc-display-error option (@notogawa)
	* Fixing a file bug for Windows (@Kiripon)
	* The -b option for ghc-modi (@yuga)

2014-04-03 v4.0.1
	* Displaying a qualified name for one if two unqualified names
	  are conflict.

2014-04-01 v4.0.0
	* Implementing interactive "ghc-modi" command.
	  "check", "find", and "lint" are available.
	* Introducing a concept of project root directory.
	  Thanks to this, sandbox without cabal can be used.
	  "ghd-mod debug" displays the project root.
	* Syntax error highlighting (C-xC-s) gets much faster
	  thanks to ghc-modi. "flymake" was thrown away and
	  syntax error highlighting is implemented from a scratch.
	* Resolving the "import hell". You dont' have to type
	  "import Foo" anymore. Use M-t or C-cC-m.
	* Inserting "module Foo" (M-t) can insert all paths
	  relative to the project root.
	* M-C-d displays a html document even if it is in its sandbox.
	* M-s now merges the same module lines in addition to sorting.
	* A bug fix for hlint support. (@eagletmt)

2014-03-15 v3.1.7
	* Defining ghc-debug for Elisp debugging.
	* Catching up the latest hlint which does not provide --quite.

2014-02-07 v3.1.6
	* Testing with multi GHC versions. (@eagletmt)
	* Checking package ID. (@naota)
	* Supporting GHC 7.8.1 RC1. (@bartavelle)

2014-01-14 v3.1.5
	* Catching up to GHC 7.7. (@scottgw)
	* Testing with multi GHC versions. (@eagletmt)
	* Workaround for the coming new Haskell Platform.
	* Supporting flymake of the coming Emacs 24.4.

2013-11-20 v3.1.4
	* GHCi loading as fallback for browse. (@khorser)
	* Supporting GHC 7.7. (@schell)
	* Introducing the "-p" and "-q" option for browse. (@mvoidex)

2013-10-07 v3.1.3
	* Fixing tests. (@eagletmt)

2013-09-21 v3.1.2
	* Supporting sandbox for "list" and "browse". (@eagletmt)

2013-09-21 v3.1.1
	* Making Cradle strict.

2013-09-21 v3.1.0
	* API breaks backward compatibility.
	* Supporting sandbox sharing.

2013-09-16 v3.0.2
	* Fixing a bug of "dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h".

2013-09-16 v3.0.1
	* Exporting more low level APIs.
	* Adding "-ibuild/autogen"
	* Adding "-optP". (Macros from a Cabal file
	  and "dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h")

2013-09-06 v3.0.0
	* Supporting the sandbox of cabal 1.18.
	* Obsoleting the support for cabal-dev.

2013-09-04 v2.1.2
	* Supporting multiple target files. (@nh2)

2013-09-03 v2.1.1
	* A bug fix for library dependency.

2013-09-03 v2.1.0
	* Exporting Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal. (@alanz)
	* Supporting GHC 7.7. (@co-dan)

2013-05-30 v2.0.3
	* Using finalizePackageDescription to enable "if else" in a cabal

2013-05-21 v2.0.2
	* Document fixes.

2013-05-21 v2.0.1
	* Document fixes.

2013-05-21 v2.0.0
	* ghc-mod also provides a library (Language.Haskell.GhcMod)

2013-05-13 v1.12.5
	* A bug fix for the case where a cabal file is broken.

2013-04-02 v1.12.4

	* C-M-d on Emacs now can browse functions and types.
	* Checking "QuasiQuotes" as well as "TemplateHaskell". (@eagletmt)
	* "ghc-mod info" can display info of non-exported functions.

2013-03-16 v1.12.3

	* "ghc-mod info" and "ghc-mod type" also check Template Haskell.

2013-03-13 v1.12.2

	* New logic to set "-fno-code" using "depanal"
	* Cleaning up the code relating to Doc/SDoc

2013-03-07 v1.12.1

	* Fixing a bug to find a sandbox.

2013-03-05 v1.12.0

	* "ghc-mod debug" to see which cabal file and sand box are used
	* Fast "ghc-mod check" if Template Haskell is not used
	* "ghc-mod brwose -d" displays more information (@eagletmt)

2013-03-01 v1.11.5

	* New option "-d" for "ghc-mod browse" to show symbols with type
	info (@moidex)

2013-02-15 v1.11.4

	* Adding Hspec test suite
	* Better way to show Extension (@eagletmt)
	* Removing the library itself from Cabal dependencies

2012-12-11 v1.11.3

	* Display a filname instead of "Dummy" if an error occur

2012-10-30 v1.11.2

	* Extract dependencies from a Cabal file if exists and specify
	  them to "ghc-mod check" (@khibino)

2012-10-19 v1.11.1

	* Supporting GHC 7.6.x (@cartazio, @dysinger, @ihameed)