{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, OverlappingInstances #-} module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert (convert, convert', emptyResult, whenFound, whenFound') where import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) type Builder = String -> String -- | -- -- >>> replace '"' "\\\"" "foo\"bar" "" -- "foo\\\"bar" replace :: Char -> String -> String -> Builder replace _ _ [] = id replace c cs (x:xs) | x == c = (cs ++) . replace c cs xs | otherwise = (x :) . replace c cs xs inter :: Char -> [Builder] -> Builder inter _ [] = id inter c bs = foldr1 (\x y -> x . (c:) . y) bs convert' :: (ToString a, IOish m) => a -> GhcModT m String convert' x = flip convert x <$> options convert :: ToString a => Options -> a -> String convert opt@Options { outputStyle = LispStyle } x = toLisp opt x "\n" convert opt@Options { outputStyle = PlainStyle } x | str == "\n" = "" | otherwise = str where str = toPlain opt x "\n" class ToString a where toLisp :: Options -> a -> Builder toPlain :: Options -> a -> Builder lineSep :: Options -> String lineSep opt = interpret lsep where interpret s = read $ "\"" ++ s ++ "\"" LineSeparator lsep = lineSeparator opt -- | -- -- >>> toLisp defaultOptions "fo\"o" "" -- "\"fo\\\"o\"" -- >>> toPlain defaultOptions "foo" "" -- "foo" instance ToString String where toLisp opt = quote opt toPlain opt = replace '\n' (lineSep opt) -- | -- -- >>> toLisp defaultOptions ["foo", "bar", "ba\"z"] "" -- "(\"foo\" \"bar\" \"ba\\\"z\")" -- >>> toPlain defaultOptions ["foo", "bar", "baz"] "" -- "foo\nbar\nbaz" instance ToString [String] where toLisp opt = toSexp1 opt toPlain opt = inter '\n' . map (toPlain opt) -- | -- -- >>> let inp = [((1,2,3,4),"foo"),((5,6,7,8),"bar")] :: [((Int,Int,Int,Int),String)] -- >>> toLisp defaultOptions inp "" -- "((1 2 3 4 \"foo\") (5 6 7 8 \"bar\"))" -- >>> toPlain defaultOptions inp "" -- "1 2 3 4 \"foo\"\n5 6 7 8 \"bar\"" instance ToString [((Int,Int,Int,Int),String)] where toLisp opt = toSexp2 . map toS where toS x = ('(' :) . tupToString opt x . (')' :) toPlain opt = inter '\n' . map (tupToString opt) instance ToString ((Int,Int,Int,Int),String) where toLisp opt x = ('(' :) . tupToString opt x . (')' :) toPlain opt x = tupToString opt x instance ToString (String, (Int,Int,Int,Int),[String]) where toLisp opt (s,x,y) = toSexp2 [toLisp opt s, ('(' :) . fourIntsToString opt x . (')' :), toLisp opt y] toPlain opt (s,x,y) = inter '\n' [toPlain opt s, fourIntsToString opt x, toPlain opt y] toSexp1 :: Options -> [String] -> Builder toSexp1 opt ss = ('(' :) . inter ' ' (map (quote opt) ss) . (')' :) toSexp2 :: [Builder] -> Builder toSexp2 ss = ('(' :) . inter ' ' ss . (')' :) fourIntsToString :: Options -> (Int,Int,Int,Int) -> Builder fourIntsToString _ (a,b,c,d) = (show a ++) . (' ' :) . (show b ++) . (' ' :) . (show c ++) . (' ' :) . (show d ++) tupToString :: Options -> ((Int,Int,Int,Int),String) -> Builder tupToString opt ((a,b,c,d),s) = (show a ++) . (' ' :) . (show b ++) . (' ' :) . (show c ++) . (' ' :) . (show d ++) . (' ' :) . quote opt s -- fixme: quote is not necessary quote :: Options -> String -> Builder quote opt str = ("\"" ++) . (quote' str ++) . ("\"" ++) where lsep = lineSep opt quote' [] = [] quote' (x:xs) | x == '\n' = lsep ++ quote' xs | x == '\\' = "\\\\" ++ quote' xs | x == '"' = "\\\"" ++ quote' xs | otherwise = x : quote' xs ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Empty result to be returned when no info can be gathered emptyResult :: Monad m => Options -> m String emptyResult opt = return $ convert opt ([] :: [String]) -- Return an emptyResult when Nothing whenFound :: (Monad m, ToString b) => Options -> m (Maybe a) -> (a -> b) -> m String whenFound opt from f = maybe (emptyResult opt) (return . convert opt . f) =<< from -- Return an emptyResult when Nothing, inside a monad whenFound' :: (Monad m, ToString b) => Options -> m (Maybe a) -> (a -> m b) -> m String whenFound' opt from f = maybe (emptyResult opt) (\x -> do y <- f x ; return (convert opt y)) =<< from