import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative import Data.Version import System.Process import System.Exit import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP -- import Data.Monoid -- import Distribution.Simple.Setup -- import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs -- main = defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks { -- confHook = \desc cf -> do -- print desc -- print cf -- (confHook simpleUserHooks) desc cf { -- configProgSuffix = -- configProgSuffix cf `mappend` toFlag (toPathTemplate "$compiler") -- } -- } main :: IO () main = defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks { postConf = \args cf desc lbi -> do -- I hope they never change this ;) ["cabal-install", "version", _cabalInstallVer, "using", "version", cabalVer', "of", "the", "Cabal", "library"] <- words <$> readProcess "cabal" ["--version"] "" let ghcVer = compilerVersion (compiler lbi) cabalVer = parseVer cabalVer' -- ghc >= 7.10? minGhc710 = ghcVer `withinRange` orLaterVersion (parseVer "7.10") [libCabalVer] = [ ver | (_, PackageIdentifier pkg ver) <- externalPackageDeps lbi , pkg == PackageName "Cabal" ] if minGhc710 then -- make sure Cabal versions are consistent when (not $ cabalVer `sameMajorVersionAs` libCabalVer) $ do putStrLn $ "Error: Cabal seems to have decided ghc-mod should be built using Cabal version "++showVersion libCabalVer++ " while the `cabal' executable in your PATH was built with Cabal version "++showVersion cabalVer++ ". This will lead to conflicts when running ghc-mod in any project where you use this `cabal' executable. Please compile ghc-mod using the same Cabal version as your `cabal' executable or recompile cabal-install using this version of the Cabal library. (See )" exitFailure else -- ghc < 7.10 -- make sure Cabal version is < 1.22 when (not $ cabalVer `earlierVersionThan` (parseVer "1.22")) $ do putStrLn "Error: when ghc-mod is built with GHC version < 7.10 only Cabal < 1.22 is supported. (See )" exitFailure (postConf simpleUserHooks) args cf desc lbi } where parseVer str = case filter ((=="") . snd) $ readP_to_S parseVersion str of [(ver, _)] -> ver _ -> error $ "No parse (Ver) :(\n" ++ str ++ "\n" earlierVersionThan ver ver' = ver `withinRange` earlierVersion ver' sameMajorVersionAs ver ver' = ver `withinRange` withinVersion (Version (take 2 $ versionBranch ver') [])