-- | Reading cabal @dist/setup-config@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig ( CabalConfig , cabalConfigDependencies ) where import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal16 as C16 import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal18 as C18 import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (mplus) import Control.Monad.Error () import Data.Maybe () import Data.Set () import Data.List (find,tails,isPrefixOf,isInfixOf,nub,stripPrefix) import Distribution.Package (InstalledPackageId(..) , PackageIdentifier) import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (defaultDistPref) import Distribution.Simple.Configure (localBuildInfoFile) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (ComponentName) import System.FilePath (()) import Text.Read (readMaybe) ---------------------------------------------------------------- type CabalConfig = String -- | Get file containing 'LocalBuildInfo' data. If it doesn't exist run @cabal -- configure@ i.e. configure with default options like @cabal build@ would do. getConfig :: Cradle -> IO CabalConfig getConfig cradle = readFile path `E.catch` (\(E.SomeException _) -> configure >> readFile path) where prjDir = cradleRootDir cradle path = prjDir configPath configure = withDirectory_ prjDir $ readProcess' "cabal" ["configure"] -- | Path to 'LocalBuildInfo' file, usually @dist/setup-config@ configPath :: FilePath configPath = localBuildInfoFile defaultDistPref cabalConfigDependencies :: Cradle -> PackageIdentifier -> IO [Package] cabalConfigDependencies cradle thisPkg = configDependencies thisPkg <$> getConfig cradle configDependencies :: PackageIdentifier -> CabalConfig -> [Package] configDependencies thisPkg config = map fromInstalledPackageId deps where deps :: [InstalledPackageId] deps = case (deps18 `mplus` deps16) of Right ps -> ps Left msg -> error msg -- errorExtract = error $ -- "cabalConfigDependencies: Error extracting dependencies from setup-config" -- Cabal >= 1.18 deps18 :: Either String [InstalledPackageId] deps18 = concatMap (map fst . C18.componentPackageDeps . lbi) <$> (readEither =<< extractField config "componentsConfigs") lbi :: (ComponentName, C18.ComponentLocalBuildInfo, [ComponentName]) -> C18.ComponentLocalBuildInfo lbi (_,i,_) = i -- Cabal 1.16 and below deps16 :: Either String [InstalledPackageId] deps16 = map fst <$> filter (not . internal . snd) . nub <$> do cbi <- concat <$> sequence [ extract "executableConfigs" , extract "testSuiteConfigs" , extract "benchmarkConfigs" ] :: Either String [(String, C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)] return $ maybe [] C16.componentPackageDeps libraryConfig ++ concatMap (C16.componentPackageDeps . snd) cbi where -- True if this dependency is an internal one (depends on the library -- defined in the same package). internal pkgid = pkgid == thisPkg libraryConfig :: Maybe C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo libraryConfig = do field <- find ("libraryConfig" `isPrefixOf`) (tails config) clbi <- stripPrefix " = " field if "Nothing" `isPrefixOf` clbi then Nothing else case readMaybe <$> stripPrefix "Just " clbi of Just x -> x Nothing -> error $ "reading libraryConfig failed\n" ++ show (stripPrefix "Just " clbi) extract :: String -> Either String [(String, C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)] extract field = readConfigs field <$> extractField config field readConfigs :: String -> String -> [(String, C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)] readConfigs f s = case readMaybe s of Just x -> x Nothing -> error $ "reading config " ++ f ++ " failed" readEither :: Read r => String -> Either String r readEither s = case readMaybe s of Just x -> Right x Nothing -> Left $ "read: failed on input:\n" ++ s extractField :: CabalConfig -> String -> Either String String extractField config field = case extractParens <$> find (field `isPrefixOf`) (tails config) of Just f -> Right f Nothing -> Left $ "extractField: failed extracting "++field++" from input, input contained `"++field++"'? " ++ show (field `isInfixOf` config)