{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Caching where import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Maybe import Data.Serialize import Data.Version import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import System.FilePath import Utils (TimedFile(..), timeMaybe, mightExist) import Paths_ghc_mod (version) import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad.Types import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Logging data Cached m d a = Cached { cacheFile :: FilePath, cachedAction :: TimedCacheFiles -> d -> Maybe a -> m ([FilePath], a) -- ^ @cachedAction tcf data ma@ -- -- * @tcf@: Input file timestamps. Not technically necessary, just an -- optimizazion when knowing which input files changed can make updating the -- cache faster -- -- * @data@: Arbitrary static input data to cache action. Can be used to -- invalidate the cache using something other than file timestamps -- i.e. environment tool version numbers -- -- * @ma@: Cached data if it existed -- -- Returns: -- -- * @fst@: Input files used in generating the cache -- -- * @snd@: Cache data, will be stored alongside the static input data in the -- 'cacheFile' -- -- The cached action, will only run if one of the following is true: -- -- * 'cacheFile' doesn\'t exist yet -- * 'cacheFile' exists and 'inputData' changed -- * any files returned by the cached action changed } data TimedCacheFiles = TimedCacheFiles { tcCacheFile :: Maybe TimedFile, -- ^ 'cacheFile' timestamp tcFiles :: [TimedFile] -- ^ Timestamped files returned by the cached action } -- | Cache a MonadIO action with proper invalidation. cached :: forall m a d. (MonadIO m, GmLog m, Serialize a, Eq d, Serialize d, Show d) => FilePath -- ^ Directory to prepend to 'cacheFile' -> Cached m d a -- ^ Cache descriptor -> d -> m a cached dir cd d = do mcc <- readCache tcfile <- liftIO $ timeMaybe (cacheFile cd) case mcc of Nothing -> writeCache (TimedCacheFiles tcfile []) Nothing "cache missing or unreadable" Just (ifs, d', a) | d /= d' -> do tcf <- timeCacheInput dir (cacheFile cd) ifs writeCache tcf (Just a) $ "input data changed" -- ++ " was: " ++ show d ++ " is: " ++ show d' Just (ifs, _, a) -> do tcf <- timeCacheInput dir (cacheFile cd) ifs case invalidatingInputFiles tcf of Just [] -> return a Just _ -> writeCache tcf (Just a) "input files changed" Nothing -> writeCache tcf (Just a) "cache missing, existed a sec ago WTF?" where cacheHeader = BS8.pack $ "Written by ghc-mod " ++ showVersion version ++ "\n" writeCache tcf ma cause = do (ifs', a) <- (cachedAction cd) tcf d ma gmLog GmDebug "" $ (text "regenerating cache") <+>: text (cacheFile cd) <+> parens (text cause) liftIO $ BS.writeFile (dir cacheFile cd) $ BS.append cacheHeader $ encode (ifs', d, a) return a readCache :: m (Maybe ([FilePath], d, a)) readCache = runMaybeT $ do f <- MaybeT $ liftIO $ mightExist $ cacheFile cd MaybeT $ readCache' f where readCache' f = do gmLog GmDebug "" $ (text "reading cache") <+>: text (cacheFile cd) cc <- liftIO $ BS.readFile f case first BS8.words $ BS8.span (/='\n') cc of (["Written", "by", "ghc-mod", ver], rest) | BS8.unpack ver == showVersion version -> return $ either (const Nothing) Just $ decode $ BS.drop 1 rest _ -> return Nothing timeCacheInput :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> m TimedCacheFiles timeCacheInput dir cfile ifs = liftIO $ do -- TODO: is checking the times this way around race free? ins <- (timeMaybe . (dir )) `mapM` ifs mtcfile <- timeMaybe cfile return $ TimedCacheFiles mtcfile (catMaybes ins) invalidatingInputFiles :: TimedCacheFiles -> Maybe [FilePath] invalidatingInputFiles tcf = case tcCacheFile tcf of Nothing -> Nothing Just tcfile -> Just $ map tfPath $ -- get input files older than tcfile filter (tcfile<) $ tcFiles tcf