*Bugs If you found a bug relating the ghc-mod/ghc-modi commands or the ghc-mod library or the haskell-mode sub module, please record a ["issue on github" https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/ghc-mod/issues]. **ghc-mod ***ghc-mod cannot work if a ".hsc" file exist Please convert it to ".hs" by "cabal build" or by hand with "hsc2hs". ***ghc-mod cannot work if "Paths_.hs" is missing Please create "Paths_.hs" by "cabal build". If you want to create it by hand, please install the [cab http://www.mew.org/~kazu/proj/cab/en/] command. Typing "cab genpaths" in your package directory would help you. **ghc-modi ***Ctr-c does not terminate ghc-modi ghc-modi uses multiple threads of Ghc monad. Ghc monad installs its own signal handlers and multiple threads of Ghc monad make the world messy. I cannot find a workaround. Just type RET to terminate ghc-modi. **Emacs front end ***C-xC-s modifies the timestamp of the file even if there is no modification. In order to reload the file and check the syntax with GHC API (ghc-modi), it is necessary to update the timestamp of the file. A temporary file cannot maintain consistency of module dependency graph. If you know a workaround, please let me know. ***M-C-d on a function or type cannot display it but the top of the page is displayed For instance, "open" on Mac removes "#anchor" from the "file:///" URL. So, the top of the file is displayed. Please use C-uM-C-d as workaround.