Start migrating ghc-modi code to src/GHCMod.hs
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,11 +136,13 @@ Executable ghc-mod
Default-Extensions: ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts
Default-Extensions: ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts
HS-Source-Dirs: src
HS-Source-Dirs: src
Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5
Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5
, async
, data-default
, data-default
, directory
, directory
, filepath
, filepath
, pretty
, pretty
, process
, process
, split
, mtl >= 2.0
, mtl >= 2.0
, ghc
, ghc
, ghc-mod
, ghc-mod
@ -1,34 +1,47 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where
module Main where
import Config (cProjectVersion)
import Config (cProjectVersion)
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (Exception, Handler(..), catches, throw)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception ( SomeException(..), fromException, Exception
, Handler(..), catches, throw)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Data.Default
import Data.Default
import Data.List
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal
import Paths_ghc_mod
import Paths_ghc_mod
import System.Console.GetOpt (OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), ArgOrder(..))
import System.Console.GetOpt (OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), ArgOrder(..))
import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as O
import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as O
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment (getArgs,getProgName)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stdout, stderr, hSetEncoding, utf8)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stdout, stderr, hSetEncoding, utf8, hFlush)
--import System.Process (rawSystem)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
--import System.Exit (exitWith)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
import System.Exit (ExitCode, exitSuccess)
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Misc
progVersion :: String
progVersion :: String
progVersion =
progVersion =
"ghc-mod version " ++ showVersion version ++ " compiled by GHC "
progName ++ " version " ++ showVersion version ++ " compiled by GHC "
++ cProjectVersion ++ "\n"
++ cProjectVersion ++ "\n"
-- TODO: remove (ghc) version prefix!
progName :: String
progName = unsafePerformIO $ takeFileName <$> getProgName
optionUsage :: (String -> String) -> [OptDescr a] -> [String]
optionUsage :: (String -> String) -> [OptDescr a] -> [String]
optionUsage indent opts = concatMap optUsage opts
optionUsage indent opts = concatMap optUsage opts
@ -52,9 +65,15 @@ optionUsage indent opts = concatMap optUsage opts
ReqArg _ label -> s ++ label
ReqArg _ label -> s ++ label
OptArg _ label -> s ++ "["++label++"]"
OptArg _ label -> s ++ "["++label++"]"
-- TODO: Generate the stuff below automatically
usage :: String
usage :: String
usage =
usage =
case progName of
"ghc-modi" -> ghcModiUsage
_ -> ghcModUsage
-- TODO: Generate the stuff below automatically
ghcModUsage :: String
ghcModUsage =
"Usage: ghc-mod [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [OPTIONS...] \n\
"Usage: ghc-mod [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [OPTIONS...] \n\
\*Global Options (OPTIONS)*\n\
\*Global Options (OPTIONS)*\n\
\ Global options can be specified before and after the command and\n\
\ Global options can be specified before and after the command and\n\
@ -62,7 +81,7 @@ usage =
++ (unlines $ indent <$> optionUsage indent globalArgSpec) ++
++ (unlines $ indent <$> optionUsage indent globalArgSpec) ++
\ - version\n\
\ - version | --version\n\
\ Print the version of the program.\n\
\ Print the version of the program.\n\
\ - help | --help\n\
\ - help | --help\n\
@ -194,6 +213,23 @@ usage =
indent = (" "++)
indent = (" "++)
ghcModiUsage :: String
ghcModiUsage =
"Usage: ghc-modi [OPTIONS...] COMMAND\n\
++ (unlines $ indent <$> optionUsage indent globalArgSpec) ++
\ - version | --version\n\
\ Print the version of the program.\n\
\ - help | --help\n\
\ Print this help message.\n"
indent = (" "++)
cmdUsage :: String -> String -> String
cmdUsage :: String -> String -> String
cmdUsage cmd s =
cmdUsage cmd s =
@ -242,12 +278,13 @@ globalArgSpec =
reqArg "PROG" $ \p o -> o { cabalProgram = p }
reqArg "PROG" $ \p o -> o { cabalProgram = p }
parseGlobalArgs ::[String] -> (Options, [String])
parseGlobalArgs :: [String] -> Either InvalidCommandLine (Options, [String])
parseGlobalArgs argv
parseGlobalArgs argv
= case O.getOpt RequireOrder globalArgSpec argv of
= case O.getOpt RequireOrder globalArgSpec argv of
(o,r,[] ) -> (foldr id defaultOptions o, r)
(o,r,[] ) -> Right $ (foldr id defaultOptions o, r)
(_,_,errs) ->
(_,_,errs) -> Left $ InvalidCommandLine $ Right $
fatalError $ "Parsing command line options failed: \n" ++ concat errs
"Parsing command line options failed: " ++ concat errs
parseCommandArgs :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
parseCommandArgs :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
-> [String]
-> [String]
@ -257,7 +294,7 @@ parseCommandArgs spec argv opts
= case O.getOpt RequireOrder (globalArgSpec ++ spec) argv of
= case O.getOpt RequireOrder (globalArgSpec ++ spec) argv of
(o,r,[]) -> (foldr id opts o, r)
(o,r,[]) -> (foldr id opts o, r)
(_,_,errs) ->
(_,_,errs) ->
fatalError $ "Parsing command options failed: \n" ++ concat errs
fatalError $ "Parsing command options failed: " ++ concat errs
@ -284,9 +321,9 @@ handler = flip catches $
, Handler $ \(InvalidCommandLine e) -> do
, Handler $ \(InvalidCommandLine e) -> do
case e of
case e of
Left cmd ->
Left cmd ->
exitError $ (cmdUsage cmd usage)
exitError $ (cmdUsage cmd ghcModUsage) ++ "\n"
++ "\nghc-mod: Invalid command line form."
++ progName ++ ": Invalid command line form."
Right msg -> exitError msg
Right msg -> exitError $ progName ++ ": " ++ msg
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
@ -294,6 +331,20 @@ main = handler $ do
hSetEncoding stdout utf8
hSetEncoding stdout utf8
args <- getArgs
args <- getArgs
-- This doesn't handle --help and --version being given after any global
-- options. To do that we'd have to fiddle with getOpt.
case parseGlobalArgs args of
Left e -> case globalCommands args of
Just s -> putStr s
Nothing -> throw e
Right res@(_,cmdArgs) ->
case globalCommands cmdArgs of
Just s -> putStr s
Nothing -> progMain res
progMain :: (Options,[String]) -> IO ()
progMain (globalOptions,cmdArgs) = do
-- let (ghcArgs, modArgs) = second stripSeperator $ span (/="--") args
-- let (ghcArgs, modArgs) = second stripSeperator $ span (/="--") args
-- _realGhcArgs = filter (/="--ghc-mod") ghcArgs
-- _realGhcArgs = filter (/="--ghc-mod") ghcArgs
@ -302,7 +353,11 @@ main = handler $ do
-- stripSeperator ("--":rest) = rest
-- stripSeperator ("--":rest) = rest
-- stripSeperator l = l
-- stripSeperator l = l
case args of
case progName of
"ghc-modi" -> do
legacyInteractive globalOptions =<< emptyNewUnGetLine
-- | "--numeric-version" `elem` ghcArgs || "--make" `elem` ghcArgs -> do
-- | "--numeric-version" `elem` ghcArgs || "--make" `elem` ghcArgs -> do
-- rawSystem (ghcProgram globalOptions) realGhcArgs >>= exitWith
-- rawSystem (ghcProgram globalOptions) realGhcArgs >>= exitWith
@ -322,14 +377,9 @@ main = handler $ do
| otherwise -> do
| otherwise -> do
let (globalOptions,cmdArgs) = parseGlobalArgs args
(res,_) <- runGhcModT globalOptions $ ghcCommands cmdArgs
res <- simpleCommands cmdArgs
case res of
putStr =<< case res of
Right s -> putStr s
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> do
(res',_) <- runGhcModT globalOptions $ ghcCommands cmdArgs
case res' of
Right s -> return s
Left e -> exitError $ render (gmeDoc e)
Left e -> exitError $ render (gmeDoc e)
-- Obtain ghc options by letting ourselfs be executed by
-- Obtain ghc options by letting ourselfs be executed by
@ -343,15 +393,102 @@ main = handler $ do
-- rawSystem "cabal" cabalArgs >>= exitWith
-- rawSystem "cabal" cabalArgs >>= exitWith
simpleCommands :: [String] -> IO (Maybe String)
simpleCommands [] = return Nothing
simpleCommands (cmd:_) = return $ case cmd of
-- ghc-modi
legacyInteractive :: Options -> UnGetLine -> IO ()
legacyInteractive opt ref = flip catches handlers $ do
(res,_) <- runGhcModT opt $ do
symdbreq <- liftIO $ newSymDbReq opt
world <- liftIO . getCurrentWorld =<< cradle
legacyInteractiveLoop symdbreq ref world
case res of
Right () -> return ()
Left e -> putStrLn $ notGood $ render (gmeDoc e)
handlers = [ Handler $ \Restart -> legacyInteractive opt ref ]
isExitCodeException :: SomeException -> Bool
isExitCodeException e = isJust mExitCode
mExitCode :: Maybe ExitCode
mExitCode = fromException e
bug :: String -> IO ()
bug msg = do
putStrLn $ notGood $ "BUG: " ++ msg
notGood :: String -> String
notGood msg = "NG " ++ escapeNewlines msg
escapeNewlines :: String -> String
escapeNewlines = replace "\n" "\\n" . replace "\\n" "\\\\n"
replace :: String -> String -> String -> String
replace needle replacement = intercalate replacement . splitOn needle
legacyInteractiveLoop :: IOish m
=> SymDbReq -> UnGetLine -> World -> GhcModT m ()
legacyInteractiveLoop symdbreq ref world = do
liftIO . setCurrentDirectory =<< cradleRootDir <$> cradle
-- blocking
cmdArg <- liftIO $ getCommand ref
-- after blocking, we need to see if the world has changed.
changed <- liftIO . isWorldChanged world =<< cradle
when changed $ do
liftIO $ ungetCommand ref cmdArg
throw Restart
liftIO . prepareAutogen =<< cradle
let (cmd':args') = split (keepDelimsR $ condense $ whenElt isSpace) cmdArg
arg = concat args'
cmd = dropWhileEnd isSpace cmd'
args = dropWhileEnd isSpace `map` args'
res <- case dropWhileEnd isSpace cmd of
"check" -> checkSyntaxCmd [arg]
"lint" -> lintCmd [arg]
"find" -> do
db <- getDb symdbreq >>= checkDb symdbreq
lookupSymbol arg db
"info" -> infoCmd [head args, concat $ tail args']
"type" -> typesCmd args
"split" -> splitsCmd args
"sig" -> sigCmd args
"auto" -> autoCmd args
"refine" -> refineCmd args
"boot" -> bootCmd []
"browse" -> browseCmd args
"quit" -> liftIO $ exitSuccess
"" -> liftIO $ exitSuccess
_ -> fatalError $ "unknown command: `" ++ cmd ++ "'"
liftIO $ putStr res >> putStrLn "OK" >> hFlush stdout
legacyInteractiveLoop symdbreq ref world
globalCommands :: [String] -> Maybe String
globalCommands [] = Nothing
globalCommands (cmd:_) = case cmd of
_ | cmd == "help" || cmd == "--help" -> Just usage
_ | cmd == "help" || cmd == "--help" -> Just usage
"version" -> Just progVersion
_ | cmd == "version" || cmd == "--version" -> Just progVersion
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
ghcCommands :: IOish m => [String] -> GhcModT m String
ghcCommands :: IOish m => [String] -> GhcModT m String
ghcCommands [] = fatalError "No command given (try --help)\n"
ghcCommands [] = fatalError "No command given (try --help)"
ghcCommands (cmd:args) = fn args
ghcCommands (cmd:args) = fn args
fn = case cmd of
fn = case cmd of
@ -387,7 +524,7 @@ exitError :: String -> IO a
exitError msg = hPutStrLn stderr msg >> exitFailure
exitError msg = hPutStrLn stderr msg >> exitFailure
fatalError :: String -> a
fatalError :: String -> a
fatalError s = throw $ FatalError $ "ghc-mod: " ++ s
fatalError s = throw $ FatalError $ progName ++ ": " ++ s
withParseCmd :: IOish m
withParseCmd :: IOish m
=> [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
=> [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- This program in the process of being deprecated, use `ghc-mod --interactive`
-- instead.
-- Commands:
-- Commands:
-- check <file>
-- check <file>
-- find <symbol>
-- find <symbol>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user