Merge pull request #86 from khibino/build_depends

Read depend packages from *.cabal, and adjust compiler package flags.
This commit is contained in:
Kazu Yamamoto 2012-10-30 00:16:26 -07:00
commit f85ddf5684
4 changed files with 76 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -2,15 +2,13 @@
module Cabal (initializeGHC) where
import CabalApi (cabalParseFile, cabalBuildInfo, cabalDependPackages)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import CoreMonad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Verbosity (silent)
import Distribution.PackageDescription (BuildInfo(..), usedExtensions)
import ErrMsg
import GHC
import GHCApi
@ -29,11 +27,12 @@ initializeGHC :: Options -> FilePath -> [String] -> Bool -> Ghc (FilePath,LogRea
initializeGHC opt fileName ghcOptions logging = withCabal ||> withoutCabal
withoutCabal = do
logReader <- initSession opt ghcOptions importDirs logging
logReader <- initSession opt ghcOptions importDirs Nothing logging
return (fileName,logReader)
withCabal = do
(owdir,cdir,cfile) <- liftIO getDirs
binfo@BuildInfo{..} <- liftIO $ parseCabalFile cfile
cabal <- liftIO $ cabalParseFile cfile
binfo@BuildInfo{..} <- liftIO $ cabalBuildInfo cabal
let exts = map (addX . Gap.extensionToString) $ usedExtensions binfo
lang = maybe "-XHaskell98" (addX . show) defaultLanguage
libs = map ("-l" ++) extraLibs
@ -42,25 +41,13 @@ initializeGHC opt fileName ghcOptions logging = withCabal ||> withoutCabal
idirs = case hsSourceDirs of
[] -> [cdir,owdir]
dirs -> map (cdir </>) dirs ++ [owdir]
logReader <- initSession opt gopts idirs logging
depPkgs <- liftIO $ cabalDependPackages cabal
logReader <- initSession opt gopts idirs (Just depPkgs) logging
return (fileName,logReader)
addX = ("-X" ++)
-- Causes error, catched in the upper function.
parseCabalFile :: FilePath -> IO BuildInfo
parseCabalFile file = do
cabal <- readPackageDescription silent file
return . fromJust $ fromLibrary cabal <|> fromExecutable cabal
fromLibrary c = libBuildInfo . condTreeData <$> condLibrary c
fromExecutable c = buildInfo . condTreeData . snd <$> toMaybe (condExecutables c)
toMaybe [] = Nothing
toMaybe (x:_) = Just x
-- CurrentWorkingDir, CabalDir, CabalFile
getDirs :: IO (FilePath,FilePath,FilePath)
getDirs = do

CabalApi.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
module CabalApi (
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, maybeToList)
import Data.Set (fromList, toList)
import Distribution.Verbosity (silent)
import Distribution.Package (Dependency(Dependency), PackageName(PackageName))
import Distribution.PackageDescription
condLibrary, condExecutables, condTestSuites, condBenchmarks,
BuildInfo, libBuildInfo, buildInfo,
CondTree, condTreeConstraints, condTreeData)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription)
cabalParseFile :: FilePath -> IO GenericPackageDescription
cabalParseFile = readPackageDescription silent
-- Causes error, catched in the upper function.
cabalBuildInfo :: GenericPackageDescription -> IO BuildInfo
cabalBuildInfo pd = do
return . fromJust $ fromLibrary pd <|> fromExecutable pd
fromLibrary c = libBuildInfo . condTreeData <$> condLibrary c
fromExecutable c = buildInfo . condTreeData . snd <$> toMaybe (condExecutables c)
toMaybe [] = Nothing
toMaybe (x:_) = Just x
getDepsOfPairs :: [(a1, CondTree v [b] a)] -> [b]
getDepsOfPairs = concatMap (condTreeConstraints . snd)
allDependsOfDescription :: GenericPackageDescription -> [Dependency]
allDependsOfDescription pd =
concat [depLib, depExe, depTests, depBench]
depLib = concatMap condTreeConstraints (maybeToList . condLibrary $ pd)
depExe = getDepsOfPairs . condExecutables $ pd
depTests = getDepsOfPairs . condTestSuites $ pd
depBench = getDepsOfPairs . condBenchmarks $ pd
getDependencyPackageName :: Dependency -> String
getDependencyPackageName (Dependency (PackageName n) _) = n
cabalDependPackages :: GenericPackageDescription -> IO [String]
cabalDependPackages =
return . toList . fromList
. map getDependencyPackageName
. allDependsOfDescription

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@ -31,29 +31,33 @@ initSession0 :: Options -> Ghc [PackageId]
initSession0 opt = getSessionDynFlags >>=
(>>= setSessionDynFlags) . setGhcFlags opt
initSession :: Options -> [String] -> [FilePath] -> Bool -> Ghc LogReader
initSession opt cmdOpts idirs logging = do
initSession :: Options -> [String] -> [FilePath] -> Maybe [String] -> Bool -> Ghc LogReader
initSession opt cmdOpts idirs mayPkgs logging = do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
let opts = map noLoc cmdOpts
(dflags',_,_) <- parseDynamicFlags dflags opts
(dflags'',readLog) <- liftIO . (>>= setLogger logging) . setGhcFlags opt . setFlags opt dflags' $ idirs
(dflags'',readLog) <- liftIO . (>>= setLogger logging)
. setGhcFlags opt . setFlags opt dflags' idirs $ mayPkgs
_ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags''
return readLog
setFlags :: Options -> DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> DynFlags
setFlags opt d idirs
setFlags :: Options -> DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> Maybe [String] -> DynFlags
setFlags opt d idirs mayPkgs
| expandSplice opt = dopt_set d' Opt_D_dump_splices
| otherwise = d'
d' = d {
packageFlags = ghcPackage : packageFlags d
, importPaths = idirs
d' = maySetExpose $ d {
importPaths = idirs
, ghcLink = LinkInMemory
, hscTarget = HscInterpreted
, flags = flags d
-- Do hide-all only when depend packages specified
maySetExpose df = maybe df (\x -> (dopt_set df Opt_HideAllPackages) {
packageFlags = map ExposePackage x ++ packageFlags df
}) mayPkgs
ghcPackage :: PackageFlag
ghcPackage = ExposePackage "ghc"

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Data-Files: Makefile ghc.el ghc-func.el ghc-doc.el ghc-comp.el
Executable ghc-mod
Main-Is: GHCMod.hs
Other-Modules: Browse
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ Executable ghc-mod
GHC-Options: -Wall
Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5
, Cabal
, containers
, convertible
, directory
, filepath