Making cabalBuildInfo pure.

This commit is contained in:
Kazu Yamamoto 2013-03-01 13:14:46 +09:00
parent 431e3fa904
commit a8e57615ba
3 changed files with 4 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ fromCabal :: [String] -> IO ([String], [FilePath], [String])
fromCabal ghcOptions = do
(owdir,cdir,cfile) <- getDirs
cabal <- cabalParseFile cfile
binfo@BuildInfo{..} <- cabalBuildInfo cabal
let binfo@BuildInfo{..} = cabalBuildInfo cabal
let exts = map (("-X" ++) . display) $ usedExtensions binfo
lang = maybe "-XHaskell98" (("-X" ++) . display) defaultLanguage
libs = map ("-l" ++) extraLibs

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@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ cabalParseFile :: FilePath -> IO GenericPackageDescription
cabalParseFile = readPackageDescription silent
-- Causes error, catched in the upper function.
cabalBuildInfo :: GenericPackageDescription -> IO BuildInfo
cabalBuildInfo pd =
return . fromJust $ fromLibrary pd <|> fromExecutable pd
cabalBuildInfo :: GenericPackageDescription -> BuildInfo
cabalBuildInfo pd = fromJust $ fromLibrary pd <|> fromExecutable pd
fromLibrary c = libBuildInfo . condTreeData <$> condLibrary c
fromExecutable c = buildInfo . condTreeData . snd <$> toMaybe (condExecutables c)

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@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ spec = do
describe "cabalBuildInfo" $ do
it "extracts build info" $ do
info <- cabalParseFile "test/data/cabalapi.cabal" >>= cabalBuildInfo
info <- cabalBuildInfo <$> cabalParseFile "test/data/cabalapi.cabal"
let infoStr = show info
infoStr `shouldBe` "BuildInfo {buildable = True, buildTools = [], cppOptions = [], ccOptions = [], ldOptions = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], frameworks = [], cSources = [], hsSourceDirs = [], otherModules = [ModuleName [\"Browse\"],ModuleName [\"CabalApi\"],ModuleName [\"Cabal\"],ModuleName [\"CabalDev\"],ModuleName [\"Check\"],ModuleName [\"ErrMsg\"],ModuleName [\"Flag\"],ModuleName [\"GHCApi\"],ModuleName [\"GHCChoice\"],ModuleName [\"Gap\"],ModuleName [\"Info\"],ModuleName [\"Lang\"],ModuleName [\"Lint\"],ModuleName [\"List\"],ModuleName [\"Paths_ghc_mod\"],ModuleName [\"Types\"]], defaultLanguage = Nothing, otherLanguages = [], defaultExtensions = [], otherExtensions = [], oldExtensions = [], extraLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], options = [(GHC,[\"-Wall\"])], ghcProfOptions = [], ghcSharedOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], targetBuildDepends = []}"