Reinitialize GHC session when options change

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Daniel Gröber 2015-04-29 18:44:21 +02:00
parent 503562b9b6
commit 8b8f947b5e

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@ -92,34 +92,33 @@ initSession :: IOish m
initSession opts mdf = do
s <- gmsGet
case gmGhcSession s of
Just GmGhcSession {..} -> do
if gmgsOptions == opts
then return ()
else error "TODO: reload stuff"
Nothing -> do
Cradle { cradleTempDir } <- cradle
ghc <- liftIO $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
let setDf df =
setTmpDir cradleTempDir <$> (mdf =<< addCmdOpts opts df)
_ <- setSessionDynFlags =<< setDf =<< getSessionDynFlags
Just GmGhcSession {..} -> when (gmgsOptions /= opts) $ putNewSession s
Nothing -> putNewSession s
rghc <- liftIO $ newIORef ghc
gmsPut s { gmGhcSession = Just $ GmGhcSession opts rghc }
putNewSession s = do
rghc <- (liftIO . newIORef =<< newSession =<< cradle)
gmsPut s { gmGhcSession = Just $ GmGhcSession opts rghc }
newSession Cradle { cradleTempDir } = liftIO $ do
runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
let setDf df = setTmpDir cradleTempDir <$> (mdf =<< addCmdOpts opts df)
_ <- setSessionDynFlags =<< setDf =<< getSessionDynFlags
dropSession :: IOish m => GhcModT m ()
dropSession = do
s <- gmsGet
case gmGhcSession s of
Just (GmGhcSession _opts ref) -> do
-- TODO: This is still not enough, there seem to still be references to
-- GHC's state around afterwards.
liftIO $ writeIORef ref (error "HscEnv: session was dropped")
liftIO $ setUnsafeGlobalDynFlags (error "DynFlags: session was dropped")
-- $ do
-- dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
-- defaultCleanupHandler dflags $ do
-- initializeFlagsWithCradle opt (gmCradle env)
-- initSession :: GhcMonad m => Options -> [GHCOption] -> m ()
-- initSession Options {..} ghcOpts = do
-- df <- G.getSessionDynFlags
-- void $
-- ( setModeSimple -- $ setEmptyLogger
-- df)
Nothing -> return ()
gmsPut s { gmGhcSession = Nothing }
runGmlT :: IOish m => [Either FilePath ModuleName] -> GmlT m a -> GhcModT m a
runGmlT fns action = runGmlT' fns return action