Check for in-memory cache invalidation (Fix #683)
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Binary (Binary, encode, decodeOrFail)
import Data.Version
import Data.Label
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import Data.Time (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import System.FilePath
import Utils (TimedFile(..), timeMaybe, mightExist)
@ -30,25 +31,24 @@ cached :: forall m a d. (Gm m, MonadIO m, Binary a, Eq d, Binary d, Show d)
-> m a
cached dir cd d = do
mcc <- readCache
tcfile <- liftIO $ timeMaybe (cacheFile cd)
case mcc of
Nothing ->
writeCache (TimedCacheFiles tcfile []) Nothing "cache missing or unreadable"
Just (_t, ifs, d', a) | d /= d' -> do
tcf <- timeCacheInput dir (cacheFile cd) ifs
writeCache tcf (Just a) $ "input data changed" -- ++ " was: " ++ show d ++ " is: " ++ show d'
Just (_t, ifs, _, a) -> do
tcf <- timeCacheInput dir (cacheFile cd) ifs
case invalidatingInputFiles tcf of
Just [] -> return a
Just _ -> writeCache tcf (Just a) "input files changed"
Nothing -> writeCache tcf (Just a) "cache missing, existed a sec ago WTF?"
Nothing -> do
t <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
writeCache (TimedCacheFiles t []) Nothing "cache missing or unreadable"
Just (t, ifs, d', a) | d /= d' -> do
tcfs <- timeCacheInput dir ifs
writeCache (TimedCacheFiles t tcfs) (Just a) $ "input data changed" -- ++ " was: " ++ show d ++ " is: " ++ show d'
Just (t, ifs, _, a) -> do
tcfs <- timeCacheInput dir ifs
case invalidatingInputFiles $ TimedCacheFiles t tcfs of
[] -> return a
_ -> writeCache (TimedCacheFiles t tcfs) (Just a) "input files changed"
cacheHeader = BS8.pack $ "Written by ghc-mod " ++ showVersion version ++ "\n"
writeCache tcf ma cause = do
(ifs', a) <- (cachedAction cd) tcf d ma
writeCache tcfs ma cause = do
(ifs', a) <- (cachedAction cd) tcfs d ma
t <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
gmLog GmDebug "" $ (text "regenerating cache") <+>: text (cacheFile cd)
<+> parens (text cause)
@ -58,8 +58,10 @@ cached dir cd d = do
gmLog GmDebug "" $ (text "writing memory cache") <+>: text (cacheFile cd)
setLabel label $ Just (t, ifs', d, a)
liftIO $ BS.writeFile (dir </> cacheFile cd) $
BS.append cacheHeader $ encode (t, ifs', d, a)
let c = BS.append cacheHeader $ LBS.toStrict $ encode (t, ifs', d, a)
liftIO $ BS.writeFile (dir </> cacheFile cd) c
return a
setLabel l x = do
@ -88,7 +90,8 @@ cached dir cd d = do
case first BS8.words $ BS8.span (/='\n') cc of
(["Written", "by", "ghc-mod", ver], rest)
| BS8.unpack ver == showVersion version ->
return $ either (const Nothing) Just $ decodeE $ BS.drop 1 rest
return $ either (const Nothing) Just $
decodeE $ LBS.fromStrict $ BS.drop 1 rest
_ -> return Nothing
decodeE b = do
@ -96,17 +99,13 @@ cached dir cd d = do
Left (_rest, _offset, errmsg) -> Left errmsg
Right (_reset, _offset, a) -> Right a
timeCacheInput :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> m TimedCacheFiles
timeCacheInput dir cfile ifs = liftIO $ do
-- TODO: is checking the times this way around race free?
timeCacheInput :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> [FilePath] -> m [TimedFile]
timeCacheInput dir ifs = liftIO $ do
ins <- (timeMaybe . (dir </>)) `mapM` ifs
mtcfile <- timeMaybe cfile
return $ TimedCacheFiles mtcfile (catMaybes ins)
return $ catMaybes ins
invalidatingInputFiles :: TimedCacheFiles -> Maybe [FilePath]
invalidatingInputFiles tcf =
case tcCacheFile tcf of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just tcfile -> Just $ map tfPath $
-- get input files older than tcfile
filter (tcfile<) $ tcFiles tcf
invalidatingInputFiles :: TimedCacheFiles -> [FilePath]
invalidatingInputFiles (TimedCacheFiles tcreated tcfs) =
map tfPath $
-- get input files older than tcfile
filter ((TimedFile "" tcreated)<) tcfs
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ data Cached m s d a = Cached {
data TimedCacheFiles = TimedCacheFiles {
tcCacheFile :: Maybe TimedFile,
tcCreated :: ModTime,
-- ^ 'cacheFile' timestamp
tcFiles :: [TimedFile]
-- ^ Timestamped files returned by the cached action
@ -199,22 +199,21 @@ resolvedComponentsCache distdir = Cached {
cacheFile = resolvedComponentsCacheFile distdir,
cachedAction = \tcfs comps ma -> do
Cradle {..} <- cradle
let iifsM = invalidatingInputFiles tcfs
let iifs = invalidatingInputFiles tcfs
setupChanged =
(cradleRootDir </> setupConfigPath distdir) `elem` iifs
mums :: Maybe [Either FilePath ModuleName]
mums =
case iifsM of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just iifs ->
filterOutSetupCfg =
filter (/= cradleRootDir </> setupConfigPath distdir)
changedFiles = filterOutSetupCfg iifs
in if null changedFiles
then Nothing
else Just $ map Left changedFiles
setupChanged = maybe False
(elem $ cradleRootDir </> setupConfigPath distdir)
filterOutSetupCfg =
filter (/= cradleRootDir </> setupConfigPath distdir)
changedFiles = filterOutSetupCfg iifs
in if null changedFiles
then Nothing
else Just $ map Left changedFiles
case (setupChanged, ma) of
(False, Just mcs) -> gmsGet >>= \s -> gmsPut s { gmComponents = mcs }
_ -> return ()
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