Merge branch 'master' into release

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Gröber 2014-12-31 22:58:40 +01:00
commit 8233465a3f
17 changed files with 542 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -61,13 +61,23 @@ splitPkgMdl pkgmdl = case break (==':') pkgmdl of
(mdl,"") -> (Nothing,mdl)
(pkg,_:mdl) -> (Just pkg,mdl)
-- Haskell 2010:
-- small -> ascSmall | uniSmall | _
-- ascSmall -> a | b | ... | z
-- uniSmall -> any Unicode lowercase letter
-- varid -> (small {small | large | digit | ' })
isNotOp :: String -> Bool
isNotOp (h:_) = isAlpha h || (h == '_')
isNotOp _ = error "isNotOp"
processExports :: IOish m => ModuleInfo -> GhcModT m [String]
processExports minfo = do
opt <- options
| operators opt = id
| otherwise = filter (isAlpha . head . getOccString)
| otherwise = filter (isNotOp . getOccString)
mapM (showExport opt minfo) $ removeOps $ G.modInfoExports minfo
showExport :: IOish m => Options -> ModuleInfo -> Name -> GhcModT m String
@ -87,10 +97,10 @@ showExport opt minfo e = do
typeName <- tyResult >>= showThing dflag
(" :: " ++ typeName) `justIf` detailed opt
| otherwise = return Nothing
formatOp nm@(n:_)
| isAlpha n = nm
| otherwise = "(" ++ nm ++ ")"
formatOp "" = error "formatOp"
formatOp nm
| null nm = error "formatOp"
| isNotOp nm = nm
| otherwise = "(" ++ nm ++ ")"
inOtherModule :: IOish m => Name -> GhcModT m (Maybe TyThing)
inOtherModule nm = G.getModuleInfo (G.nameModule nm) >> G.lookupGlobalName nm
justIf :: a -> Bool -> Maybe a

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@ -77,7 +77,10 @@ import Data.Monoid (Monoid)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, void, liftM)
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, void)
#if !MIN_VERSION_monad_control(1,0,0)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase, liftBase)
-- Monad transformer stuff
@ -270,16 +273,18 @@ runGhcModT :: IOish m
=> Options
-> GhcModT m a
-> m (Either GhcModError a, GhcModLog)
runGhcModT opt action = do
env <- liftBase $ newGhcModEnv opt =<< getCurrentDirectory
runGhcModT opt action = gbracket newEnv delEnv $ \env -> do
r <- first (fst <$>) <$> (runGhcModT' env defaultState $ do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
defaultCleanupHandler dflags $ do
initializeFlagsWithCradle opt (gmCradle env)
liftBase $ cleanupGhcModEnv env
return r
newEnv = liftBase $ newGhcModEnv opt =<< getCurrentDirectory
delEnv = liftBase . cleanupGhcModEnv
-- | @hoistGhcModT result@. Embed a GhcModT computation's result into a GhcModT
-- computation. Note that if the computation that returned @result@ modified the
-- state part of GhcModT this cannot be restored.
@ -366,6 +371,23 @@ withOptions changeOpt action = local changeEnv action
instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBase IO (GhcModT m) where
liftBase = GhcModT . liftBase
#if MIN_VERSION_monad_control(1,0,0)
instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBaseControl IO (GhcModT m) where
type StM (GhcModT m) a =
StM (StateT GhcModState
(ErrorT GhcModError
(JournalT GhcModLog
(ReaderT GhcModEnv m) ) ) ) a
liftBaseWith f = GhcModT . liftBaseWith $ \runInBase ->
f $ runInBase . unGhcModT
restoreM = GhcModT . restoreM
{-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}
{-# INLINE restoreM #-}
instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBaseControl IO (GhcModT m) where
newtype StM (GhcModT m) a = StGhcMod {
unStGhcMod :: StM (StateT GhcModState
@ -379,6 +401,8 @@ instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBaseControl IO (GhcModT m) where
{-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}
{-# INLINE restoreM #-}
-- GHC cannot prove the following instances to be decidable automatically using
-- the FlexibleContexts extension as they violate the second Paterson Condition,
-- namely that: The assertion has fewer constructors and variables (taken

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@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ withDirectory_ dir action =
(\_ -> liftIO (setCurrentDirectory dir) >> action)
uniqTempDirName :: FilePath -> FilePath
uniqTempDirName dir =
uncurry (++)
uniqTempDirName dir = ("ghc-mod"++) $ uncurry (++)
$ map escapeDriveChar *** map escapePathChar
$ splitDrive dir

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@ -26,6 +26,14 @@ package is called `ghc` there, not `ghc-mod`) and install the
% cabal update && cabal install ghc-mod
### Nix & NixOS
The installation is a little more involved in this environment as Nix needs some
ugly hacks to get packages using the GHC API to work, please refer to this
stackoverflow answer:
## Using the development version
The easiest way to hack on ghc-mod is compile it, then add `dist/build/ghc-mod`

doc/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
piki template.html index.piki > index.html
piki template.html install.piki > install.html
piki template.html ghc-mod.piki > ghc-mod.html
piki template.html ghc-modi.piki > ghc-modi.html
piki template.html emacs.piki > emacs.html
piki template.html preparation.piki > preparation.html
piki template.html copyright.piki > copyright.html
piki template.html history.piki > history.html
piki template.html bug.piki > bug.html

doc/bug.piki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
If you found a bug relating the ghc-mod/ghc-modi commands or the ghc-mod library or the haskell-mode sub module, please record a ["issue on github"].
***ghc-mod cannot work if a ".hsc" file exist
Please convert it to ".hs" by "cabal build" or by hand with "hsc2hs".
***ghc-mod cannot work if "Paths_<package>.hs" is missing
Please create "Paths_<package>.hs" by "cabal build". If you want to create it by hand, please install the [cab] command.
Typing "cab genpaths" in your package directory would help you.
***Ctr-c does not terminate ghc-modi
ghc-modi uses multiple threads of Ghc monad.
Ghc monad installs its own signal handlers
and multiple threads of Ghc monad make the world messy.
I cannot find a workaround.
Just type RET to terminate ghc-modi.
**Emacs front end
***C-xC-s modifies the timestamp of the file even if there is no modification.
In order to reload the file and check the syntax with GHC API (ghc-modi),
it is necessary to update the timestamp of the file.
A temporary file cannot maintain consistency of module dependency graph.
If you know a workaround, please let me know.
***M-C-d on a function or type cannot display it but the top of the page is displayed
For instance, "open" on Mac removes "#anchor" from the "file:///" URL. So, the top of the file is displayed. Please use C-uM-C-d as workaround.

doc/copyright.piki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
*Copyright and license
Copyright of this package belongs to ["IIJ Innovation Institute Inc"].
This package is available under BSD3 license.

doc/emacs.piki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
* Usage of Emacs front-end
** Key bindings
!Completes a name of keyword, module, class, function, types, language extensions, GHC flags, etc.
!Completes a name of local symbol.
!Inserts template. In the beginning of a buffer, "module Foo where" is inserted. On the function without signature, inferred type is inserted. On a symbol "foo" without definition, "foo = undefined" is inserted or a proper module is imported. C-uM-t inserts a hole in this case. On a variable, the case is split. When checking with hlint, original code is replaced with hlint's suggestion if possible.
!Browses the local document with your browser. On a module import line, the document of the module is browsed. On a function or type, its document is browsed.
!Browses the Hackage document of the module with your browser.
!Loads information of symbols for modules in the current buffer. If you add a new line to import a module, type this. The idle timer executes this command anyway.
!Query somthing at the cursor for hoogle.
!Saves the buffer if necessary and runs syntax check.
!Toggle GHC and Hlint for syntax check. GHC is used for initial time.
!Goes to the next warning or error.
!Goes to the previous warning or error.
!Displays the warning/error message in the current line.
!Displays the info of this expression in another window.
!Displays the type of this expression in the minibuffer. Type C-cC-t multiple time to enlarge the expression.
!Selects one of possible cases.
!Replaces a hole with user-typed functions followed by holes.
!Displays the expanded Template Haskell.
!Insert "import Module" for the function at the cursor.
!Sort and merge import statements in the region.
!In the beginning of the buffer, errors of other files are displayed. Typing C-cC-j on the errors jumps to the fist file of the error sources.
!Kill the ghc-modi subprocess for this project. If you install dependency packages, this command should be executed to reflect that change.
!Make the indentation of the region shallower.
!Make the indentation of the region deeper.
** Resolving import hell
Here is an example story not to type "import Foo" when
you write a Haskell program.
Type the following signature.
Note that "ByteString" can be completed with M-C-i.
foo :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
C-xC-s highlights the signature.
Typing M-t on the line results in:
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
foo :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
foo = undefined
Type M-C-m to load symbols of Data.ByteString.
Then edit the body of "foo".
Note that "append" can be completed with M-C-i.
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
foo :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
foo bs1 bs2 = B.append <$> bs1 <*> bs2
C-xC-s highlights the body.
Type M-t to get:
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
foo :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
foo bs1 bs2 = B.append <$> bs1 <*> bs2
Now select a region for import statements (for instance,
move the cursor, type C-SPC, and move the cursor) then
type M-s.
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
foo :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
foo bs1 bs2 = B.append <$> bs1 <*> bs2
**Type holes
Consider the following broken example:
foo :: [a -> a] -> a -> a
foo xs = foldr bar id xs
bar = (:)
C-xC-s highlights the 2nd line. C-c? displays the following:
Couldn't match type `[a -> a]' with `a -> a'
Expected type: (a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
Actual type: (a -> a) -> [a -> a] -> [a -> a]
Even in this situation, C-cC-t on 'id' displays 'a -> a' in the minibuffer. GHC's -fdefer-type-errors enables this magic.
Also, you can make use of GHC's hole. Inserting "_" before "bar" and typing C-xC-s results in highlighting the second line again:
foo :: [a -> a] -> a -> a
foo xs = foldr _bar id xs
bar = (:)
C-c? displays:
Found hole `_bar' with type: (a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
Where: `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for foo :: [a -> a] -> a -> a
at /Users/kazu/c.hs:3:8
Relevant bindings include
bar :: forall a. a -> [a] -> [a] (bound at /Users/kazu/c.hs:6:5)
xs :: [a -> a] (bound at /Users/kazu/c.hs:4:5)
foo :: [a -> a] -> a -> a (bound at /Users/kazu/c.hs:4:1)
**More type holes
Suppose you have:
filterNothing :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
Typing M-t gets:
filterNothing :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
filterNothing = undefined
On the other hand, typing C-uM-t gets:
filterNothing :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
filterNothing xs = _body
Then, C-xC-s refreshes highlightings. When you type C-cC-f on "_body" and
type "filter" in the minibuffer, you get:
filterNothing :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
filterNothing xs = filter _body_1 _body_2
** Case handling
Suppose you have:
f :: [a] -> a
f x = _f_body
Typing M-t on "x" splits cases as follows:
f :: [a] -> a
f [] = _f_body
f (x:xs) = _f_body
Suppose you have:
f :: a -> Maybe a
f x = _f_body
Typing C-cC-a on "_f_body" and selecting one of possible cases in another window results in:
f :: a -> Maybe a
f x = Nothing

doc/ghc-mod.piki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
*The ghc-mod command
?ghc-mod list
!Displays a list of modules
?ghc-mod lang
!Displays a list of language extensions
?ghc-mod flag
!Displays a list of GHC flags
?ghc-mod browse \[<package>:\]<module>
!Displays symbols of <module>
?ghc-mod check <HaskellFile>
!Checks syntax with GHC
?ghc-mod expand <HaskellFile>
!Expands Template Haskell
?ghc-mod debug <HaskellFile>
!Displays debug information
?ghc-mod info <HaskellFile> <module> <expression>
!Displays information about the expression
?ghc-mod type <HaskellFile> <module> <line-no> <column-no>
!Displays the types of all expressions including the expression
?ghc-mod find <symbol>
!Finds all module names exporting <symbol>
?ghc-mod lint <HaskellFile>
!Checks synstax with Hlint
?ghc-mod root <HaskellFile>
!Finds the root directory for the Haskell file
?ghc-mod doc <module>
!Finds the html document for the module
?ghc-mod boot
!Displays boot information for Emacs front-end
?ghc-mod version
!Displays the version of ghc-mod
?ghc-mod help
!Displays help messages
<module> for "info" and "type" is not used, anything is OK.
It is necessary to maintain backward compatibility.

doc/ghc-modi.piki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
*The ghc-modi command
** Example
% ghc-modi
check Foo.hs
Foo.hs:7:15:Not in scope: `B.append'
NG quit
** Commands
? check <HaskellFile>
! Checks syntax with GHC
? find <symbol>
! Finds all module names exporting <symbol>
? info <HaskellFile> <expr>
! Displays information about the expression
? type <HaskellFile> <line> <column>
! Displays the types of all expressions including the expression
? lint \[hlint options\] <HaskellFile>
! Checks synstax with Hlint
? boot
! Displays boot information for Emacs front-end
? browse \[<package>:\]<module>
! Displays symbols of <module>
? quit (or empty string)
! Terminate ghc-modi
** Options
Option should be the form of Haskell's list of String (\[String\]).
Here is an example:
lint ["--ignore=Use camelCase", "--ignore=Eta reduce"] Foo.hs
** Session separators
! The session succeeded.
?NG <error message>
! The session fails. ghc-modi gets finished.

doc/history.piki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Please see [ChangeLog].

doc/index.piki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
*Happy Haskell Programming
The ["ghc-mod command" ghc-mod.html] and ["ghc-modi command" ghc-modi.html] are backend commands to enrich Haskell programming on editors
including Emacs, Vim, and Sublime.
ghc-mod and ghc-modi are based on the ["ghc-mod library"]
which is a wrapper of ["GHC API"] and [Cabal].
The ["ghc-mod package"] on Hackage
the ghc-mod command, the ghc-modi command, the ghc-mod library, and
["Emacs front-end" emacs.html] (for historical reasons).
The ["source repository of ghc-mod"] is on github.
["Emacs front-end" emacs.html] is an extension of ["Haskell mode"]. They enable to complete Haskell symbols and to browse documents of modules. Syntax error highlighting with GHC/Hlint is also integrated. Moreover, you are free from "import hell".

doc/install.piki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
*Installing "ghc-mod"
This page assumes that you are a Haskell programmer and you know the "cabal" command well.
**Installing the ghc-mod package
First of all, update Cabal's database:
% cabal update
Now install "ghc-mod":
% cabal install ghc-mod
This command installs the followings:
!The ghc-mod commnad
!The ghc-modi commnad
!The ghc-mod library
!Elisp files to extend Haskell mode

doc/preparation.piki Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* Preparing Emacs front-end
Please use *stable* [MELPA] to download Emacs front-end. So, your "~/.emacs" should be:
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . ""))
The package name is "ghc".
Please don't forget ["install the latest cabal command" install.html].
**Configuring "~/.emacs.el"
Then, put the followings to your "~/.emacs.el" or "~/.emacs.d/init.el":
(autoload 'ghc-init "ghc" nil t)
(autoload 'ghc-debug "ghc" nil t)
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook (lambda () (ghc-init)))
IMPORTANT: if your haskell-mode-hook includes (flymake-mode), please remove it.
Executes Emacs and opens a Haskell file by C-xC-f. And try to complete any keywords by M-C-i.
ghc-mod/ghc-modi must be compiled by GHC which you are actually using from Emacs. The version of Emacs front-end and ghc-mod/ghc-modi must be the same. To confirm this, type M-x ghc-debug.
Path: check if you are using intended programs.
ghc.el path: /Users/kazu/work/ghc-mod/elisp/ghc.el
ghc-mod path: /Users/kazu/Library/Haskell/bin/ghc-mod
ghc-modi path: /Users/kazu/Library/Haskell/bin/ghc-modi
ghc path: /usr/local/ghc-7.8/bin/ghc
Version: all versions must be the same.
ghc.el version 4.1.0
ghc-mod version 4.1.0 compiled by GHC 7.8.2
ghc-modi version 4.1.0 compiled by GHC 7.8.2
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.8.2
If you put (setq ghc-debug t) to your ".emacs", you can watch the communication between Emacs front-end and ghc-modi in the "*GHC Debug*" buffer.
If you want to specify GHC options from Emacs, set "ghc-ghc-options".
The following is an example to specify the "-i" options to GHC.
(setq ghc-ghc-options '("-idir1" "-idir2"))
An example to specify HLint options:
(setq ghc-hlint-options '("--ignore=Use camelCase"))

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@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
(setq expr (ghc-read-expression expr0))
(setq info (ghc-get-info expr0))
(setq mod (ghc-extact-module-from-info info)))
(setq pkg-ver-path (ghc-resolve-document-path mod))
(if (and pkg-ver-path mod)
(setq pkg-ver-path (and mod (ghc-resolve-document-path mod)))
(if pkg-ver-path
(ghc-display-document pkg-ver-path mod haskell-org expr)
(message "No document found"))))
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
(apply 'concat (nreverse acc))))
(defun ghc-extact-module-from-info (info)
(when (string-match "\`\\([^']+\\)'" info)
(when (string-match "[`\u2018]\\([^'\u2019]+\\)['\u2019]" info)
(match-string 1 info)))

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@ -111,13 +111,12 @@
(setq ghc-process-results nil)
(setq ghc-process-num-of-results (or n 1))
(let ((pro (ghc-with-process cmd 'ghc-process-callback nil hook)))
;; ghc-process-running is now t.
;; But if the process exits abnormally, it is set to nil.
(condition-case nil
(while (null ghc-process-rendezvous)
;; 0.01 is too fast for Emacs 24.4.
;; (sit-for 0.1 t) may get stuck when tooltip is displayed.
(sit-for 0.1)
;; (discard-input) avoids getting stuck.
(let ((inhibit-quit nil))
(while (and (null ghc-process-rendezvous) ghc-process-running)
(accept-process-output pro 0.1 nil t)))
(setq ghc-process-running nil))))

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ ghcModUsage =
\ - help | --help\n\
\ Print this help message.\n\
\ - list [FLAGS...]\n\
\ - list [FLAGS...] | modules [FLAGS...]\n\
\ List all visible modules.\n\
\ Flags:\n\
\ -d\n\