cosmetic change.

This commit is contained in:
Kazu Yamamoto 2012-02-06 15:13:41 +09:00
parent 47e5a13b56
commit 718b3fa3df

View File

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-- {-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-} -- not in GHC 6.12.3
module CabalDev (modifyOptions) where
If the directory 'cabal-dev/packages-X.X.X.conf' exists, add it to the
options ghc-mod uses to check the source. Otherwise just pass it on.
If the directory 'cabal-dev/packages-X.X.X.conf' exists, add it to the
options ghc-mod uses to check the source. Otherwise just pass it on.
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
@ -17,33 +15,33 @@ import Types
modifyOptions :: Options -> IO Options
modifyOptions opts =
fmap (has_cdev opts) findCabalDev
has_cdev :: Options -> Maybe String -> Options
has_cdev op Nothing = op
has_cdev op (Just path) = addPath op path
fmap (has_cdev opts) findCabalDev
has_cdev :: Options -> Maybe String -> Options
has_cdev op Nothing = op
has_cdev op (Just path) = addPath op path
findCabalDev :: IO (Maybe String)
findCabalDev =
getCurrentDirectory >>= searchIt . splitPath
getCurrentDirectory >>= searchIt . splitPath
addPath :: Options -> String -> Options
addPath orig_opts path = do
let orig_ghcopt = ghcOpts orig_opts
orig_opts { ghcOpts = orig_ghcopt ++ ["-package-conf", path] }
let orig_ghcopt = ghcOpts orig_opts
orig_opts { ghcOpts = orig_ghcopt ++ ["-package-conf", path] }
searchIt :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
searchIt [] = return Nothing
searchIt path = do
a <- doesDirectoryExist (mpath path)
if a then do
findConf (mpath path)
searchIt $ init path
a <- doesDirectoryExist (mpath path)
if a then do
findConf (mpath path)
searchIt $ init path
mpath a = joinPath a </> "cabal-dev/"
findConf :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findConf path = do
f <- find (=~ "packages.*\\.conf") <$> getDirectoryContents path
return $ ((path </>) <$> f)
f <- find (=~ "packages.*\\.conf") <$> getDirectoryContents path
return $ ((path </>) <$> f)