[Type-constraints] Compounds type substitution

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Nikolay Yakimov 2016-01-18 09:02:28 +03:00
parent 966c694dbf
commit 549d3e1006

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@ -96,21 +96,20 @@ getSrcSpanType modSum lineNo colNo = do
ct [pid] = (,) (fst gt) <$> lookup pid as
ct [] = Nothing
-- TODO: A case of multiple ids should probably
-- collect all constraints and then apply
-- them to calculated type. No idea how
-- to do that at the moment.
-- NB: The following does not work, since
-- "inner" types have different IDs from
-- exported types. So we need some sort of
-- type substitution.
ct pids =
ctys = mapMaybe (`lookup` as) pids
preds = concatMap (fst . getPreds) ctys
--typs = map (snd . getPreds) ctys
ty = mkFunTys preds $ snd gt
in Just (fst gt, ty)
ctys = mapMaybe build pids
build x | Just cti <- x `lookup` as
= let
(preds', ctt) = getPreds cti
vt = G.varType x
in Just (preds', flip (,) vt <$> getTyVar_maybe ctt)
| otherwise = Nothing
sty = snd gt
preds = concatMap fst ctys
subs = mkTopTvSubst $ mapMaybe snd ctys
ty = substTy subs $ mkFunTys preds sty
in Just (fst gt, tidyTopType ty)
getPreds x | isForAllTy x = getPreds $ dropForAlls x
| Just (c, t) <- splitFunTy_maybe x
, isPredTy c = first (c:) $ getPreds t