Improve style

This commit is contained in:
Sergey Vinokurov 2015-06-01 17:54:50 +03:00
parent a23f1f3b75
commit 4a9d578681
8 changed files with 263 additions and 263 deletions

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@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Modules
-- | Printing necessary information for front-end booting.
boot :: IOish m => GhcModT m String
boot = concat <$> sequence [modules, languages, flags,
concat <$> mapM browse preBrowsedModules]
boot = concat <$> sequence ms
ms = [modules, languages, flags, concat <$> mapM browse preBrowsedModules]
preBrowsedModules :: [String]
preBrowsedModules = [

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ browse pkgmdl = do
tryModuleInfo m = fromJust <$> G.getModuleInfo m
(mpkg,mdl) = splitPkgMdl pkgmdl
(mpkg, mdl) = splitPkgMdl pkgmdl
mdlname = G.mkModuleName mdl
mpkgid = mkFastString <$> mpkg
@ -59,9 +59,10 @@ browse pkgmdl = do
-- >>> splitPkgMdl "Prelude"
-- (Nothing,"Prelude")
splitPkgMdl :: String -> (Maybe String,String)
splitPkgMdl pkgmdl = case break (==':') pkgmdl of
(mdl,"") -> (Nothing,mdl)
(pkg,_:mdl) -> (Just pkg,mdl)
splitPkgMdl pkgmdl =
case break (==':') pkgmdl of
(mdl, "") -> (Nothing, mdl)
(pkg, _:mdl) -> (Just pkg, mdl)
-- Haskell 2010:
-- small -> ascSmall | uniSmall | _

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ convert' :: (ToString a, IOish m, GmEnv m) => a -> m String
convert' x = flip convert x <$> options
convert :: ToString a => Options -> a -> String
convert opt@Options { outputStyle = LispStyle } x = toLisp opt x "\n"
convert opt@Options { outputStyle = LispStyle } x = toLisp opt x "\n"
convert opt@Options { outputStyle = PlainStyle } x
| str == "\n" = ""
| otherwise = str
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ convert opt@Options { outputStyle = PlainStyle } x
str = toPlain opt x "\n"
class ToString a where
toLisp :: Options -> a -> Builder
toPlain :: Options -> a -> Builder
toLisp :: Options -> a -> Builder
toPlain :: Options -> a -> Builder
lineSep :: Options -> String
lineSep opt = interpret lsep
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ lineSep opt = interpret lsep
-- >>> toPlain defaultOptions "foo" ""
-- "foo"
instance ToString String where
toLisp opt = quote opt
toPlain opt = replace '\n' (lineSep opt)
toLisp opt = quote opt
toPlain opt = replace '\n' (lineSep opt)
-- |
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ instance ToString String where
-- >>> toPlain defaultOptions ["foo", "bar", "baz"] ""
-- "foo\nbar\nbaz"
instance ToString [String] where
toLisp opt = toSexp1 opt
toPlain opt = inter '\n' . map (toPlain opt)
toLisp opt = toSexp1 opt
toPlain opt = inter '\n' . map (toPlain opt)
-- |
@ -72,23 +72,23 @@ instance ToString [String] where
-- >>> toPlain defaultOptions inp ""
-- "1 2 3 4 \"foo\"\n5 6 7 8 \"bar\""
instance ToString [((Int,Int,Int,Int),String)] where
toLisp opt = toSexp2 . map toS
toS x = ('(' :) . tupToString opt x . (')' :)
toPlain opt = inter '\n' . map (tupToString opt)
toLisp opt = toSexp2 . map toS
toS x = ('(' :) . tupToString opt x . (')' :)
toPlain opt = inter '\n' . map (tupToString opt)
instance ToString ((Int,Int,Int,Int),String) where
toLisp opt x = ('(' :) . tupToString opt x . (')' :)
toPlain opt x = tupToString opt x
toLisp opt x = ('(' :) . tupToString opt x . (')' :)
toPlain opt x = tupToString opt x
instance ToString ((Int,Int,Int,Int),[String]) where
toLisp opt (x,s) = ('(' :) . fourIntsToString opt x .
(' ' :) . toLisp opt s . (')' :)
toPlain opt (x,s) = fourIntsToString opt x . ('\n' :) . toPlain opt s
toLisp opt (x,s) = ('(' :) . fourIntsToString opt x .
(' ' :) . toLisp opt s . (')' :)
toPlain opt (x,s) = fourIntsToString opt x . ('\n' :) . toPlain opt s
instance ToString (String, (Int,Int,Int,Int),[String]) where
toLisp opt (s,x,y) = toSexp2 [toLisp opt s, ('(' :) . fourIntsToString opt x . (')' :), toLisp opt y]
toPlain opt (s,x,y) = inter '\n' [toPlain opt s, fourIntsToString opt x, toPlain opt y]
toLisp opt (s,x,y) = toSexp2 [toLisp opt s, ('(' :) . fourIntsToString opt x . (')' :), toLisp opt y]
toPlain opt (s,x,y) = inter '\n' [toPlain opt s, fourIntsToString opt x, toPlain opt y]
toSexp1 :: Options -> [String] -> Builder
toSexp1 opt ss = ('(' :) . inter ' ' (map (quote opt) ss) . (')' :)

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@ -79,17 +79,14 @@ sig file lineNo colNo =
Signature loc names ty ->
("function", fourInts loc, map (initialBody dflag style ty) names)
InstanceDecl loc cls -> let
body x = initialBody dflag style (G.idType x) x
("instance", fourInts loc, body `map` Ty.classMethods cls)
InstanceDecl loc cls ->
let body x = initialBody dflag style (G.idType x) x
in ("instance", fourInts loc, body `map` Ty.classMethods cls)
TyFamDecl loc name flavour vars ->
let (rTy, initial) = initialTyFamString flavour
body = initialFamBody dflag style name vars
in (rTy, fourInts loc, [initial ++ body])
in (rTy, fourInts loc, [initial ++ body])
fallback (SomeException _) = do
opt <- options
@ -244,9 +241,11 @@ initialHead1 :: String -> [FnArg] -> [String] -> String
initialHead1 fname args elts =
case initialBodyArgs1 args elts of
[] -> fname
arglist -> if isSymbolName fname
then head arglist ++ " " ++ fname ++ " " ++ unwords (tail arglist)
else fname ++ " " ++ unwords arglist
| isSymbolName fname ->
head arglist ++ " " ++ fname ++ " " ++ unwords (tail arglist)
| otherwise ->
fname ++ " " ++ unwords arglist
initialBodyArgs1 :: [FnArg] -> [String] -> [String]
initialBodyArgs1 args elts = take (length args) elts
@ -338,39 +337,45 @@ refine :: IOish m
-> Expression -- ^ A Haskell expression.
-> GhcModT m String
refine file lineNo colNo expr =
ghandle handler $ runGmlT' [Left file] deferErrors $ do
opt <- options
style <- getStyle
dflag <- G.getSessionDynFlags
modSum <- Gap.fileModSummary file
p <- G.parseModule modSum
tcm@TypecheckedModule{tm_typechecked_source = tcs} <- G.typecheckModule p
ety <- G.exprType expr
whenFound opt (findVar dflag style tcm tcs lineNo colNo) $
\(loc, name, rty, paren) ->
let eArgs = getFnArgs ety
rArgs = getFnArgs rty
diffArgs' = length eArgs - length rArgs
diffArgs = if diffArgs' < 0 then 0 else diffArgs'
iArgs = take diffArgs eArgs
text = initialHead1 expr iArgs (infinitePrefixSupply name)
in (fourInts loc, doParen paren text)
handler (SomeException _) = emptyResult =<< options
ghandle handler $
runGmlT' [Left file] deferErrors $ do
opt <- options
style <- getStyle
dflag <- G.getSessionDynFlags
modSum <- Gap.fileModSummary file
p <- G.parseModule modSum
tcm@TypecheckedModule{tm_typechecked_source = tcs} <- G.typecheckModule p
ety <- G.exprType expr
whenFound opt (findVar dflag style tcm tcs lineNo colNo) $
\(loc, name, rty, paren) ->
let eArgs = getFnArgs ety
rArgs = getFnArgs rty
diffArgs' = length eArgs - length rArgs
diffArgs = if diffArgs' < 0 then 0 else diffArgs'
iArgs = take diffArgs eArgs
text = initialHead1 expr iArgs (infinitePrefixSupply name)
in (fourInts loc, doParen paren text)
handler (SomeException _) = emptyResult =<< options
-- Look for the variable in the specified position
findVar :: GhcMonad m => DynFlags -> PprStyle
-> G.TypecheckedModule -> G.TypecheckedSource
-> Int -> Int -> m (Maybe (SrcSpan, String, Type, Bool))
:: GhcMonad m
=> DynFlags
-> PprStyle
-> G.TypecheckedModule
-> G.TypecheckedSource
-> Int
-> Int
-> m (Maybe (SrcSpan, String, Type, Bool))
findVar dflag style tcm tcs lineNo colNo =
case lst of
e@(L _ (G.HsVar i)):others -> do
tyInfo <- Gap.getType tcm e
case tyInfo of
Just (span, typ)
Just (s, typ)
| name == "undefined" || head name == '_' ->
return $ Just (span, name, typ, b)
return $ Just (s, name, typ, b)
name = getFnName dflag style i
-- If inside an App, we need parenthesis

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@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Find
#ifndef SPEC
( Symbol
, SymbolDb
, loadSymbolDb
, lookupSymbol
@ -33,17 +32,8 @@ import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getModificationTime)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_containers
#define MIN_VERSION_containers(x,y,z) 1
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,0)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -79,16 +69,16 @@ lookupSym sym db = M.findWithDefault [] sym $ table db
-- | Loading a file and creates 'SymbolDb'.
loadSymbolDb :: IOish m => GhcModT m SymbolDb
loadSymbolDb = do
ghcMod <- liftIO ghcModExecutable
tmpdir <- cradleTempDir <$> cradle
file <- liftIO $ chop <$> readProcess ghcMod ["dumpsym", tmpdir] ""
!db <- M.fromAscList . map conv . lines <$> liftIO (readFile file)
return $ SymbolDb
{ table = db
, symbolDbCachePath = file
ghcMod <- liftIO ghcModExecutable
tmpdir <- cradleTempDir <$> cradle
file <- liftIO $ chop <$> readProcess ghcMod ["dumpsym", tmpdir] ""
!db <- M.fromAscList . map conv . lines <$> liftIO (readFile file)
return $ SymbolDb
{ table = db
, symbolDbCachePath = file
conv :: String -> (Symbol,[ModuleString])
conv :: String -> (Symbol, [ModuleString])
conv = read
chop :: String -> String
chop "" = ""
@ -113,11 +103,11 @@ dumpSymbol dir = do
cache = dir </> symbolCacheFile
writeSymbolCache :: FilePath
-> [(Symbol,[ModuleString])]
-> [(Symbol, [ModuleString])]
-> IO ()
writeSymbolCache cache sm =
void . withFile cache WriteMode $ \hdl ->
mapM (hPrint hdl) sm
mapM (hPrint hdl) sm
-- | Check whether given file is older than any file from the given set.
-- Returns True if given file does not exist.
@ -131,24 +121,24 @@ isOlderThan cache files = do
return $ any (tCache <=) $ map tfTime files -- including equal just in case
-- | Browsing all functions in all system modules.
getGlobalSymbolTable :: LightGhc [(Symbol,[ModuleString])]
getGlobalSymbolTable :: LightGhc [(Symbol, [ModuleString])]
getGlobalSymbolTable = do
df <- G.getSessionDynFlags
let mods = listVisibleModules df
moduleInfos <- mapM G.getModuleInfo mods
return $ collectModules
$ extractBindings `concatMap` (moduleInfos `zip` mods)
df <- G.getSessionDynFlags
let mods = listVisibleModules df
moduleInfos <- mapM G.getModuleInfo mods
return $ collectModules
$ extractBindings `concatMap` (moduleInfos `zip` mods)
extractBindings :: (Maybe G.ModuleInfo, G.Module)
-> [(Symbol, ModuleString)]
extractBindings (Nothing,_) = []
extractBindings (Just inf,mdl) =
map (\name -> (getOccString name, moduleNameString $ moduleName mdl)) names
extractBindings (Nothing, _) = []
extractBindings (Just inf, mdl) =
map (\name -> (getOccString name, moduleNameString $ moduleName mdl)) names
names = G.modInfoExports inf
collectModules :: [(Symbol,ModuleString)]
-> [(Symbol,[ModuleString])]
collectModules :: [(Symbol, ModuleString)]
-> [(Symbol, [ModuleString])]
collectModules = map tieup . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sort
tieup x = (head (map fst x), map snd x)

View File

@ -30,20 +30,21 @@ info :: IOish m
-> Expression -- ^ A Haskell expression.
-> GhcModT m String
info file expr =
ghandle handler $ runGmlT' [Left file] deferErrors $ withContext $
convert <$> options <*> body
ghandle handler $
runGmlT' [Left file] deferErrors $
withContext $
convert <$> options <*> body
handler (SomeException ex) = do
gmLog GmException "info" $
text "" $$ nest 4 (showDoc ex)
convert' "Cannot show info"
gmLog GmException "info" $ text "" $$ nest 4 (showDoc ex)
convert' "Cannot show info"
body :: GhcMonad m => m String
body = do
sdoc <- Gap.infoThing expr
st <- getStyle
dflag <- G.getSessionDynFlags
return $ showPage dflag st sdoc
sdoc <- Gap.infoThing expr
st <- getStyle
dflag <- G.getSessionDynFlags
return $ showPage dflag st sdoc
@ -54,14 +55,14 @@ types :: IOish m
-> Int -- ^ Column number.
-> GhcModT m String
types file lineNo colNo =
ghandle handler $ runGmlT' [Left file] deferErrors $ withContext $ do
crdl <- cradle
modSum <- Gap.fileModSummary (cradleCurrentDir crdl </> file)
ghandle handler $
runGmlT' [Left file] deferErrors $
withContext $ do
crdl <- cradle
modSum <- Gap.fileModSummary (cradleCurrentDir crdl </> file)
srcSpanTypes <- getSrcSpanType modSum lineNo colNo
dflag <- G.getSessionDynFlags
st <- getStyle
dflag <- G.getSessionDynFlags
st <- getStyle
convert' $ map (toTup dflag st) $ sortBy (cmp `on` fst) srcSpanTypes
handler (SomeException ex) = do
@ -70,12 +71,12 @@ types file lineNo colNo =
getSrcSpanType :: GhcMonad m => G.ModSummary -> Int -> Int -> m [(SrcSpan, Type)]
getSrcSpanType modSum lineNo colNo = do
p <- G.parseModule modSum
tcm@TypecheckedModule{tm_typechecked_source = tcs} <- G.typecheckModule p
let bs = listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: [LHsBind Id]
es = listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: [LHsExpr Id]
ps = listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: [LPat Id]
bts <- mapM (getType tcm) bs
ets <- mapM (getType tcm) es
pts <- mapM (getType tcm) ps
return $ catMaybes $ concat [ets, bts, pts]
p <- G.parseModule modSum
tcm@TypecheckedModule{tm_typechecked_source = tcs} <- G.typecheckModule p
let bs = listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: [LHsBind Id]
es = listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: [LHsExpr Id]
ps = listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: [LPat Id]
bts <- mapM (getType tcm) bs
ets <- mapM (getType tcm) es
pts <- mapM (getType tcm) ps
return $ catMaybes $ concat [ets, bts, pts]

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ type MonadIOC m = (MTL.MonadIO m)
class MonadIOC m => MonadIO m where
liftIO :: IO a -> m a
liftIO :: IO a -> m a
-- | Output style.
data OutputStyle = LispStyle -- ^ S expression style.
@ -83,21 +83,20 @@ data Options = Options {
, hlintOpts :: [String]
} deriving (Show)
-- | A default 'Options'.
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options {
outputStyle = PlainStyle
, lineSeparator = LineSeparator "\0"
, logLevel = GmWarning
, ghcProgram = "ghc"
, ghcPkgProgram = "ghc-pkg"
, cabalProgram = "cabal"
, ghcUserOptions= []
, operators = False
, detailed = False
, qualified = False
, hlintOpts = []
outputStyle = PlainStyle
, lineSeparator = LineSeparator "\0"
, logLevel = GmWarning
, ghcProgram = "ghc"
, ghcPkgProgram = "ghc-pkg"
, cabalProgram = "cabal"
, ghcUserOptions = []
, operators = False
, detailed = False
, qualified = False
, hlintOpts = []
@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ data Cradle = Cradle {
-- | The file name of the found cabal file.
, cradleCabalFile :: Maybe FilePath
-- | Package database stack
, cradlePkgDbStack :: [GhcPkgDb]
, cradlePkgDbStack :: [GhcPkgDb]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ data Cradle = Cradle {
data GhcPkgDb = GlobalDb | UserDb | PackageDb String deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A single GHC command line option.
type GHCOption = String
type GHCOption = String
-- | An include directory for modules.
type IncludeDir = FilePath
@ -131,28 +130,28 @@ type IncludeDir = FilePath
type PackageBaseName = String
-- | A package version.
type PackageVersion = String
type PackageVersion = String
-- | A package id.
type PackageId = String
type PackageId = String
-- | A package's name, verson and id.
type Package = (PackageBaseName, PackageVersion, PackageId)
type Package = (PackageBaseName, PackageVersion, PackageId)
pkgName :: Package -> PackageBaseName
pkgName (n,_,_) = n
pkgName (n, _, _) = n
pkgVer :: Package -> PackageVersion
pkgVer (_,v,_) = v
pkgVer (_, v, _) = v
pkgId :: Package -> PackageId
pkgId (_,_,i) = i
pkgId (_, _, i) = i
showPkg :: Package -> String
showPkg (n,v,_) = intercalate "-" [n,v]
showPkg (n, v, _) = intercalate "-" [n, v]
showPkgId :: Package -> String
showPkgId (n,v,i) = intercalate "-" [n,v,i]
showPkgId (n, v, i) = intercalate "-" [n, v, i]
-- | Haskell expression.
type Expression = String
@ -163,131 +162,133 @@ type ModuleString = String
-- | A Module
type Module = [String]
data GmLogLevel = GmSilent
| GmPanic
| GmException
| GmError
| GmWarning
| GmInfo
| GmDebug
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read)
data GmLogLevel =
| GmPanic
| GmException
| GmError
| GmWarning
| GmInfo
| GmDebug
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read)
-- | Collection of packages
type PkgDb = (Map Package PackageConfig)
data GmModuleGraph = GmModuleGraph {
gmgGraph :: Map ModulePath (Set ModulePath)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Typeable)
gmgGraph :: Map ModulePath (Set ModulePath)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Typeable)
instance Serialize GmModuleGraph where
put GmModuleGraph {..} = let
mpim :: Map ModulePath Integer
graph :: Map Integer (Set Integer)
put GmModuleGraph {..} = put (mpim, graph)
mpim :: Map ModulePath Integer
mpim = Map.fromList $ Map.keys gmgGraph `zip` [0..]
graph :: Map Integer (Set Integer)
graph = ( mpToInt) $ Map.mapKeys mpToInt gmgGraph
mpToInt :: ModulePath -> Integer
mpToInt mp = fromJust $ Map.lookup mp mpim
mpim = Map.fromList $
(Map.keys gmgGraph) `zip` [0..]
mpToInt :: ModulePath -> Integer
mpToInt mp = fromJust $ Map.lookup mp mpim
graph = ( mpToInt) $ Map.mapKeys mpToInt gmgGraph
in put (mpim, graph)
get = do
(mpim :: Map ModulePath Integer, graph :: Map Integer (Set Integer)) <- get
swapMap = Map.fromList . map swap . Map.toList
swap (a,b) = (b,a)
impm = swapMap mpim
intToMp i = fromJust $ Map.lookup i impm
mpGraph :: Map ModulePath (Set ModulePath)
mpGraph = ( intToMp) $ Map.mapKeys intToMp graph
return $ GmModuleGraph mpGraph
get = do
(mpim :: Map ModulePath Integer, graph :: Map Integer (Set Integer)) <- get
let impm = swapMap mpim
intToMp i = fromJust $ Map.lookup i impm
mpGraph :: Map ModulePath (Set ModulePath)
mpGraph = ( intToMp) $ Map.mapKeys intToMp graph
return $ GmModuleGraph mpGraph
swapMap :: (Ord k, Ord v) => Map k v -> Map v k
swapMap = Map.fromList . map (\(x, y) -> (y, x)) . Map.toList
instance Monoid GmModuleGraph where
mempty = GmModuleGraph mempty
mappend (GmModuleGraph a) (GmModuleGraph a') =
GmModuleGraph (Map.unionWith Set.union a a')
mempty = GmModuleGraph mempty
mappend (GmModuleGraph a) (GmModuleGraph a') =
GmModuleGraph (Map.unionWith Set.union a a')
data GmComponentType = GMCRaw
| GMCResolved
data GmComponent (t :: GmComponentType) eps = GmComponent {
gmcHomeModuleGraph :: GmModuleGraph,
gmcName :: ChComponentName,
gmcGhcOpts :: [GHCOption],
gmcGhcPkgOpts :: [GHCOption],
gmcGhcSrcOpts :: [GHCOption],
gmcGhcLangOpts :: [GHCOption],
gmcRawEntrypoints :: ChEntrypoint,
gmcEntrypoints :: eps,
gmcSourceDirs :: [FilePath]
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Functor)
gmcHomeModuleGraph :: GmModuleGraph
, gmcName :: ChComponentName
, gmcGhcOpts :: [GHCOption]
, gmcGhcPkgOpts :: [GHCOption]
, gmcGhcSrcOpts :: [GHCOption]
, gmcGhcLangOpts :: [GHCOption]
, gmcRawEntrypoints :: ChEntrypoint
, gmcEntrypoints :: eps
, gmcSourceDirs :: [FilePath]
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Functor)
instance Serialize eps => Serialize (GmComponent t eps)
data ModulePath = ModulePath { mpModule :: ModuleName, mpPath :: FilePath }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Typeable)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Typeable)
instance Serialize ModulePath
instance Serialize ModuleName where
get = mkModuleName <$> get
put mn = put (moduleNameString mn)
get = mkModuleName <$> get
put mn = put (moduleNameString mn)
instance Show ModuleName where
show mn = "ModuleName " ++ show (moduleNameString mn)
show mn = "ModuleName " ++ show (moduleNameString mn)
instance Read ModuleName where
readsPrec d r = readParen (d > app_prec)
(\r' -> [(mkModuleName m,t) |
("ModuleName",s) <- lex r',
(m,t) <- readsPrec (app_prec+1) s]) r
where app_prec = 10
readsPrec d =
(d > app_prec)
(\r' -> [ (mkModuleName m, t)
| ("ModuleName", s) <- lex r'
, (m, t) <- readsPrec (app_prec + 1) s
app_prec = 10
data GhcModError
= GMENoMsg
-- ^ Unknown error
= GMENoMsg
-- ^ Unknown error
| GMEString String
-- ^ Some Error with a message. These are produced mostly by
-- 'fail' calls on GhcModT.
| GMEString String
-- ^ Some Error with a message. These are produced mostly by
-- 'fail' calls on GhcModT.
| GMECabalConfigure GhcModError
-- ^ Configuring a cabal project failed.
| GMECabalConfigure GhcModError
-- ^ Configuring a cabal project failed.
| GMECabalFlags GhcModError
-- ^ Retrieval of the cabal configuration flags failed.
| GMECabalFlags GhcModError
-- ^ Retrieval of the cabal configuration flags failed.
| GMECabalComponent ChComponentName
-- ^ Cabal component could not be found
| GMECabalComponent ChComponentName
-- ^ Cabal component could not be found
| GMECabalCompAssignment [(Either FilePath ModuleName, Set ChComponentName)]
-- ^ Could not find a consistent component assignment for modules
| GMECabalCompAssignment [(Either FilePath ModuleName, Set ChComponentName)]
-- ^ Could not find a consistent component assignment for modules
| GMEProcess String [String] (Either (String, String, Int) GhcModError)
-- ^ Launching an operating system process failed. Fields in
-- order: command, arguments, (stdout, stderr, exitcode)
| GMEProcess String [String] (Either (String, String, Int) GhcModError)
-- ^ Launching an operating system process failed. Fields in
-- order: command, arguments, (stdout, stderr, exitcode)
| GMENoCabalFile
-- ^ No cabal file found.
| GMENoCabalFile
-- ^ No cabal file found.
| GMETooManyCabalFiles [FilePath]
-- ^ Too many cabal files found.
| GMETooManyCabalFiles [FilePath]
-- ^ Too many cabal files found.
| GMECabalStateFile GMConfigStateFileError
-- ^ Reading Cabal's state configuration file falied somehow.
deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)
| GMECabalStateFile GMConfigStateFileError
-- ^ Reading Cabal's state configuration file falied somehow.
deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)
instance Error GhcModError where
noMsg = GMENoMsg
strMsg = GMEString
noMsg = GMENoMsg
strMsg = GMEString
instance Exception GhcModError
data GMConfigStateFileError
= GMConfigStateFileNoHeader
| GMConfigStateFileBadHeader
| GMConfigStateFileNoParse
| GMConfigStateFileMissing
-- | GMConfigStateFileBadVersion PackageIdentifier PackageIdentifier (Either ConfigStateFileError LocalBuildInfo)
= GMConfigStateFileNoHeader
| GMConfigStateFileBadHeader
| GMConfigStateFileNoParse
| GMConfigStateFileMissing
-- | GMConfigStateFileBadVersion PackageIdentifier PackageIdentifier (Either ConfigStateFileError LocalBuildInfo)
deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Typeable)

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@ -15,26 +15,26 @@
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils (
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
, module Utils
, readProcess
) where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Exception
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad.Types
import Exception
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory, doesFileExist,
getTemporaryDirectory, canonicalizePath, doesFileExist)
import System.Process (readProcess)
import System.Directory ()
getTemporaryDirectory, canonicalizePath)
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath (splitDrive, takeDirectory, takeFileName, pathSeparators,
import System.IO.Temp (createTempDirectory)
import System.Environment
import System.Process (readProcess)
import Text.Printf
import Paths_ghc_mod (getLibexecDir)
@ -46,25 +46,28 @@ dropWhileEnd p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x && null xs then [] else x : xs) []
withDirectory_ :: (MonadIO m, ExceptionMonad m) => FilePath -> m a -> m a
withDirectory_ dir action =
gbracket (liftIO getCurrentDirectory) (liftIO . setCurrentDirectory)
(\_ -> liftIO (setCurrentDirectory dir) >> action)
(liftIO getCurrentDirectory)
(liftIO . setCurrentDirectory)
(\_ -> liftIO (setCurrentDirectory dir) >> action)
uniqTempDirName :: FilePath -> FilePath
uniqTempDirName dir = ("ghc-mod"++) $ uncurry (++)
$ map escapeDriveChar *** map escapePathChar
$ splitDrive dir
uniqTempDirName dir =
"ghc-mod" ++ map escapeDriveChar drive ++ map escapePathChar path
(drive, path) = splitDrive dir
escapeDriveChar :: Char -> Char
escapeDriveChar c
| isAlphaNum c = c
| otherwise = '-'
| isAlphaNum c = c
| otherwise = '-'
escapePathChar :: Char -> Char
escapePathChar c
| c `elem` pathSeparators = '-'
| otherwise = c
| c `elem` pathSeparators = '-'
| otherwise = c
newTempDir :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
newTempDir dir =
flip createTempDirectory (uniqTempDirName dir) =<< getTemporaryDirectory
flip createTempDirectory (uniqTempDirName dir) =<< getTemporaryDirectory
whenM :: IO Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
whenM mb ma = mb >>= flip when ma
@ -82,21 +85,21 @@ ghcModExecutable = fmap (</> "dist/build/ghc-mod/ghc-mod") getCurrentDirectory
findLibexecExe :: String -> IO FilePath
findLibexecExe "cabal-helper-wrapper" = do
libexecdir <- getLibexecDir
let exeName = "cabal-helper-wrapper"
exe = libexecdir </> exeName
libexecdir <- getLibexecDir
let exeName = "cabal-helper-wrapper"
exe = libexecdir </> exeName
exists <- doesFileExist exe
exists <- doesFileExist exe
if exists
then return exe
else do
mdir <- tryFindGhcModTreeDataDir
case mdir of
Nothing ->
error $ libexecNotExitsError exeName libexecdir
Just dir ->
return $ dir </> "dist" </> "build" </> exeName </> exeName
if exists
then return exe
else do
mdir <- tryFindGhcModTreeDataDir
case mdir of
Nothing ->
error $ libexecNotExitsError exeName libexecdir
Just dir ->
return $ dir </> "dist" </> "build" </> exeName </> exeName
findLibexecExe exe = error $ "findLibexecExe: Unknown executable: " ++ exe
libexecNotExitsError :: String -> FilePath -> String
@ -119,22 +122,20 @@ tryFindGhcModTreeLibexecDir :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
tryFindGhcModTreeLibexecDir = do
exe <- getExecutablePath'
dir <- case takeFileName exe of
"ghc" -> do -- we're probably in ghci; try CWD
_ ->
return $ (!!4) $ iterate takeDirectory exe
"ghc" -> getCurrentDirectory -- we're probably in ghci; try CWD
_ -> return $ (!!4) $ iterate takeDirectory exe
exists <- doesFileExist $ dir </> "ghc-mod.cabal"
return $ if exists
then Just dir
else Nothing
then Just dir
else Nothing
tryFindGhcModTreeDataDir :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
tryFindGhcModTreeDataDir = do
dir <- (!!4) . iterate takeDirectory <$> getExecutablePath'
exists <- doesFileExist $ dir </> "ghc-mod.cabal"
return $ if exists
then Just dir
else Nothing
then Just dir
else Nothing
readLibExecProcess' :: (MonadIO m, ExceptionMonad m)
=> String -> [String] -> m String