Add GHC-7.10 support

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Gröber 2015-01-16 15:47:56 +01:00
parent 27c1eb1eb3
commit 2b4fd77c28
20 changed files with 410 additions and 401 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import GHC (GhcException(CmdLineError), ModuleInfo, Name, TyThing, DynFlags, Typ
import qualified GHC as G import qualified GHC as G
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Doc (showPage, styleUnqualified) import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Doc (showPage, styleUnqualified)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap as Gap
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad (GhcModT, options) import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad (GhcModT, options)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Target (setTargetFiles) import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Target (setTargetFiles)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ tyType typ
&& not (G.isClassTyCon typ) = Just "data" && not (G.isClassTyCon typ) = Just "data"
| G.isNewTyCon typ = Just "newtype" | G.isNewTyCon typ = Just "newtype"
| G.isClassTyCon typ = Just "class" | G.isClassTyCon typ = Just "class"
| G.isSynTyCon typ = Just "type" | Gap.isSynTyCon typ = Just "type"
| otherwise = Nothing | otherwise = Nothing
removeForAlls :: Type -> Type removeForAlls :: Type -> Type

View File

@ -4,33 +4,27 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalApi (
getCompilerOptions getCompilerOptions
, parseCabalFile , parseCabalFile
, cabalAllBuildInfo , cabalAllBuildInfo
, cabalDependPackages
, cabalSourceDirs , cabalSourceDirs
, cabalAllTargets
, cabalConfigDependencies , cabalConfigDependencies
) where ) where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap (benchmarkBuildInfo, benchmarkTargets, import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap (benchmarkBuildInfo, mkGHCCompilerId)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import MonadUtils (liftIO) import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Control.Exception as E import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Set (fromList, toList) import Data.Set (fromList, toList)
import Distribution.Package (Dependency(Dependency) import Distribution.Package (PackageName(PackageName))
, PackageName(PackageName))
import qualified Distribution.Package as C import qualified Distribution.Package as C
import Distribution.PackageDescription (PackageDescription, BuildInfo, TestSuite, TestSuiteInterface(..), Executable) import Distribution.PackageDescription (PackageDescription, BuildInfo)
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as P import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as P
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (finalizePackageDescription) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (finalizePackageDescription)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (CompilerId(..), CompilerFlavor(..))
import Distribution.Simple.Program as C (ghcProgram) import Distribution.Simple.Program as C (ghcProgram)
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types (programName, programFindVersion) import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types (programName, programFindVersion)
import Distribution.System (buildPlatform) import Distribution.System (buildPlatform)
@ -78,7 +72,7 @@ parseCabalFile :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m)
-> FilePath -> FilePath
-> m PackageDescription -> m PackageDescription
parseCabalFile cradle file = do parseCabalFile cradle file = do
cid <- liftIO getGHCId cid <- mkGHCCompilerId <$> liftIO getGHCVersion
epgd <- liftIO $ readPackageDescription silent file epgd <- liftIO $ readPackageDescription silent file
flags <- cabalConfigFlags cradle flags <- cabalConfigFlags cradle
case toPkgDesc cid flags epgd of case toPkgDesc cid flags epgd of
@ -93,6 +87,14 @@ parseCabalFile cradle file = do
where where
PackageName name = C.pkgName (P.package pd) PackageName name = C.pkgName (P.package pd)
getGHCVersion :: IO Version
getGHCVersion = do
mv <- programFindVersion C.ghcProgram silent (programName C.ghcProgram)
case mv of
-- TODO: MonadError it up
Nothing -> E.throwIO $ userError "ghc not found"
Just v -> return v
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
getGHCOptions :: [GHCOption] -> Cradle -> FilePath -> BuildInfo -> IO [GHCOption] getGHCOptions :: [GHCOption] -> Cradle -> FilePath -> BuildInfo -> IO [GHCOption]
@ -130,15 +132,6 @@ cabalAllBuildInfo pd = libBI ++ execBI ++ testBI ++ benchBI
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Extracting package names of dependency.
cabalDependPackages :: [BuildInfo] -> [PackageBaseName]
cabalDependPackages bis = uniqueAndSort pkgs
pkgs = map getDependencyPackageName $ concatMap P.targetBuildDepends bis
getDependencyPackageName (Dependency (PackageName nm) _) = nm
-- | Extracting include directories for modules. -- | Extracting include directories for modules.
cabalSourceDirs :: [BuildInfo] -> [IncludeDir] cabalSourceDirs :: [BuildInfo] -> [IncludeDir]
cabalSourceDirs bis = uniqueAndSort $ concatMap P.hsSourceDirs bis cabalSourceDirs bis = uniqueAndSort $ concatMap P.hsSourceDirs bis
@ -147,47 +140,3 @@ cabalSourceDirs bis = uniqueAndSort $ concatMap P.hsSourceDirs bis
uniqueAndSort :: [String] -> [String] uniqueAndSort :: [String] -> [String]
uniqueAndSort = toList . fromList uniqueAndSort = toList . fromList
getGHCId :: IO CompilerId
getGHCId = CompilerId GHC <$> getGHC
getGHC :: IO Version
getGHC = do
mv <- programFindVersion C.ghcProgram silent (programName C.ghcProgram)
case mv of
-- TODO: MonadError it up
Nothing -> E.throwIO $ userError "ghc not found"
Just v -> return v
-- | Extracting all 'Module' 'FilePath's for libraries, executables,
-- tests and benchmarks.
cabalAllTargets :: PackageDescription -> IO ([String],[String],[String],[String])
cabalAllTargets pd = do
exeTargets <- mapM getExecutableTarget $ P.executables pd
testTargets <- mapM getTestTarget $ P.testSuites pd
return (libTargets,concat exeTargets,concat testTargets,benchTargets)
lib = case P.library pd of
Nothing -> []
Just l -> P.libModules l
libTargets = map toModuleString lib
benchTargets = benchmarkTargets pd
getTestTarget :: TestSuite -> IO [String]
getTestTarget ts =
case P.testInterface ts of
(TestSuiteExeV10 _ filePath) -> do
let maybeTests = [p </> e | p <- P.hsSourceDirs $ P.testBuildInfo ts, e <- [filePath]]
liftIO $ filterM doesFileExist maybeTests
(TestSuiteLibV09 _ moduleName) -> return [toModuleString moduleName]
(TestSuiteUnsupported _) -> return []
getExecutableTarget :: Executable -> IO [String]
getExecutableTarget exe = do
let maybeExes = [p </> e | p <- P.hsSourceDirs $ P.buildInfo exe, e <- [P.modulePath exe]]
liftIO $ filterM doesFileExist maybeExes

View File

@ -1,66 +1,26 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
-- | This module facilitates extracting information from Cabal's on-disk -- | This module abstracts extracting information from Cabal's on-disk
-- 'LocalBuildInfo' (@dist/setup-config@). -- 'LocalBuildInfo' (@dist/setup-config@) for different version combinations of
-- Cabal and GHC.
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig ( module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig (
CabalConfig cabalConfigDependencies
, cabalConfigDependencies
, cabalConfigFlags , cabalConfigFlags
) where ) where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error import Control.Applicative
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg import Distribution.Package (PackageIdentifier)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Read
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.World
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal16 as C16
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal18 as C18
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal21 as C21
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_mtl
#define MIN_VERSION_mtl(x,y,z) 1
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (void, mplus, when)
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1)
import Control.Monad.Except ()
import Control.Monad.Error ()
import Data.List (find,tails,isPrefixOf,isInfixOf,nub,stripPrefix)
import Distribution.Package (InstalledPackageId(..)
, PackageIdentifier(..)
, PackageName(..))
import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagAssignment) import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagAssignment)
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (ComponentName)
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
---------------------------------------------------------------- import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error
-- | 'Show'ed cabal 'LocalBuildInfo' string #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
type CabalConfig = String import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Ghc710
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.PreGhc710
-- | Get contents of the file containing 'LocalBuildInfo' data. If it doesn't
-- exist run @cabal configure@ i.e. configure with default options like @cabal
-- build@ would do.
getConfig :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m)
=> Cradle
-> m CabalConfig
getConfig cradle = do
outOfDate <- liftIO $ isSetupConfigOutOfDate cradle
when outOfDate configure
liftIO (readFile file) `tryFix` \_ ->
configure `modifyError'` GMECabalConfigure
file = setupConfigFile cradle
prjDir = cradleRootDir cradle
configure :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m) => m ()
configure = withDirectory_ prjDir $ void $ readProcess' "cabal" ["configure"]
-- | Get list of 'Package's needed by all components of the current package -- | Get list of 'Package's needed by all components of the current package
cabalConfigDependencies :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m) cabalConfigDependencies :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m)
@ -70,83 +30,6 @@ cabalConfigDependencies :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m)
cabalConfigDependencies cradle thisPkg = cabalConfigDependencies cradle thisPkg =
configDependencies thisPkg <$> getConfig cradle configDependencies thisPkg <$> getConfig cradle
-- | Extract list of depencenies for all components from 'CabalConfig'
configDependencies :: PackageIdentifier -> CabalConfig -> [Package]
configDependencies thisPkg config = map fromInstalledPackageId deps
deps :: [InstalledPackageId]
deps = case deps21 `mplus` deps18 `mplus` deps16 of
Right ps -> ps
Left msg -> error msg
-- True if this dependency is an internal one (depends on the library
-- defined in the same package).
internal pkgid = pkgid == thisPkg
-- Cabal >= 1.21
deps21 :: Either String [InstalledPackageId]
deps21 =
map fst
<$> filterInternal21
<$> (readEither =<< extractField config "componentsConfigs")
:: [(ComponentName, C21.ComponentLocalBuildInfo, [ComponentName])]
-> [(InstalledPackageId, C21.PackageIdentifier)]
filterInternal21 ccfg = [ (ipkgid, pkgid)
| (_,clbi,_) <- ccfg
, (ipkgid, pkgid) <- C21.componentPackageDeps clbi
, not (internal . packageIdentifierFrom21 $ pkgid) ]
packageIdentifierFrom21 :: C21.PackageIdentifier -> PackageIdentifier
packageIdentifierFrom21 (C21.PackageIdentifier (C21.PackageName myName) myVersion) =
PackageIdentifier (PackageName myName) myVersion
-- Cabal >= 1.18 && < 1.21
deps18 :: Either String [InstalledPackageId]
deps18 =
map fst
<$> filterInternal
<$> (readEither =<< extractField config "componentsConfigs")
:: [(ComponentName, C18.ComponentLocalBuildInfo, [ComponentName])]
-> [(InstalledPackageId, PackageIdentifier)]
filterInternal ccfg = [ (ipkgid, pkgid)
| (_,clbi,_) <- ccfg
, (ipkgid, pkgid) <- C18.componentPackageDeps clbi
, not (internal pkgid) ]
-- Cabal 1.16 and below
deps16 :: Either String [InstalledPackageId]
deps16 = map fst <$> filter (not . internal . snd) . nub <$> do
cbi <- concat <$> sequence [ extract "executableConfigs"
, extract "testSuiteConfigs"
, extract "benchmarkConfigs" ]
:: Either String [(String, C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)]
return $ maybe [] C16.componentPackageDeps libraryConfig
++ concatMap (C16.componentPackageDeps . snd) cbi
libraryConfig :: Maybe C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
libraryConfig = do
field <- find ("libraryConfig" `isPrefixOf`) (tails config)
clbi <- stripPrefix " = " field
if "Nothing" `isPrefixOf` clbi
then Nothing
else case readMaybe =<< stripPrefix "Just " clbi of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error $ "reading libraryConfig failed\n" ++ show (stripPrefix "Just " clbi)
extract :: String -> Either String [(String, C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)]
extract field = readConfigs field <$> extractField config field
readConfigs :: String -> String -> [(String, C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)]
readConfigs f s = case readEither s of
Right x -> x
Left msg -> error $ "reading config " ++ f ++ " failed ("++msg++")"
-- | Get the flag assignment from the local build info of the given cradle -- | Get the flag assignment from the local build info of the given cradle
cabalConfigFlags :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m) cabalConfigFlags :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m)
@ -157,15 +40,3 @@ cabalConfigFlags cradle = do
case configFlags config of case configFlags config of
Right x -> return x Right x -> return x
Left msg -> throwError (GMECabalFlags (GMEString msg)) Left msg -> throwError (GMECabalFlags (GMEString msg))
-- | Extract the cabal flags from the 'CabalConfig'
configFlags :: CabalConfig -> Either String FlagAssignment
configFlags config = readEither =<< flip extractField "configConfigurationsFlags" =<< extractField config "configFlags"
-- | Find @field@ in 'CabalConfig'. Returns 'Left' containing a user readable
-- error message with lots of context on failure.
extractField :: CabalConfig -> String -> Either String String
extractField config field =
case extractParens <$> find (field `isPrefixOf`) (tails config) of
Just f -> Right f
Nothing -> Left $ "extractField: failed extracting "++field++" from input, input contained `"++field++"'? " ++ show (field `isInfixOf` config)

View File

-- | ComponentLocalBuildInfo for Cabal <= 1.16 -- | ComponentLocalBuildInfo for Cabal <= 1.16
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal16 ( module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Cabal16 (
ComponentLocalBuildInfo ComponentLocalBuildInfo
, componentPackageDeps , componentPackageDeps
) where ) where

View File

-- | ComponentLocalBuildInfo for Cabal >= 1.18 -- | ComponentLocalBuildInfo for Cabal >= 1.18
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal18 ( module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Cabal18 (
ComponentLocalBuildInfo ComponentLocalBuildInfo
, componentPackageDeps , componentPackageDeps
, componentLibraries , componentLibraries

View File

-- | ComponentLocalBuildInfo for Cabal >= 1.21 -- | ComponentLocalBuildInfo for Cabal >= 1.21
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal21 ( module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Cabal21 (
ComponentLocalBuildInfo ComponentLocalBuildInfo
, PackageIdentifier(..) , PackageIdentifier(..)
, PackageName(..) , PackageName(..)

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Ghc710 (
, configFlags
, getConfig
) where
import Control.Monad
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (LocalBuildInfo, externalPackageDeps)
import qualified Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as LBI
import Distribution.Simple.Configure (getConfigStateFile)
import Distribution.Simple.Setup (configConfigurationsFlags)
import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagAssignment)
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.World
-- | Get contents of the file containing 'LocalBuildInfo' data. If it doesn't
-- exist run @cabal configure@ i.e. configure with default options like @cabal
-- build@ would do.
getConfig :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m)
=> Cradle
-> m LocalBuildInfo
getConfig cradle = do
outOfDate <- liftIO $ isSetupConfigOutOfDate cradle
when outOfDate configure
liftIO (getConfigStateFile file) `tryFix` \_ ->
configure `modifyError'` GMECabalConfigure
file = setupConfigFile cradle
prjDir = cradleRootDir cradle
configure :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m) => m ()
configure = withDirectory_ prjDir $ void $ readProcess' "cabal" ["configure"]
configDependencies :: a -> LocalBuildInfo -> [Package]
configDependencies _ lbi =
[ fromInstalledPackageId instPkgId
| (instPkgId, _) <- externalPackageDeps lbi ]
configFlags :: LocalBuildInfo -> Either String FlagAssignment
configFlags = Right . configConfigurationsFlags . LBI.configFlags

View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, CPP #-}
-- | This module facilitates extracting information from Cabal's on-disk
-- 'LocalBuildInfo' (@dist/setup-config@).
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.PreGhc710 (
, configFlags
, getConfig
) where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Error
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Read
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.World
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Cabal16 as C16
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Cabal18 as C18
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Cabal21 as C21
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_mtl
#define MIN_VERSION_mtl(x,y,z) 1
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (void, mplus, when)
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1)
import Control.Monad.Except ()
import Control.Monad.Error ()
import Data.List (find,tails,isPrefixOf,isInfixOf,nub,stripPrefix)
import Distribution.Package (InstalledPackageId(..)
, PackageIdentifier(..)
, PackageName(..))
import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagAssignment)
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (ComponentName)
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
-- | 'Show'ed cabal 'LocalBuildInfo' string
type CabalConfig = String
-- | Get contents of the file containing 'LocalBuildInfo' data. If it doesn't
-- exist run @cabal configure@ i.e. configure with default options like @cabal
-- build@ would do.
getConfig :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m)
=> Cradle
-> m CabalConfig
getConfig cradle = do
outOfDate <- liftIO $ isSetupConfigOutOfDate cradle
when outOfDate configure
liftIO (readFile file) `tryFix` \_ ->
configure `modifyError'` GMECabalConfigure
file = setupConfigFile cradle
prjDir = cradleRootDir cradle
configure :: (IOish m, MonadError GhcModError m) => m ()
configure = withDirectory_ prjDir $ void $ readProcess' "cabal" ["configure"]
-- | Extract list of depencenies for all components from 'CabalConfig'
configDependencies :: PackageIdentifier -> CabalConfig -> [Package]
configDependencies thisPkg config = map fromInstalledPackageId deps
deps :: [InstalledPackageId]
deps = case deps21 `mplus` deps18 `mplus` deps16 of
Right ps -> ps
Left msg -> error msg
-- True if this dependency is an internal one (depends on the library
-- defined in the same package).
internal pkgid = pkgid == thisPkg
-- Cabal >= 1.21
deps21 :: Either String [InstalledPackageId]
deps21 =
map fst
<$> filterInternal21
<$> (readEither =<< extractField config "componentsConfigs")
:: [(ComponentName, C21.ComponentLocalBuildInfo, [ComponentName])]
-> [(InstalledPackageId, C21.PackageIdentifier)]
filterInternal21 ccfg = [ (ipkgid, pkgid)
| (_,clbi,_) <- ccfg
, (ipkgid, pkgid) <- C21.componentPackageDeps clbi
, not (internal . packageIdentifierFrom21 $ pkgid) ]
packageIdentifierFrom21 :: C21.PackageIdentifier -> PackageIdentifier
packageIdentifierFrom21 (C21.PackageIdentifier (C21.PackageName myName) myVersion) =
PackageIdentifier (PackageName myName) myVersion
-- Cabal >= 1.18 && < 1.21
deps18 :: Either String [InstalledPackageId]
deps18 =
map fst
<$> filterInternal
<$> (readEither =<< extractField config "componentsConfigs")
:: [(ComponentName, C18.ComponentLocalBuildInfo, [ComponentName])]
-> [(InstalledPackageId, PackageIdentifier)]
filterInternal ccfg = [ (ipkgid, pkgid)
| (_,clbi,_) <- ccfg
, (ipkgid, pkgid) <- C18.componentPackageDeps clbi
, not (internal pkgid) ]
-- Cabal 1.16 and below
deps16 :: Either String [InstalledPackageId]
deps16 = map fst <$> filter (not . internal . snd) . nub <$> do
cbi <- concat <$> sequence [ extract "executableConfigs"
, extract "testSuiteConfigs"
, extract "benchmarkConfigs" ]
:: Either String [(String, C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)]
return $ maybe [] C16.componentPackageDeps libraryConfig
++ concatMap (C16.componentPackageDeps . snd) cbi
libraryConfig :: Maybe C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
libraryConfig = do
field <- find ("libraryConfig" `isPrefixOf`) (tails config)
clbi <- stripPrefix " = " field
if "Nothing" `isPrefixOf` clbi
then Nothing
else case readMaybe =<< stripPrefix "Just " clbi of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error $ "reading libraryConfig failed\n" ++ show (stripPrefix "Just " clbi)
extract :: String -> Either String [(String, C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)]
extract field = readConfigs field <$> extractField config field
readConfigs :: String -> String -> [(String, C16.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)]
readConfigs f s = case readEither s of
Right x -> x
Left msg -> error $ "reading config " ++ f ++ " failed ("++msg++")"
-- | Extract the cabal flags from the 'CabalConfig'
configFlags :: CabalConfig -> Either String FlagAssignment
configFlags config = readEither =<< flip extractField "configConfigurationsFlags" =<< extractField config "configFlags"
-- | Find @field@ in 'CabalConfig'. Returns 'Left' containing a user readable
-- error message with lots of context on failure.
extractField :: CabalConfig -> String -> Either String String
extractField config field =
case extractParens <$> find (field `isPrefixOf`) (tails config) of
Just f -> Right f
Nothing -> Left $ "extractField: failed extracting "++field++" from input, input contained `"++field++"'? " ++ show (field `isInfixOf` config)

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, OverlappingInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert (convert, convert', emptyResult, whenFound, whenFound') where module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert (convert, convert', emptyResult, whenFound, whenFound') where

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@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ import qualified HsPat as Ty
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated as HE import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated as HE
import Djinn.GHC import Djinn.GHC
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
import GHC (unLoc)
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -97,7 +101,11 @@ getSignature modSum lineNo colNo = do
p@ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = ps} <- G.parseModule modSum p@ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = ps} <- G.parseModule modSum
-- Inspect the parse tree to find the signature -- Inspect the parse tree to find the signature
case listifyParsedSpans ps (lineNo, colNo) :: [G.LHsDecl G.RdrName] of case listifyParsedSpans ps (lineNo, colNo) :: [G.LHsDecl G.RdrName] of
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
[L loc (G.SigD (Ty.TypeSig names (L _ ty) _))] ->
[L loc (G.SigD (Ty.TypeSig names (L _ ty)))] -> [L loc (G.SigD (Ty.TypeSig names (L _ ty)))] ->
-- We found a type signature -- We found a type signature
return $ Just $ Signature loc (map G.unLoc names) ty return $ Just $ Signature loc (map G.unLoc names) ty
[L _ (G.InstD _)] -> do [L _ (G.InstD _)] -> do
@ -238,12 +246,24 @@ class FnArgsInfo ty name | ty -> name, name -> ty where
instance FnArgsInfo (G.HsType G.RdrName) (G.RdrName) where instance FnArgsInfo (G.HsType G.RdrName) (G.RdrName) where
getFnName dflag style name = showOccName dflag style $ Gap.occName name getFnName dflag style name = showOccName dflag style $ Gap.occName name
getFnArgs (G.HsForAllTy _ _ _ (L _ iTy)) = getFnArgs iTy #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
getFnArgs (G.HsForAllTy _ _ _ _ (L _ iTy))
getFnArgs (G.HsForAllTy _ _ _ (L _ iTy))
= getFnArgs iTy
getFnArgs (G.HsParTy (L _ iTy)) = getFnArgs iTy getFnArgs (G.HsParTy (L _ iTy)) = getFnArgs iTy
getFnArgs (G.HsFunTy (L _ lTy) (L _ rTy)) = getFnArgs (G.HsFunTy (L _ lTy) (L _ rTy)) =
(if fnarg lTy then FnArgFunction else FnArgNormal):getFnArgs rTy (if fnarg lTy then FnArgFunction else FnArgNormal):getFnArgs rTy
where fnarg ty = case ty of where fnarg ty = case ty of
(G.HsForAllTy _ _ _ (L _ iTy)) -> fnarg iTy #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
(G.HsForAllTy _ _ _ _ (L _ iTy)) ->
(G.HsForAllTy _ _ _ (L _ iTy)) ->
fnarg iTy
(G.HsParTy (L _ iTy)) -> fnarg iTy (G.HsParTy (L _ iTy)) -> fnarg iTy
(G.HsFunTy _ _) -> True (G.HsFunTy _ _) -> True
_ -> False _ -> False
@ -478,7 +498,13 @@ getBindingsForRecPat (Ty.PrefixCon args) =
getBindingsForRecPat (Ty.InfixCon (L _ a1) (L _ a2)) = getBindingsForRecPat (Ty.InfixCon (L _ a1) (L _ a2)) =
M.union (getBindingsForPat a1) (getBindingsForPat a2) M.union (getBindingsForPat a1) (getBindingsForPat a2)
getBindingsForRecPat (Ty.RecCon (Ty.HsRecFields { Ty.rec_flds = fields })) = getBindingsForRecPat (Ty.RecCon (Ty.HsRecFields { Ty.rec_flds = fields })) =
getBindingsForRecFields fields getBindingsForRecFields (map unLoc' fields)
where getBindingsForRecFields [] = M.empty where
getBindingsForRecFields (Ty.HsRecField {Ty.hsRecFieldArg = (L _ a)}:fs) = #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
M.union (getBindingsForPat a) (getBindingsForRecFields fs) unLoc' = unLoc
unLoc' = id
getBindingsForRecFields [] = M.empty
getBindingsForRecFields (Ty.HsRecField {Ty.hsRecFieldArg = (L _ a)}:fs) =
M.union (getBindingsForPat a) (getBindingsForRecFields fs)

View File

@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap (listVisibleModules)
import Name (getOccString) import Name (getOccString)
import Module (moduleNameString, moduleName)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getModificationTime) import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getModificationTime)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory) import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory)
import System.IO import System.IO
@ -139,22 +141,17 @@ isOlderThan cache file = do
-- | Browsing all functions in all system/user modules. -- | Browsing all functions in all system/user modules.
getSymbolTable :: IOish m => GhcModT m [(Symbol,[ModuleString])] getSymbolTable :: IOish m => GhcModT m [(Symbol,[ModuleString])]
getSymbolTable = do getSymbolTable = do
ghcModules <- G.packageDbModules True df <- G.getSessionDynFlags
moduleInfos <- mapM G.getModuleInfo ghcModules let mods = listVisibleModules df
let modules = do moduleInfos <- mapM G.getModuleInfo mods
m <- ghcModules
let moduleName = G.moduleNameString $ G.moduleName m
-- modulePkg = G.packageIdString $ G.modulePackageId m
return moduleName
return $ collectModules return $ collectModules
$ extractBindings `concatMap` (moduleInfos `zip` modules) $ extractBindings `concatMap` (moduleInfos `zip` mods)
extractBindings :: (Maybe G.ModuleInfo, ModuleString) extractBindings :: (Maybe G.ModuleInfo, G.Module)
-> [(Symbol, ModuleString)] -> [(Symbol, ModuleString)]
extractBindings (Nothing,_) = [] extractBindings (Nothing,_) = []
extractBindings (Just inf,mdlname) = extractBindings (Just inf,mdl) =
map (\name -> (getOccString name, mdlname)) names map (\name -> (getOccString name, moduleNameString $ moduleName mdl)) names
where where
names = G.modInfoExports inf names = G.modInfoExports inf

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GHCApi (
, package
, modules
, findModule
, moduleInfo
, localModuleInfo
, bindings
) where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad (GhcModT)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Target (setTargetFiles)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Distribution.Package (InstalledPackageId(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import GHC (DynFlags(..))
import qualified GHC as G
import GhcMonad
import qualified Packages as G
import qualified Module as G
import qualified OccName as G
-- get Packages,Modules,Bindings
ghcPkgDb :: GhcMonad m => m PkgDb
ghcPkgDb = M.fromList <$>
maybe [] (map toKv . filterInternal) <$> pkgDatabase <$> G.getSessionDynFlags
toKv pkg = (fromInstalledPackageId $ G.installedPackageId pkg, pkg)
filterInternal =
filter ((/= InstalledPackageId "builtin_rts") . G.installedPackageId)
package :: G.PackageConfig -> Package
package = fromInstalledPackageId . G.installedPackageId
modules :: G.PackageConfig -> [ModuleString]
modules = map G.moduleNameString . G.exposedModules
findModule :: ModuleString -> PkgDb -> [Package]
findModule m db = M.elems $ package `` (containsModule `M.filter` db)
containsModule :: G.PackageConfig -> Bool
containsModule pkgConf =
G.mkModuleName m `elem` G.exposedModules pkgConf
ghcPkgId :: Package -> G.PackageId
ghcPkgId (name,_,_) =
-- TODO: Adding the package version too breaks 'findModule' for some reason
-- this isn't a big deal since in the common case where we're in a cabal
-- project we just use cabal's view of package dependencies anyways so we're
-- guaranteed to only have one version of each package exposed. However when
-- we're operating without a cabal project this will probaly cause trouble.
G.stringToPackageId name
type Binding = String
-- | @moduleInfo mpkg module@. @mpkg@ should be 'Nothing' iff. moduleInfo
-- should look for @module@ in the working directory.
-- To map a 'ModuleString' to a package see 'findModule'
moduleInfo :: IOish m
=> Maybe Package
-> ModuleString
-> GhcModT m (Maybe G.ModuleInfo)
moduleInfo mpkg mdl = do
let mdlName = G.mkModuleName mdl
mfsPkgId = G.packageIdFS . ghcPkgId <$> mpkg
G.findModule mdlName mfsPkgId >>= G.getModuleInfo
loadLocalModule = case mpkg of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> setTargetFiles [mdl]
localModuleInfo :: IOish m => ModuleString -> GhcModT m (Maybe G.ModuleInfo)
localModuleInfo mdl = moduleInfo Nothing mdl
bindings :: G.ModuleInfo -> [Binding]
bindings minfo = map (G.occNameString . G.getOccName) $ G.modInfoExports minfo

View File

@ -41,11 +41,17 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap (
, getClass , getClass
, occName , occName
, setFlags , setFlags
, ghcVersion
, mkGHCCompilerId
, listVisibleModuleNames
, listVisibleModules
, Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap.isSynTyCon
) where ) where
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty) import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad (filterM) import Control.Monad (filterM)
import CoreSyn (CoreExpr) import CoreSyn (CoreExpr)
import Data.Version (parseVersion)
import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
@ -65,6 +71,9 @@ import PprTyThing
import StringBuffer import StringBuffer
import TcType import TcType
import Var (varType) import Var (varType)
import Config (cProjectVersion)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as P import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as P
import qualified InstEnv import qualified InstEnv
@ -88,6 +97,19 @@ import Data.Convertible
import RdrName (rdrNameOcc) import RdrName (rdrNameOcc)
#endif #endif
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (CompilerId(..), CompilerFlavor(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (CompilerInfo(..), AbiTag(..))
import Packages (listVisibleModuleNames, lookupModuleInAllPackages)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import UniqFM (eltsUFM)
import Packages (exposedModules, exposed, pkgIdMap)
import PackageConfig (PackageConfig, packageConfigId)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
import qualified Data.IntSet as I (IntSet, empty) import qualified Data.IntSet as I (IntSet, empty)
import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as M (ModuleName,toFilePath) import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as M (ModuleName,toFilePath)
@ -173,7 +195,11 @@ toStringBuffer = liftIO . stringToStringBuffer . unlines
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
fOptions :: [String] fOptions :: [String]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
fOptions = [option | (FlagSpec option _ _ _) <- fFlags]
++ [option | (FlagSpec option _ _ _) <- fWarningFlags]
++ [option | (FlagSpec option _ _ _) <- fLangFlags]
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
fOptions = [option | (option,_,_) <- fFlags] fOptions = [option | (option,_,_) <- fFlags]
++ [option | (option,_,_) <- fWarningFlags] ++ [option | (option,_,_) <- fWarningFlags]
++ [option | (option,_,_) <- fLangFlags] ++ [option | (option,_,_) <- fLangFlags]
@ -253,7 +279,12 @@ addPackageFlags :: [Package] -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
addPackageFlags pkgs df = addPackageFlags pkgs df =
df { packageFlags = packageFlags df ++ expose `map` pkgs } df { packageFlags = packageFlags df ++ expose `map` pkgs }
where where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
expose :: Package -> PackageFlag
expose pkg = ExposePackage (PackageIdArg $ showPkgId pkg) (ModRenaming True [])
expose pkg = ExposePackageId $ showPkgId pkg expose pkg = ExposePackageId $ showPkgId pkg
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -445,7 +476,12 @@ type GLMatchI = LMatch Id
#endif #endif
getClass :: [LInstDecl Name] -> Maybe (Name, SrcSpan) getClass :: [LInstDecl Name] -> Maybe (Name, SrcSpan)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
-- Instance declarations of sort 'instance F (G a)'
getClass [L loc (ClsInstD (ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = (L _ (HsForAllTy _ _ _ _ (L _ (HsAppTy (L _ (HsTyVar className)) _))))}))] = Just (className, loc)
-- Instance declarations of sort 'instance F G' (no variables)
getClass [L loc (ClsInstD (ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = (L _ (HsAppTy (L _ (HsTyVar className)) _))}))] = Just (className, loc)
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
-- Instance declarations of sort 'instance F (G a)' -- Instance declarations of sort 'instance F (G a)'
getClass [L loc (ClsInstD (ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = (L _ (HsForAllTy _ _ _ (L _ (HsAppTy (L _ (HsTyVar className)) _))))}))] = Just (className, loc) getClass [L loc (ClsInstD (ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = (L _ (HsForAllTy _ _ _ (L _ (HsAppTy (L _ (HsTyVar className)) _))))}))] = Just (className, loc)
-- Instance declarations of sort 'instance F G' (no variables) -- Instance declarations of sort 'instance F G' (no variables)
@ -464,7 +500,6 @@ occName :: RdrName -> OccName
occName = rdrNameOcc occName = rdrNameOcc
#endif #endif
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
setFlags :: DynFlags -> DynFlags setFlags :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
@ -473,3 +508,57 @@ setFlags df = df `gopt_unset` Opt_SpecConstr -- consume memory if -O2
#else #else
setFlags = id setFlags = id
#endif #endif
ghcVersion :: Version
ghcVersion =
case readP_to_S parseVersion $ cProjectVersion of
[(ver, "")] -> ver
_ -> error "parsing ghc version(cProjectVersion) failed."
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
mkGHCCompilerId :: Version -> Distribution.Simple.Compiler.CompilerInfo
-- TODO we should probably fill this out properly
mkGHCCompilerId v =
CompilerInfo (CompilerId GHC v) NoAbiTag Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkGHCCompilerId :: Version -> CompilerId
mkGHCCompilerId v = CompilerId GHC v
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
-- Copied from ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
allExposedPackageConfigs :: DynFlags -> [PackageConfig]
allExposedPackageConfigs df = filter exposed $ eltsUFM $ pkgIdMap $ pkgState df
allExposedModules :: DynFlags -> [ModuleName]
allExposedModules df = concat $ map exposedModules $ allExposedPackageConfigs df
listVisibleModuleNames :: DynFlags -> [ModuleName]
listVisibleModuleNames = allExposedModules
listVisibleModules :: DynFlags -> [GHC.Module]
listVisibleModules df = let
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
modNames = listVisibleModuleNames df
mods = [ m | mn <- modNames, (m, _) <- lookupModuleInAllPackages df mn ]
pkgCfgs = allExposedPackageConfigs df
mods = [ mkModule pid modname | p <- pkgCfgs
, let pid = packageConfigId p
, modname <- exposedModules p ]
in mods
isSynTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
isSynTyCon = GHC.isTypeSynonymTyCon
isSynTyCon = GHC.isSynTyCon

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal (
, parseCabalFile , parseCabalFile
, getCompilerOptions , getCompilerOptions
, cabalAllBuildInfo , cabalAllBuildInfo
, cabalDependPackages
, cabalSourceDirs , cabalSourceDirs
, cabalAllTargets
-- * Various Paths -- * Various Paths
, ghcLibDir , ghcLibDir
, ghcModExecutable , ghcModExecutable

View File

@ -1,32 +1,14 @@
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Modules (modules) where module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Modules (modules) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception (SomeException(..))
import Data.List (nub, sort)
import qualified GHC as G import qualified GHC as G
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap (listVisibleModuleNames)
import Packages (pkgIdMap, exposedModules, sourcePackageId, display) import Module (moduleNameString)
import UniqFM (eltsUFM)
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Listing installed modules. -- | Listing installed modules.
modules :: IOish m => GhcModT m String modules :: IOish m => GhcModT m String
modules = do modules = convert' =<< map moduleNameString . listVisibleModuleNames <$> G.getSessionDynFlags
opt <- options
convert opt . arrange opt <$> (getModules `G.gcatch` handler)
getModules = getExposedModules <$> G.getSessionDynFlags
getExposedModules = concatMap exposedModules'
. eltsUFM . pkgIdMap . G.pkgState
exposedModules' p =
map G.moduleNameString (exposedModules p)
repeat (display $ sourcePackageId p)
arrange opt = nub . sort . map (dropPkgs opt)
dropPkgs opt (name, pkg)
| detailed opt = name ++ " " ++ pkg
| otherwise = name
handler (SomeException _) = return []

View File

@ -221,22 +221,28 @@ initializeFlagsWithCradle opt c
| otherwise = withSandbox | otherwise = withSandbox
where where
mCabalFile = cradleCabalFile c mCabalFile = cradleCabalFile c
cabal = isJust mCabalFile cabal = isJust mCabalFile
ghcopts = ghcUserOptions opt ghcopts = ghcUserOptions opt
withCabal = do withCabal = do
let Just cabalFile = mCabalFile let Just cabalFile = mCabalFile
pkgDesc <- parseCabalFile c cabalFile pkgDesc <- parseCabalFile c cabalFile
compOpts <- getCompilerOptions ghcopts c pkgDesc compOpts <- getCompilerOptions ghcopts c pkgDesc
initSession CabalPkg opt compOpts initSession CabalPkg opt compOpts
withSandbox = initSession SingleFile opt compOpts withSandbox = initSession SingleFile opt compOpts
where where
importDirs = [".","..","../..","../../..","../../../..","../../../../.."] importDirs = [".","..","../..","../../..","../../../..","../../../../.."]
pkgOpts = ghcDbStackOpts $ cradlePkgDbStack c pkgOpts = ghcDbStackOpts $ cradlePkgDbStack c
compOpts compOpts
| null pkgOpts = CompilerOptions ghcopts importDirs [] | null pkgOpts = CompilerOptions ghcopts importDirs []
| otherwise = CompilerOptions (ghcopts ++ pkgOpts) [wdir,rdir] [] | otherwise = CompilerOptions (ghcopts ++ pkgOpts) [wdir,rdir] []
wdir = cradleCurrentDir c
rdir = cradleRootDir c (wdir, rdir) = (cradleCurrentDir c, cradleRootDir c)
initSession :: GhcMonad m initSession :: GhcMonad m
=> Build => Build

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Description: The ghc-mod command is a backend command to enrich
Category: Development Category: Development
Cabal-Version: >= 1.10 Cabal-Version: >= 1.10
Build-Type: Simple Build-Type: Custom
Data-Dir: elisp Data-Dir: elisp
Data-Files: Makefile ghc.el ghc-func.el ghc-doc.el ghc-comp.el Data-Files: Makefile ghc.el ghc-func.el ghc-doc.el ghc-comp.el
ghc-check.el ghc-process.el ghc-command.el ghc-info.el ghc-check.el ghc-process.el ghc-command.el ghc-info.el
@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ Library
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal
Other-Modules: Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Boot Other-Modules: Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Boot
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Browse Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Browse
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal16 Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Cabal16
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal18 Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Cabal18
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Cabal21 Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Cabal21
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CaseSplit Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CaseSplit
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Check Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Check
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ Library
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.FillSig Language.Haskell.GhcMod.FillSig
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Find Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Find
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Flag Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Flag
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GHCChoice Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GHCChoice
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
@ -97,6 +96,13 @@ Library
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
Language.Haskell.GhcMod.World Language.Haskell.GhcMod.World
if impl(ghc >= 7.10)
Other-Modules: Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.Ghc710
Other-Modules: Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalConfig.PreGhc710
Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5 Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5
, containers , containers
, deepseq , deepseq
@ -122,11 +128,16 @@ Library
, haskell-src-exts , haskell-src-exts
, text , text
, djinn-ghc >= , djinn-ghc >=
if impl(ghc >= 7.8) if impl(ghc >= 7.10)
Build-Depends: Cabal >= 1.18 Build-Depends: Cabal >= 1.18
if impl(ghc == 7.8.*)
Build-Depends: Cabal >= 1.18 && < 1.22
if impl(ghc < 7.8)
Build-Depends: convertible Build-Depends: convertible
, Cabal >= 1.10 && < 1.17 , Cabal >= 1.10 && < 1.17
if impl(ghc <= 7.4.2) if impl(ghc <= 7.4.2)
-- Only used to constrain random to a version that still works with GHC 7.4 -- Only used to constrain random to a version that still works with GHC 7.4
Build-Depends: random <= Build-Depends: random <=
@ -189,6 +200,7 @@ Test-Suite spec
Main-Is: Main.hs Main-Is: Main.hs
Hs-Source-Dirs: test, . Hs-Source-Dirs: test, .
Ghc-Options: -Wall Ghc-Options: -Wall
CPP-Options: -DSPEC=1
Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Other-Modules: BrowseSpec Other-Modules: BrowseSpec
CabalApiSpec CabalApiSpec
@ -203,6 +215,7 @@ Test-Suite spec
PathsAndFilesSpec PathsAndFilesSpec
Spec Spec
TestUtils TestUtils
Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5 Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5
, containers , containers
, deepseq , deepseq
@ -229,14 +242,20 @@ Test-Suite spec
, haskell-src-exts , haskell-src-exts
, text , text
, djinn-ghc >= , djinn-ghc >=
if impl(ghc >= 7.8)
if impl(ghc >= 7.10)
Build-Depends: Cabal >= 1.18 Build-Depends: Cabal >= 1.18
if impl(ghc == 7.8.*)
Build-Depends: Cabal >= 1.18 && < 1.22
if impl(ghc < 7.8)
Build-Depends: convertible Build-Depends: convertible
, Cabal >= 1.10 && < 1.17 , Cabal >= 1.10 && < 1.17
if impl(ghc < 7.6) if impl(ghc < 7.6)
Build-Depends: executable-path Build-Depends: executable-path
CPP-Options: -DSPEC=1
Source-Repository head Source-Repository head
Type: git Type: git

View File

@ -88,9 +88,6 @@ ghcModUsage =
\\n\ \\n\
\ - list [FLAGS...] | modules [FLAGS...]\n\ \ - list [FLAGS...] | modules [FLAGS...]\n\
\ List all visible modules.\n\ \ List all visible modules.\n\
\ Flags:\n\
\ -d\n\
\ Also print the modules' package.\n\
\\n\ \\n\
\ - lang\n\ \ - lang\n\
\ List all known GHC language extensions.\n\ \ List all known GHC language extensions.\n\
@ -607,6 +604,7 @@ hlintArgSpec =
[ option "h" ["hlintOpt"] "Option to be passed to hlint" $ [ option "h" ["hlintOpt"] "Option to be passed to hlint" $
reqArg "hlintOpt" $ \h o -> o { hlintOpts = h : hlintOpts o } reqArg "hlintOpt" $ \h o -> o { hlintOpts = h : hlintOpts o }
] ]
browseArgSpec :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] browseArgSpec :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
browseArgSpec = browseArgSpec =
[ option "o" ["operators"] "Also print operators." $ [ option "o" ["operators"] "Also print operators." $

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec
import System.Directory import System.Directory
import System.FilePath import System.FilePath
import System.Process (readProcess)
import Dir import Dir
import TestUtils import TestUtils
@ -47,19 +46,6 @@ spec = do
includeDirs res' `shouldBe` ["test/data","test/data/dist/build","test/data/dist/build/autogen","test/data/subdir1/subdir2","test/data/test"] includeDirs res' `shouldBe` ["test/data","test/data/dist/build","test/data/dist/build/autogen","test/data/subdir1/subdir2","test/data/test"]
(pkgName `map` depPackages res') `shouldContain` ["Cabal"] (pkgName `map` depPackages res') `shouldContain` ["Cabal"]
describe "cabalDependPackages" $ do
it "extracts dependent packages" $ do
crdl <- findCradle' "test/data/"
pkgs <- cabalDependPackages . cabalAllBuildInfo <$> runD (parseCabalFile crdl "test/data/cabalapi.cabal")
pkgs `shouldBe` ["Cabal","base","template-haskell"]
it "uses non default flags" $ do
withDirectory_ "test/data/cabal-flags" $ do
crdl <- findCradle
_ <- readProcess "cabal" ["configure", "-ftest-flag"] ""
pkgs <- cabalDependPackages . cabalAllBuildInfo <$> runD (parseCabalFile crdl "cabal-flags.cabal")
pkgs `shouldBe` ["Cabal","base"]
describe "cabalSourceDirs" $ do describe "cabalSourceDirs" $ do
it "extracts all hs-source-dirs" $ do it "extracts all hs-source-dirs" $ do
crdl <- findCradle' "test/data/check-test-subdir" crdl <- findCradle' "test/data/check-test-subdir"

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
module GhcApiSpec where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List (sort)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GHCApi
import Test.Hspec
import TestUtils
import Dir
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "findModule" $ do
it "finds Data.List in `base' and `haskell2010'"
$ withDirectory_ "test/data" $ runD $ do
pkgs <- findModule "Data.List" <$> ghcPkgDb
let pkgNames = pkgName `map` pkgs
liftIO $ pkgNames `shouldContain` ["base", "haskell2010"]
describe "moduleInfo" $ do
it "works for modules from global packages (e.g. base:Data.List)"
$ withDirectory_ "test/data" $ runD $ do
Just info <- moduleInfo (Just ("base","","")) "Data.List"
liftIO $ sort (bindings info) `shouldContain` ["++"]
it "works for local modules"
$ withDirectory_ "test/data" $ runD $ do
Just info <- moduleInfo Nothing "Baz"
liftIO $ bindings info `shouldContain` ["baz"]