Parse cabal setup-config
to get depencencies
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,20 +7,26 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CabalApi (
, cabalDependPackages
, cabalDependPackages
, cabalSourceDirs
, cabalSourceDirs
, cabalAllTargets
, cabalAllTargets
, cabalGetConfig
, cabalConfigPath
, cabalConfigDependencies
) where
) where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Exception (throwIO,catch,SomeException)
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import CoreMonad (liftIO)
import CoreMonad (liftIO)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, catMaybes)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, mapMaybe)
import Data.Set (fromList, toList)
import Data.Set (fromList, toList)
import Data.List (find,tails,isPrefixOf)
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName,toFilePath)
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName,toFilePath)
import Distribution.Package (Dependency(Dependency)
import Distribution.Package (Dependency(Dependency)
, PackageName(PackageName))
, PackageName(PackageName)
, InstalledPackageId(..))
import qualified Distribution.Package as C
import qualified Distribution.Package as C
import Distribution.PackageDescription (PackageDescription, BuildInfo, TestSuite, TestSuiteInterface(..), Executable)
import Distribution.PackageDescription (PackageDescription, BuildInfo, TestSuite, TestSuiteInterface(..), Executable)
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as P
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as P
@ -29,12 +35,14 @@ import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (CompilerId(..), CompilerFlavor(..))
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (CompilerId(..), CompilerFlavor(..))
import Distribution.Simple.Program (ghcProgram)
import Distribution.Simple.Program (ghcProgram)
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types (programName, programFindVersion)
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types (programName, programFindVersion)
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (defaultDistPref)
import Distribution.Simple.Configure (localBuildInfoFile)
import Distribution.System (buildPlatform)
import Distribution.System (buildPlatform)
import Distribution.Text (display)
import Distribution.Text (display)
import Distribution.Verbosity (silent)
import Distribution.Verbosity (silent)
import Distribution.Version (Version)
import Distribution.Version (Version)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath (dropExtension, takeFileName, (</>))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
@ -45,38 +53,13 @@ getCompilerOptions :: [GHCOption]
-> IO CompilerOptions
-> IO CompilerOptions
getCompilerOptions ghcopts cradle pkgDesc = do
getCompilerOptions ghcopts cradle pkgDesc = do
gopts <- getGHCOptions ghcopts cradle rdir $ head buildInfos
gopts <- getGHCOptions ghcopts cradle rdir $ head buildInfos
dbPkgs <- ghcPkgListEx (cradlePkgDbStack cradle)
Just depPkgs <- cabalConfigDependencies <$> cabalGetConfig cradle
return $ CompilerOptions gopts idirs (depPkgs dbPkgs)
return $ CompilerOptions gopts idirs depPkgs
wdir = cradleCurrentDir cradle
wdir = cradleCurrentDir cradle
rdir = cradleRootDir cradle
rdir = cradleRootDir cradle
Just cfile = cradleCabalFile cradle
thisPkg = dropExtension $ takeFileName cfile
buildInfos = cabalAllBuildInfo pkgDesc
buildInfos = cabalAllBuildInfo pkgDesc
idirs = includeDirectories rdir wdir $ cabalSourceDirs buildInfos
idirs = includeDirectories rdir wdir $ cabalSourceDirs buildInfos
depPkgs ps = attachPackageIds ps
$ removeThem (problematicPackages ++ [thisPkg])
$ cabalDependPackages buildInfos
-- Dependent packages
removeThem :: [PackageBaseName] -> [PackageBaseName] -> [PackageBaseName]
removeThem badpkgs = filter (`notElem` badpkgs)
problematicPackages :: [PackageBaseName]
problematicPackages = [
"base-compat" -- providing "Prelude"
attachPackageIds :: [Package] -> [PackageBaseName] -> [Package]
attachPackageIds pkgs = catMaybes . fmap (`lookup3` pkgs)
lookup3 :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b,c)] -> Maybe (a,b,c)
lookup3 _ [] = Nothing
lookup3 k (t@(a,_,_):ls)
| k == a = Just t
| otherwise = lookup3 k ls
-- Include directories for modules
-- Include directories for modules
@ -220,3 +203,44 @@ cabalAllTargets pd = do
getExecutableTarget exe = do
getExecutableTarget exe = do
let maybeExes = [p </> e | p <- P.hsSourceDirs $ P.buildInfo exe, e <- [P.modulePath exe]]
let maybeExes = [p </> e | p <- P.hsSourceDirs $ P.buildInfo exe, e <- [P.modulePath exe]]
liftIO $ filterM doesFileExist maybeExes
liftIO $ filterM doesFileExist maybeExes
type CabalConfig = String
-- | Get file containing 'LocalBuildInfo' data. If it doesn't exist run @cabal
-- configure@ i.e. configure with default options like @cabal build@ would do.
cabalGetConfig :: Cradle -> IO CabalConfig
cabalGetConfig cradle =
readFile path `catch'` (\_ -> configure >> readFile path)
catch' = catch :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
prjDir = cradleRootDir cradle
path = prjDir </> cabalConfigPath
configure =
withDirectory_ prjDir $ readProcess' "cabal" ["configure"]
-- | Path to 'LocalBuildInfo' file, usually @dist/setup-config@
cabalConfigPath :: FilePath
cabalConfigPath = localBuildInfoFile defaultDistPref
cabalConfigDependencies :: CabalConfig -> Maybe [Package]
cabalConfigDependencies config =
cfgDepends >>= return . mapMaybe (fromInstalledPackageId . snd)
cfgDepends :: Maybe [(PackageName, InstalledPackageId)]
cfgDepends = extractCabalSetupConfig "configDependencies" config
-- | Extract part of cabal's @setup-config@, this is done with a mix of manual
-- string processing and use of 'read'. This way we can extract a field from
-- 'LocalBuildInfo' without having to parse the whole thing which would mean
-- depending on the exact version of Cabal used to configure the project as it
-- is rather likley that some part of 'LocalBuildInfo' changed.
-- Right now 'extractCabalSetupConfig' can only deal with Lists and Tupels in
-- the field!
extractCabalSetupConfig :: (Read r) => String -> CabalConfig -> Maybe r
extractCabalSetupConfig field config = do
read <$> extractParens <$> find (field `isPrefixOf`) (tails config)
@ -9,6 +9,19 @@ import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
-- dropWhileEnd is not provided prior to base
-- dropWhileEnd is not provided prior to base
dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropWhileEnd p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x && null xs then [] else x : xs) []
dropWhileEnd p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x && null xs then [] else x : xs) []
extractParens :: String -> String
extractParens str = extractParens' str 0
extractParens' :: String -> Int -> String
extractParens' [] _ = []
extractParens' (s:ss) level
| s `elem` "([{" = s : extractParens' ss (level+1)
| level == 0 = extractParens' ss 0
| s `elem` "}])" && level == 1 = s:[]
| s `elem` "}])" = s : extractParens' ss (level-1)
| otherwise = s : extractParens' ss level
readProcess' :: String -> [String] -> IO String
readProcess' :: String -> [String] -> IO String
readProcess' cmd opts = do
readProcess' cmd opts = do
(rv,output,err) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd opts ""
(rv,output,err) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd opts ""
@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ import Config (cProjectVersionInt) -- ghc version
ghcVersion :: Int
ghcVersion :: Int
ghcVersion = read cProjectVersionInt
ghcVersion = read cProjectVersionInt
unconfigure :: IO ()
unconfigure = do
removeFile cabalConfigPath `catch` (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return ())
around' a f = a >> f >> a
spec :: Spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
spec = do
@ -61,3 +66,11 @@ spec = do
it "extracts build info" $ do
it "extracts build info" $ do
info <- cabalAllBuildInfo <$> parseCabalFile "test/data/cabalapi.cabal"
info <- cabalAllBuildInfo <$> parseCabalFile "test/data/cabalapi.cabal"
show info `shouldBe` "[BuildInfo {buildable = True, buildTools = [], cppOptions = [], ccOptions = [], ldOptions = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], frameworks = [], cSources = [], hsSourceDirs = [\".\"], otherModules = [ModuleName [\"Browse\"],ModuleName [\"CabalApi\"],ModuleName [\"Cabal\"],ModuleName [\"CabalDev\"],ModuleName [\"Check\"],ModuleName [\"ErrMsg\"],ModuleName [\"Flag\"],ModuleName [\"GHCApi\"],ModuleName [\"GHCChoice\"],ModuleName [\"Gap\"],ModuleName [\"Info\"],ModuleName [\"Lang\"],ModuleName [\"Lint\"],ModuleName [\"List\"],ModuleName [\"Paths_ghc_mod\"],ModuleName [\"Types\"]], defaultLanguage = Nothing, otherLanguages = [], defaultExtensions = [], otherExtensions = [], oldExtensions = [], extraLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], options = [(GHC,[\"-Wall\"])], ghcProfOptions = [], ghcSharedOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency (PackageName \"Cabal\") (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version {versionBranch = [1,10], versionTags = []})) (LaterVersion (Version {versionBranch = [1,10], versionTags = []}))),Dependency (PackageName \"base\") (IntersectVersionRanges (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version {versionBranch = [4,0], versionTags = []})) (LaterVersion (Version {versionBranch = [4,0], versionTags = []}))) (EarlierVersion (Version {versionBranch = [5], versionTags = []}))),Dependency (PackageName \"template-haskell\") AnyVersion]},BuildInfo {buildable = True, buildTools = [], cppOptions = [], ccOptions = [], ldOptions = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], frameworks = [], cSources = [], hsSourceDirs = [\"test\",\".\"], otherModules = [ModuleName [\"Expectation\"],ModuleName [\"BrowseSpec\"],ModuleName [\"CabalApiSpec\"],ModuleName [\"FlagSpec\"],ModuleName [\"LangSpec\"],ModuleName [\"LintSpec\"],ModuleName [\"ListSpec\"]], defaultLanguage = Nothing, otherLanguages = [], defaultExtensions = [], otherExtensions = [], oldExtensions = [], extraLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], options = [], ghcProfOptions = [], ghcSharedOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency (PackageName \"Cabal\") (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version {versionBranch = [1,10], versionTags = []})) (LaterVersion (Version {versionBranch = [1,10], versionTags = []}))),Dependency (PackageName \"base\") (IntersectVersionRanges (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version {versionBranch = [4,0], versionTags = []})) (LaterVersion (Version {versionBranch = [4,0], versionTags = []}))) (EarlierVersion (Version {versionBranch = [5], versionTags = []})))]}]"
show info `shouldBe` "[BuildInfo {buildable = True, buildTools = [], cppOptions = [], ccOptions = [], ldOptions = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], frameworks = [], cSources = [], hsSourceDirs = [\".\"], otherModules = [ModuleName [\"Browse\"],ModuleName [\"CabalApi\"],ModuleName [\"Cabal\"],ModuleName [\"CabalDev\"],ModuleName [\"Check\"],ModuleName [\"ErrMsg\"],ModuleName [\"Flag\"],ModuleName [\"GHCApi\"],ModuleName [\"GHCChoice\"],ModuleName [\"Gap\"],ModuleName [\"Info\"],ModuleName [\"Lang\"],ModuleName [\"Lint\"],ModuleName [\"List\"],ModuleName [\"Paths_ghc_mod\"],ModuleName [\"Types\"]], defaultLanguage = Nothing, otherLanguages = [], defaultExtensions = [], otherExtensions = [], oldExtensions = [], extraLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], options = [(GHC,[\"-Wall\"])], ghcProfOptions = [], ghcSharedOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency (PackageName \"Cabal\") (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version {versionBranch = [1,10], versionTags = []})) (LaterVersion (Version {versionBranch = [1,10], versionTags = []}))),Dependency (PackageName \"base\") (IntersectVersionRanges (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version {versionBranch = [4,0], versionTags = []})) (LaterVersion (Version {versionBranch = [4,0], versionTags = []}))) (EarlierVersion (Version {versionBranch = [5], versionTags = []}))),Dependency (PackageName \"template-haskell\") AnyVersion]},BuildInfo {buildable = True, buildTools = [], cppOptions = [], ccOptions = [], ldOptions = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], frameworks = [], cSources = [], hsSourceDirs = [\"test\",\".\"], otherModules = [ModuleName [\"Expectation\"],ModuleName [\"BrowseSpec\"],ModuleName [\"CabalApiSpec\"],ModuleName [\"FlagSpec\"],ModuleName [\"LangSpec\"],ModuleName [\"LintSpec\"],ModuleName [\"ListSpec\"]], defaultLanguage = Nothing, otherLanguages = [], defaultExtensions = [], otherExtensions = [], oldExtensions = [], extraLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], options = [], ghcProfOptions = [], ghcSharedOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency (PackageName \"Cabal\") (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version {versionBranch = [1,10], versionTags = []})) (LaterVersion (Version {versionBranch = [1,10], versionTags = []}))),Dependency (PackageName \"base\") (IntersectVersionRanges (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version {versionBranch = [4,0], versionTags = []})) (LaterVersion (Version {versionBranch = [4,0], versionTags = []}))) (EarlierVersion (Version {versionBranch = [5], versionTags = []})))]}]"
describe "cabalGetConfig" $ do
it "can reconfigure a cabal package" $ do
withDirectory_ "test/data/check-test-subdir"
$ around' unconfigure $ do
cradle <- findCradle
cfg <- cabalGetConfig cradle
cfg `shouldSatisfy` not . null
Reference in New Issue
Block a user