Fix session caching, #807

- cleanup LightGhc
- make the new DynFlags to compare against in a clean HscEnv
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Gröber 2016-07-16 03:42:59 +02:00
parent 500166c819
commit 01e3b8e3d6
6 changed files with 95 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ loadSymbolDb = do
dumpSymbol :: IOish m => GhcModT m ()
dumpSymbol = do
ts <- liftIO getCurrentModTime
st <- runGmPkgGhc $ (liftIO . getGlobalSymbolTable) =<< G.getSession
st <- runGmPkgGhc $ getGlobalSymbolTable
liftIO . LBS.putStr $ encode SymbolDb {
sdTable = st
, sdTimestamp = ts
@ -148,19 +148,20 @@ isOlderThan tCache files =
any (tCache <=) $ map tfTime files -- including equal just in case
-- | Browsing all functions in all system modules.
getGlobalSymbolTable :: HscEnv -> IO (Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS))
getGlobalSymbolTable hsc_env =
foldM (extend hsc_env) M.empty $ listVisibleModules $ hsc_dflags hsc_env
getGlobalSymbolTable :: (G.GhcMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> m (Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS))
getGlobalSymbolTable =
foldM extend M.empty =<< (listVisibleModules <$> G.getSessionDynFlags)
extend :: HscEnv
-> Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS)
extend :: (G.GhcMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS)
-> Module
-> IO (Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS))
extend hsc_env mm mdl = do
eps <- readIORef $ hsc_EPS hsc_env
modinfo <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ runLightGhc hsc_env $ do
-> m (Map Symbol (Set ModuleNameBS))
extend mm mdl = do
hsc_env <- G.getSession
eps <- liftIO $ readIORef $ hsc_EPS hsc_env
modinfo <- liftIO $ unsafeInterleaveIO $ runLightGhc hsc_env $ do
G.getModuleInfo mdl <* liftIO (writeIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env) eps)
return $ M.unionWith S.union mm $ extractBindings modinfo mdl
extractBindings :: Maybe G.ModuleInfo

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@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap (
, parseModuleHeader
, mkErrStyle'
, everythingStagedWithContext
, withCleanupSession
) where
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
@ -72,6 +73,8 @@ import StringBuffer
import TcType
import Var (varType)
import System.Directory
import SysTools
import GHCi (stopIServ)
import qualified Name
import qualified InstEnv
@ -665,3 +668,20 @@ everythingStagedWithContext stage s0 f z q x
fixity = const (stage<Renamer) :: GHC.Fixity -> Bool
(r, s') = q x s0
withCleanupSession :: GhcMonad m => m a -> m a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
withCleanupSession ghc = ghc `gfinally` cleanup
cleanup = do
hsc_env <- getSession
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
liftIO $ do
cleanTempFiles dflags
cleanTempDirs dflags
stopIServ hsc_env
withCleanupSession action = do
df <- getSessionDynFlags
GHC.defaultCleanupHandler df action

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.LightGhc where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
import Data.IORef
@ -14,35 +15,46 @@ import HscTypes
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.DynFlags
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap as Gap
withLightHscEnv :: forall m a. IOish m
=> [GHCOption] -> (HscEnv -> m a) -> m a
withLightHscEnv opts action = gbracket initEnv teardownEnv action
teardownEnv :: HscEnv -> m ()
teardownEnv env = liftIO $ do
let dflags = hsc_dflags env
cleanTempFiles dflags
cleanTempDirs dflags
initEnv :: m HscEnv
initEnv = liftIO $ do
-- We have to be more careful about tearing down 'HscEnv's since GHC 8 added an
-- out of process GHCI server which has to be shutdown.
newLightEnv :: IOish m => (DynFlags -> LightGhc DynFlags) -> m HscEnv
newLightEnv mdf = do
df <- liftIO $ do
settings <- initSysTools (Just libdir)
dflags <- initDynFlags (defaultDynFlags settings)
env <- newHscEnv dflags
dflags' <- runLightGhc env $ do
initDynFlags $ defaultDynFlags settings
hsc_env <- liftIO $ newHscEnv df
df' <- runLightGhc hsc_env $ mdf df
return $ hsc_env {
hsc_dflags = df',
hsc_IC = (hsc_IC hsc_env) { ic_dflags = df' }
teardownLightEnv :: MonadIO m => HscEnv -> m ()
teardownLightEnv env = runLightGhc env $ do
Gap.withCleanupSession $ return ()
:: IOish m => (DynFlags -> LightGhc DynFlags) -> (HscEnv -> m a) -> m a
withLightHscEnv' mdf action = gbracket (newLightEnv mdf) teardownLightEnv action
withLightHscEnv :: IOish m => [GHCOption] -> (HscEnv -> m a) -> m a
withLightHscEnv opts = withLightHscEnv' (f <=< liftIO . newHscEnv)
f env = runLightGhc env $ do
-- HomeModuleGraph and probably all other clients get into all sorts of
-- trouble if the package state isn't initialized here
_ <- setSessionDynFlags =<< addCmdOpts opts =<< getSessionDynFlags
newHscEnv dflags'
runLightGhc :: HscEnv -> LightGhc a -> IO a
runLightGhc env action = do
runLightGhc :: MonadIO m => HscEnv -> LightGhc a -> m a
runLightGhc env action = liftIO $ do
renv <- newIORef env
flip runReaderT renv $ unLightGhc action
runLightGhc' :: IORef HscEnv -> LightGhc a -> IO a
runLightGhc' renv action = do
runLightGhc' :: MonadIO m => IORef HscEnv -> LightGhc a -> m a
runLightGhc' renv action = liftIO $ do
flip runReaderT renv $ unLightGhc action

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import GHC.LanguageExtensions
import GHC.Paths (libdir)
import SysTools
import DynFlags
import HscTypes
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.DynFlags
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad.Types
@ -69,39 +70,44 @@ runGmPkgGhc action = do
withLightHscEnv pkgOpts $ \env -> liftIO $ runLightGhc env action
initSession :: IOish m
=> [GHCOption] -> (forall gm. GhcMonad gm => DynFlags -> gm DynFlags) -> GhcModT m ()
=> [GHCOption]
-> (forall gm. GhcMonad gm => DynFlags -> gm DynFlags)
-> GhcModT m ()
initSession opts mdf = do
s <- gmsGet
case gmGhcSession s of
Nothing -> do
gmLog GmDebug "initSession" $ text "Session not initialized, creating new one"
putNewSession s
Just GmGhcSession {..} -> do
gmLog GmDebug "initSession" $ text "Flags changed, creating new session"
Just (GmGhcSession hsc_env_ref) -> do
crdl <- cradle
changed <- liftIO $ runLightGhc' gmgsSession $ do
df <- getSessionDynFlags
ndf <- initDF crdl
return $ ndf `eqDynFlags` df
df <- liftIO $ hsc_dflags <$> readIORef hsc_env_ref
changed <-
withLightHscEnv' (initDF crdl) $ \hsc_env ->
return $ not $ (hsc_dflags hsc_env) `eqDynFlags` df
if changed
then putNewSession s
else return ()
then do
gmLog GmDebug "initSession" $ text "Flags changed, creating new session"
teardownSession hsc_env_ref
putNewSession s
gmLog GmDebug "initSession" $ text "Session already initialized"
initDF Cradle { cradleTempDir } = do
let setDf df = setTmpDir cradleTempDir <$> (mdf =<< addCmdOpts opts df)
_ <- setSessionDynFlags =<< setDf =<< getSessionDynFlags
initDF Cradle { cradleTempDir } df =
setTmpDir cradleTempDir <$> (mdf =<< addCmdOpts opts df)
teardownSession hsc_env_ref = do
hsc_env <- liftIO $ readIORef hsc_env_ref
teardownLightEnv hsc_env
putNewSession :: IOish m => GhcModState -> GhcModT m ()
putNewSession s = do
rghc <- (liftIO . newIORef =<< newSession)
gmsPut s { gmGhcSession = Just $ GmGhcSession opts rghc }
newSession = do
crdl <- cradle
liftIO $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
_ <- initDF crdl
nhsc_env_ref <- liftIO . newIORef =<< newLightEnv (initDF crdl)
runLightGhc' nhsc_env_ref $ setSessionDynFlags =<< getSessionDynFlags
gmsPut s { gmGhcSession = Just $ GmGhcSession nhsc_env_ref }
-- | Drop the currently active GHC session, the next that requires a GHC session
@ -110,7 +116,7 @@ dropSession :: IOish m => GhcModT m ()
dropSession = do
s <- gmsGet
case gmGhcSession s of
Just (GmGhcSession _opts ref) -> do
Just (GmGhcSession ref) -> do
-- TODO: This is still not enough, there seem to still be references to
-- GHC's state around afterwards.
liftIO $ writeIORef ref (error "HscEnv: session was dropped")

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@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ instance Monoid GhcModLog where
GhcModLog (ml' `mplus` ml) (vd `mappend` vd') (ls `mappend` ls')
data GmGhcSession = GmGhcSession {
gmgsOptions :: ![GHCOption],
gmgsSession :: !(IORef HscEnv)

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@ -22,20 +22,20 @@ spec = do
runLightGhc env (return ()) `shouldReturn` ()
it "has modules in scope" $ do
withLightHscEnv [] $ \env ->
(withLightHscEnv [] $ \env ->
runLightGhc env $ do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
let i = intersect (listVisibleModuleNames dflags)
["Control.Applicative", "Control.Arrow"
,"Control.Exception", "GHC.Exts", "GHC.Float"]
liftIO $ i `shouldSatisfy` not . null
liftIO $ i `shouldSatisfy` not . null) :: IO ()
it "can get module info" $ do
withLightHscEnv [] $ \env ->
(withLightHscEnv [] $ \env ->
runLightGhc env $ do
mdl <- findModule "Data.List" Nothing
mmi <- getModuleInfo mdl
liftIO $ isJust mmi `shouldBe` True
liftIO $ isJust mmi `shouldBe` True) :: IO ()
describe "resolveModule" $ do