2015-02-04 00:12:51 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecordWildCards, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module SetupCompat where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Functor
import Data.Function
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.PackageDescription
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 706
componentsConfigs ::
LocalBuildInfo -> [(ComponentName, ComponentLocalBuildInfo, [ComponentName])]
componentsConfigs LocalBuildInfo {..} =
(maybe [] (\c -> [(CLibName, c, [])]) libraryConfig)
++ ((\(n, clbi) -> (CExeName n, clbi, [])) <$> executableConfigs)
++ ((\(n, clbi) -> (CTestName n, clbi, [])) <$> testSuiteConfigs)
++ ((\(n, clbi) -> (CBenchName n, clbi, [])) <$> benchmarkConfigs)
getComponent :: PackageDescription -> ComponentName -> Component
getComponent pkg cname =
case lookupComponent pkg cname of
Just cpnt -> cpnt
Nothing -> missingComponent
missingComponent =
error $ "internal error: the package description contains no "
++ "component corresponding to " ++ show cname
lookupComponent :: PackageDescription -> ComponentName -> Maybe Component
lookupComponent pkg CLibName =
fmap CLib $ library pkg
lookupComponent pkg (CExeName name) =
fmap CExe $ find ((name ==) . exeName) (executables pkg)
lookupComponent pkg (CTestName name) =
fmap CTest $ find ((name ==) . testName) (testSuites pkg)
lookupComponent pkg (CBenchName name) =
fmap CBench $ find ((name ==) . benchmarkName) (benchmarks pkg)
-- We're lying here can't be bothered to order these
allComponentsInBuildOrder :: LocalBuildInfo
-> [(ComponentName, ComponentLocalBuildInfo)]
allComponentsInBuildOrder lbi =
[ (cname, clbi) | (cname, clbi, _) <- componentsConfigs lbi ]
getComponentLocalBuildInfo :: LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentName -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
getComponentLocalBuildInfo lbi cname =
case [ clbi
| (cname', clbi, _) <- componentsConfigs lbi
, cname == cname' ] of
[clbi] -> clbi
_ -> missingComponent
missingComponent =
error $ "internal error: there is no configuration data "
++ "for component " ++ show cname
deriving instance (Ord ComponentName)
:: LocalBuildInfo
-> [(ComponentName, ComponentLocalBuildInfo, a)]
-> LocalBuildInfo
setComponentsConfigs lbi cs = flip execState lbi $ mapM setClbis gcs
-- gcs :: [ [(ComponentLocalBuildInfo, ComponentName, a)] ]
gcs = groupBy (sameKind `on` fst3) $ sortBy (compare `on` fst3) cs
fst3 (x,_,_) = x
sameKind CLibName CLibName = True
sameKind CLibName _ = False
sameKind (CExeName _) (CExeName _) = True
sameKind (CExeName _) _ = False
sameKind (CTestName _) (CTestName _) = True
sameKind (CTestName _) _ = False
sameKind (CBenchName _) (CBenchName _) = True
sameKind (CBenchName _) _ = False
setClbis [(CLibName, clbi, _)] =
get >>= \lbi -> put $ lbi {libraryConfig = Just clbi}
setClbis cs@((CExeName _, _, _):_) =
let cfg = (\((CExeName n), clbi, _) -> (n, clbi)) <$> cs in
get >>= \lbi -> put $ lbi {executableConfigs = cfg }
setClbis cs@((CTestName _, _, _):_) =
let cfg = (\((CTestName n), clbi, _) -> (n, clbi)) <$> cs in
get >>= \lbi -> put $ lbi {testSuiteConfigs = cfg }
setClbis cs@((CBenchName _, _, _):_) =
let cfg = (\((CBenchName n), clbi, _) -> (n, clbi)) <$> cs in
get >>= \lbi -> put $ lbi {benchmarkConfigs = cfg }
:: LocalBuildInfo
-> [(ComponentName, ComponentLocalBuildInfo, [ComponentName])]
-> LocalBuildInfo
setComponentsConfigs lbi cs = lbi { componentsConfigs = cs }
2015-02-07 22:05:04 +00:00
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 704
componentBuildInfo :: Component -> BuildInfo
componentBuildInfo =
foldComponent libBuildInfo buildInfo testBuildInfo benchmarkBuildInfo