2014-07-01 15:43:13 +00:00
2014-06-27 16:38:15 +00:00
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.CaseSplit (
2014-07-15 03:41:10 +00:00
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
) where
2014-08-01 15:08:23 +00:00
import Data.List (find, intercalate)
2014-07-24 18:21:05 +00:00
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T (readFile)
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
import System.FilePath
2014-07-15 03:41:10 +00:00
import qualified DataCon as Ty
2014-07-24 18:21:05 +00:00
import GHC (GhcMonad, LPat, Id, ParsedModule(..), TypecheckedModule(..), DynFlags, SrcSpan, Type, GenLocated(L))
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
import qualified GHC as G
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
import Outputable (PprStyle)
import qualified TyCon as Ty
import qualified Type as Ty
import Exception
2014-07-15 03:41:10 +00:00
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.DynFlags
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap as Gap
2014-06-28 19:43:51 +00:00
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.SrcUtils
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Doc
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Logging
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
2015-07-03 19:31:52 +00:00
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.FileMapping (fileModSummaryWithMapping)
2014-06-22 16:03:34 +00:00
2014-06-27 16:38:15 +00:00
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
2014-07-24 18:21:05 +00:00
data SplitInfo = SplitInfo G.Name SrcSpan (SrcSpan, Type) [SrcSpan]
| TySplitInfo G.Name SrcSpan (SrcSpan, Ty.Kind)
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
data SplitToTextInfo = SplitToTextInfo { sVarName :: String
, sBindingSpan :: SrcSpan
, sVarSpan :: SrcSpan
, sTycons :: [String]
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
-- | Splitting a variable in a equation.
2014-07-12 09:16:16 +00:00
splits :: IOish m
=> FilePath -- ^ A target file.
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
-> Int -- ^ Line number.
-> Int -- ^ Column number.
2014-07-12 09:16:16 +00:00
-> GhcModT m String
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
splits file lineNo colNo =
2015-03-09 21:04:04 +00:00
ghandle handler $ runGmlT' [Left file] deferErrors $ do
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
opt <- options
crdl <- cradle
style <- getStyle
dflag <- G.getSessionDynFlags
2015-07-03 19:31:52 +00:00
modSum <- fileModSummaryWithMapping (cradleCurrentDir crdl </> file)
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
whenFound' opt (getSrcSpanTypeForSplit modSum lineNo colNo) $ \x -> case x of
(SplitInfo varName bndLoc (varLoc,varT) _matches) -> do
let varName' = showName dflag style varName -- Convert name to string
t <- genCaseSplitTextFile file (SplitToTextInfo varName' bndLoc varLoc $
getTyCons dflag style varName varT)
return (fourInts bndLoc, t)
(TySplitInfo varName bndLoc (varLoc,varT)) -> do
let varName' = showName dflag style varName -- Convert name to string
t <- genCaseSplitTextFile file (SplitToTextInfo varName' bndLoc varLoc $
getTyCons dflag style varName varT)
return (fourInts bndLoc, t)
handler (SomeException ex) = do
2015-08-17 02:58:33 +00:00
gmLog GmException "splits" $
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
text "" $$ nest 4 (showDoc ex)
emptyResult =<< options
2014-06-27 17:06:20 +00:00
-- a. Code for getting the information of the variable
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
2014-07-27 10:20:46 +00:00
getSrcSpanTypeForSplit :: GhcMonad m => G.ModSummary -> Int -> Int -> m (Maybe SplitInfo)
getSrcSpanTypeForSplit modSum lineNo colNo = do
2014-07-24 18:21:05 +00:00
fn <- getSrcSpanTypeForFnSplit modSum lineNo colNo
if isJust fn
then return fn
2014-07-27 10:20:46 +00:00
else getSrcSpanTypeForTypeSplit modSum lineNo colNo
2014-07-24 18:21:05 +00:00
-- Information for a function case split
getSrcSpanTypeForFnSplit :: GhcMonad m => G.ModSummary -> Int -> Int -> m (Maybe SplitInfo)
getSrcSpanTypeForFnSplit modSum lineNo colNo = do
2014-08-23 12:06:26 +00:00
p@ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = _pms} <- G.parseModule modSum
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
tcm@TypecheckedModule{tm_typechecked_source = tcs} <- G.typecheckModule p
2014-11-01 13:06:34 +00:00
let varPat = find isPatternVar $ listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: Maybe (LPat Id)
match = last $ listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: Gap.GLMatchI
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
case varPat of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just varPat' -> do
2014-07-15 03:35:45 +00:00
varT <- Gap.getType tcm varPat' -- Finally we get the type of the var
2014-07-24 18:21:05 +00:00
case varT of
Just varT' ->
2015-03-28 18:54:10 +00:00
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
2015-01-29 08:43:31 +00:00
let (L matchL (G.Match _ _ _ (G.GRHSs rhsLs _))) = match
2015-03-28 18:54:10 +00:00
let (L matchL (G.Match _ _ (G.GRHSs rhsLs _))) = match
2014-07-24 18:21:05 +00:00
in return $ Just (SplitInfo (getPatternVarName varPat') matchL varT' (map G.getLoc rhsLs) )
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
_ -> return Nothing
isPatternVar :: LPat Id -> Bool
isPatternVar (L _ (G.VarPat _)) = True
isPatternVar _ = False
getPatternVarName :: LPat Id -> G.Name
getPatternVarName (L _ (G.VarPat vName)) = G.getName vName
2014-07-24 18:21:05 +00:00
getPatternVarName _ = error "This should never happened"
2014-07-27 10:20:46 +00:00
-- TODO: Information for a type family case split
getSrcSpanTypeForTypeSplit :: GhcMonad m => G.ModSummary -> Int -> Int -> m (Maybe SplitInfo)
getSrcSpanTypeForTypeSplit _modSum _lineNo _colNo = return Nothing
2014-07-24 18:21:05 +00:00
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
2014-06-27 17:06:20 +00:00
-- b. Code for getting the possible constructors
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
getTyCons :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> G.Name -> G.Type -> [String]
getTyCons dflag style name ty | Just (tyCon, _) <- Ty.splitTyConApp_maybe ty =
let name' = showName dflag style name -- Convert name to string
in getTyCon dflag style name' tyCon
getTyCons dflag style name _ = [showName dflag style name]
-- Write cases for one type
getTyCon :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> String -> Ty.TyCon -> [String]
-- 1. Non-matcheable type constructors
getTyCon _ _ name tyCon | isNotMatcheableTyCon tyCon = [name]
-- 2. Special cases
-- 2.1. Tuples
getTyCon _ _ name tyCon | Ty.isTupleTyCon tyCon =
let [uniqueDataCon] = Ty.tyConDataCons tyCon
tupleArity = Ty.dataConSourceArity uniqueDataCon
-- Deal with both boxed and unboxed tuples
isUnboxed = Ty.isUnboxedTupleTyCon tyCon
startSign = if isUnboxed then "(#" else "("
endSign = if isUnboxed then "#)" else ")"
in [ startSign ++ intercalate "," (map (\n -> name ++ show n) [1 .. tupleArity]) ++ endSign ]
-- 3. General case
getTyCon dflag style name tyCon = map (getDataCon dflag style name) (Ty.tyConDataCons tyCon)
-- These type constructors should not be matched against
isNotMatcheableTyCon :: Ty.TyCon -> Bool
isNotMatcheableTyCon ty = Ty.isPrimTyCon ty -- Primitive types, such as Int#
|| Ty.isFunTyCon ty -- Function types
-- Write case for one constructor
getDataCon :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> String -> Ty.DataCon -> String
-- 1. Infix constructors
getDataCon dflag style vName dcon | Ty.dataConIsInfix dcon =
let dName = showName dflag style $ Ty.dataConName dcon
in case Ty.dataConSourceArity dcon of
0 -> dName
1 -> vName ++ dName
n -> if dName == ":" -- Special case for lists
then vName ++ ":" ++ vName ++ "s"
else newVar vName 1 ++ " " ++ dName ++ " " ++ newVars vName 2 (n-1)
-- 2. Non-record, non-infix syntax
getDataCon dflag style vName dcon | [] <- Ty.dataConFieldLabels dcon =
let dName = showName dflag style $ Ty.dataConName dcon
in if last dName == '#' -- Special case for I#, C# and so on
then vName
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
else case Ty.dataConSourceArity dcon of
0 -> dName
_ -> dName ++ " " ++ newVarsSpecialSingleton vName 1 (Ty.dataConSourceArity dcon)
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
-- 3. Records
getDataCon dflag style vName dcon =
let dName = showName dflag style $ Ty.dataConName dcon
flds = Ty.dataConFieldLabels dcon
in dName ++ " { " ++ showFieldNames dflag style vName flds ++ " }"
-- Create a new variable by adjoining a number
newVar :: String -> Int -> String
newVar v n = v ++ show n
-- Create a list of variables which start with the same prefix
newVars :: String -> Int -> Int -> String
newVars _ _ 0 = ""
newVars v s 1 = newVar v s
newVars v s m = newVar v s ++ " " ++ newVars v (s+1) (m-1)
-- Create a list of variables which start with the same prefix
-- Special case for a single variable, in which case no number is adjoint
newVarsSpecialSingleton :: String -> Int -> Int -> String
newVarsSpecialSingleton v _ 1 = v
newVarsSpecialSingleton v start n = newVars v start n
showFieldNames :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> String -> [G.Name] -> String
showFieldNames _ _ _ [] = "" -- This should never happen
showFieldNames dflag style v (x:xs) = let fName = showName dflag style x
fAcc = fName ++ " = " ++ v ++ "_" ++ fName
in case xs of
[] -> fAcc
_ -> fAcc ++ ", " ++ showFieldNames dflag style v xs
2014-06-27 17:06:20 +00:00
-- c. Code for performing the case splitting
2014-06-21 09:38:44 +00:00
2015-04-02 23:15:12 +00:00
genCaseSplitTextFile :: (MonadIO m, GhcMonad m) =>
FilePath -> SplitToTextInfo -> m String
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
genCaseSplitTextFile file info = liftIO $ do
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
t <- T.readFile file
return $ getCaseSplitText (T.lines t) info
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
getCaseSplitText :: [T.Text] -> SplitToTextInfo -> String
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
getCaseSplitText t (SplitToTextInfo { sVarName = sVN, sBindingSpan = sBS
2014-06-27 17:32:05 +00:00
, sVarSpan = sVS, sTycons = sT }) =
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
let bindingText = getBindingText t sBS
2014-06-27 17:32:05 +00:00
difference = srcSpanDifference sBS sVS
2014-11-01 13:06:34 +00:00
replaced = map (replaceVarWithTyCon bindingText difference sVN) sT
-- The newly generated bindings need to be indented to align with the
-- original binding.
replaced' = head replaced : map (indentBindingTo sBS) (tail replaced)
in T.unpack $ T.intercalate (T.pack "\n") (concat replaced')
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
getBindingText :: [T.Text] -> SrcSpan -> [T.Text]
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
getBindingText t srcSpan =
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
let Just (sl,sc,el,ec) = Gap.getSrcSpan srcSpan
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
lines_ = drop (sl - 1) $ take el t
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
in if sl == el
then -- only one line
[T.drop (sc - 1) $ T.take ec $ head lines_]
else -- several lines
let (first,rest,last_) = (head lines_, tail $ init lines_, last lines_)
2014-07-17 08:16:44 +00:00
in T.drop (sc - 1) first : rest ++ [T.take ec last_]
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
srcSpanDifference :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> (Int,Int,Int,Int)
srcSpanDifference b v =
let Just (bsl,bsc,_ ,_) = Gap.getSrcSpan b
Just (vsl,vsc,vel,vec) = Gap.getSrcSpan v
in (vsl - bsl, vsc - bsc, vel - bsl, vec - bsc) -- assume variable in one line
replaceVarWithTyCon :: [T.Text] -> (Int,Int,Int,Int) -> String -> String -> [T.Text]
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
replaceVarWithTyCon t (vsl,vsc,_,vec) varname tycon =
2014-06-25 16:09:24 +00:00
let tycon' = if ' ' `elem` tycon || ':' `elem` tycon then "(" ++ tycon ++ ")" else tycon
lengthDiff = length tycon' - length varname
tycon'' = T.pack $ if lengthDiff < 0 then tycon' ++ replicate (-lengthDiff) ' ' else tycon'
spacesToAdd = if lengthDiff < 0 then 0 else lengthDiff
in zipWith (\n line -> if n < vsl
then line -- before variable starts
else if n == vsl
then T.take vsc line `T.append` tycon'' `T.append` T.drop vec line
else T.replicate spacesToAdd (T.pack " ") `T.append` line)
2015-03-03 20:12:43 +00:00
[0 ..] t
2014-11-01 13:06:34 +00:00
indentBindingTo :: SrcSpan -> [T.Text] -> [T.Text]
indentBindingTo bndLoc binds =
let Just (_,sl,_,_) = Gap.getSrcSpan bndLoc
indent = (T.replicate (sl - 1) (T.pack " ") `T.append`)
in indent (head binds) : tail binds