
55 lines
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2010-03-11 10:03:17 +00:00
module List (listModules) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Process
listModules :: IO [String]
listModules = exposedModules <$> getDump
getDump :: IO String
getDump = do
(_,hout,_,_) <- runInteractiveProcess "ghc-pkg" ["dump"] Nothing Nothing
hGetContents hout
exposedModules :: String -> [String]
exposedModules cs = results
ls = unfoldLines cs
ns = values "name: " ls
ms = values "exposed-modules: " ls
zs = zip ns ms
xs = filter (\(nm,_) -> nm `notElem` ["ghc", "ghc-prim", "rts", "integer"]) zs
ss = map snd xs
results = filter (\x -> not ("GHC" `isPrefixOf` x)) $ concatMap words ss
values :: String -> [String] -> [String]
values tag ls = value
value = map (drop len) fs
len = length tag
fs = filter (tag `isPrefixOf`) ls
unfoldLines :: String -> [String]
unfoldLines xs = self xs
splitNL = break (== '\n')
self "" = []
self s = let (l, s') = splitNL s
in case s' of
[] -> [l]
(_:' ':s'') -> cont s'' l
(_:s'') -> l : self s''
cont s a = let (l, s') = splitNL $ dropWhile (== ' ') s
a' = a ++ " " ++ l
in case s' of
[] -> [a']
(_:' ':s'') -> cont s'' a'
(_:s'') -> a' : self s''