# Copyright 2011 Dan Callaghan # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 MY_PNV=${PN}-v${PV} require perl-module [ module_author=JMEHNLE subdir=${PN,,} ] SUMMARY="A Perl implementation of Sender Policy Framework" DESCRIPTION=" Mail::SPF is an object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework (SPF). See http://www.openspf.org for more information about SPF. This class collection aims to fully conform to the SPF specification (RFC 4408) so as to serve both as a production quality SPF implementation and as a reference for other developers of SPF implementations. " LICENCES="BSD-3" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" WORK="${WORKBASE}/${MY_PNV}" DEPENDENCIES=" build+run: dev-perl/Error dev-perl/Net-DNS[>=0.58] dev-perl/NetAddr-IP[>=4] dev-perl/URI[>=1.13] test: dev-perl/Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable dev-perl/Test-Pod " src_prepare() { edo sed -i \ -e "s#/usr/sbin#/usr/$(exhost --target)/bin#" \ Build.PL default }