
119 lines
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# exherbo
* app-vim/exheres-syntax
# haskell
* dev-lang/GHC:8.6.5
* dev-haskell/cabal-install-bin
# VCSes and VCS-tools
* dev-scm/mercurial
* dev-util/tig
* dev-scm/git-imerge
* dev-scm/git-interactive-rebase-tool
# C
* app-doc/doxygen
* dev-util/astyle
* dev-util/cflow
* dev-util/cloc
* dev-util/cppcheck
* dev-util/cunit
* dev-util/splint
* dev-util/valgrind
* media-gfx/graphviz
* sys-devel/gdb
* dev-util/glade
# tools
* dev-util/meld
* dev-util/strace
# latex stuff
* app-office/impressive
* dev-tex/biblatex
* dev-tex/latex-beamer
* dev-texlive/texlive-humanities
* dev-texlive/texlive-langgerman
* dev-texlive/texlive-latex
* dev-texlive/texlive-science
* dev-texlive/texlive-xetex
# for minted
* dev-python/Pygments
# vim
* dev-util/ctags
# documentation
* app-doc/doxygen
* media-gfx/graphviz
# font
* fonts/FiraCode
# rust
* dev-lang/rust:stable
* dev-lang/rust:nightly
# cargo seems to link against it, wtf
* dev-libs/libunwind
* dev-util/rusty-tags
# js
* dev-lang/node
* dev-node/yarn
# java
* virtual/jdk
# font
* fonts/FiraCode
# python
* dev-lang/python:2.7
* dev-lang/python:3.6
* dev-lang/python
* dev-lang/coconut
* dev-python/mypy
* dev-python/flake8
* dev-python/pylint
* dev-python/autopep8
* dev-python/pep8
* dev-util/jedi
* app-editors/python-language-server
# databases
* dev-db/mysql-workbench
* virtual/mysql
* dev-db/pgmodeler
* dev-db/postgresql
# others
* dev-lang/openjdk8
# vim
* app-editors/gvim
* app-editors/vim
# * app-editors/vint # TODO: broken
* app-editors/efm-langserver
# neovim
* app-editors/neovim
* dev-python/neovim-python
* dev-ruby/neovim-ruby
* app-editors/neovim-gtk
* dev-util/the_silver_searcher
* sys-apps/fd
* app-text/jq
# IDEs
* app-editors/vscode-bin
* dev-util/universal-ctags
# vim
* app-editors/vint