Clean up sets
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
* app-admin/hardinfo
* app-admin/hardinfo
* app-diagram/dia
* app-editors/gvim
* app-editors/gvim
* app-diagram/dia
* app-ergonomics/workrave
* app-ergonomics/workrave
* app-text/texmaker
* app-text/texmaker
* gnome-desktop/GPaste
* gnome-desktop/evince
* gnome-desktop/evince
* kde/marble
* kde/marble
* mail-client/thunderbird
* mail-client/thunderbird
@ -17,6 +16,7 @@
* media-sound/pnmixer-rs
* media-sound/pnmixer-rs
* media-video/guvcview
* media-video/guvcview
* media/livestreamer
* media/livestreamer
* media/smplayer
* media/mpv
* media/mpv
* net-ftp/filezilla
* net-ftp/filezilla
* net-misc/remmina
* net-misc/remmina
@ -25,20 +25,15 @@
* net-p2p/pybitmessage
* net-p2p/pybitmessage
* net-www/firefox
* net-www/firefox
* net-www/google-chrome-bin
* net-www/google-chrome-bin
* net-www/inox
* net-www/inox-widevine-plugin
* net-www/links
* net-www/links
* voip/blink
* voip/blink
* voip/mumble
* voip/mumble
* voip/teamspeak-client-bin
* voip/teamspeak-client-bin
* x11-apps/dzen2
* x11-apps/redshift
* x11-apps/redshift
* x11-apps/sakura
* x11-apps/sakura
* x11-apps/setxkbmap
* x11-apps/setxkbmap
* x11-apps/spacefm
* x11-apps/spacefm
* sys-apps/udevil
* sys-apps/udevil
* x11-apps/xbindkeys
* x11-apps/xbindkeys
* x11-apps/xdotool
* x11-apps/xdotool
* x11-apps/xhost
* x11-apps/xhost
@ -50,21 +45,21 @@
* x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard
* x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard
* x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse
* x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse
* x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau
* x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau
* x11-misc/dmenu
* x11-misc/zim
* x11-misc/zim
* x11-utils/xclip
* x11-utils/xclip
* x11-apps/i3lock
* x11-misc/rofi
* x11-wm/i3
# i3
* x11-apps/i3lock
* x11-apps/picom
* x11-apps/picom
* x11-misc/rofi
* x11-wm/i3
# polybar
# polybar
* fonts/fontawesome
* x11-misc/polybar
* fonts/unifont
* dev-python/i3ipc
* dev-python/fontawesome
* dev-python/fontawesome
* dev-python/i3ipc
* fonts/fontawesome
* fonts/unifont
* x11-misc/polybar
# unpacking
# unpacking
@ -81,7 +76,6 @@
* net-wireless/blueman
* net-wireless/blueman
* net-wireless/bluez
* net-wireless/bluez
* media-sound/pulseaudio
* media-sound/pulseaudio
* media-sound/pulseeffects
# password management
# password management
* app-admin/keepassxc
* app-admin/keepassxc
@ -114,17 +108,10 @@
* net-www/brave-browser-dev
* net-www/brave-browser-dev
* net-misc/dropbox
* net-misc/dropbox
* net-im/slack
* net-im/slack
* net-im/telegram-desktop
* net-im/telegram-desktop
* app-crypt/keybase
* app-crypt/keybase
# epub
# epub
* app-text/calibre
* app-text/calibre
# fonts
* fonts/noto
* fonts/google-web-fonts
# themes
* x11-themes/papirus-icon-theme
* x11-themes/human-icon-theme
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
# exherbo
# exherbo
* app-vim/exheres-syntax
* app-vim/exheres-syntax
#* app-emacs/exheres-mode
#* dev-util/exherbo-cabal
# haskell
# haskell
#* haskell-platform
* dev-lang/GHC:8.6.5
* dev-lang/GHC:8.6.5
* dev-haskell/cabal-install-bin
* dev-haskell/cabal-install-bin
@ -20,7 +17,6 @@
* dev-util/cloc
* dev-util/cloc
* dev-util/cppcheck
* dev-util/cppcheck
* dev-util/cunit
* dev-util/cunit
#* dev-util/nemiver
* dev-util/splint
* dev-util/splint
* dev-util/valgrind
* dev-util/valgrind
* media-gfx/graphviz
* media-gfx/graphviz
@ -61,32 +57,16 @@
# cargo seems to link against it, wtf
# cargo seems to link against it, wtf
* dev-libs/libunwind
* dev-libs/libunwind
# scala
#* dev-lang/scala-bin
#* dev-scala/sbt
# erlang
#* dev-erlang/rebar
#* dev-lang/erlang
# leksah
#* net-libs/webkit:3.0
# js
# js
* dev-lang/node
* dev-lang/node
* dev-node/yarn
* dev-node/yarn
# java
# java
* virtual/jdk
* virtual/jdk
# font
# font
* fonts/FiraCode
* fonts/FiraCode
# fstar
#* dev-lang/fstar
#* dev-lang/fsharp
# python
# python
* dev-lang/python:2.7
* dev-lang/python:2.7
* dev-lang/python:3.6
* dev-lang/python:3.6
@ -106,13 +86,7 @@
* dev-db/pgmodeler
* dev-db/pgmodeler
* dev-db/postgresql
* dev-db/postgresql
# clojure
* app-misc/rlwrap
#* dev-lang/clojure
* net-misc/socat
# others
# others
* dev-lang/elixir
* dev-lang/openjdk8
* dev-lang/openjdk8
# vim
# vim
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
* app-emulation/dosbox
* app-emulation/dosbox
* app-emulation/wine
* app-emulation/wine
* app-virtualization/moby
* app-virtualization/moby
#* app-virtualization/docker-compose
* app-virtualization/virtualbox-bin
* app-virtualization/virtualbox-bin
* sys-process/ctop
* sys-process/ctop
@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
* games-roguelike/FTL
#* games-roguelike/FTL
* games-rpg/pillars-of-eternity
* games-rpg/pillars-of-eternity
* games-rpg/punch-club
@ -1,40 +1,23 @@
* games-action/supertuxkart
* games-action/trosh
* games-arcade/Commander-Genius
* games-board/awale
* games-board/awale
* games-board/capicity
* games-board/pioneers
* games-board/pioneers
* games-board/pysolfc
* games-board/pysolfc
* games-emulation/gambatte
* games-engines/openmw
* games-engines/openmw
* games-engines/renpy
* games-engines/renpy
* games-engines/renpy:6.99
* games-roguelike/dungeon-crawl-stone-soup
* games-roguelike/dungeon-crawl-stone-soup
* games-roguelike/tome4
* games-rpg/arx-libertatis
* games-rpg/arx-libertatis
* games-rpg/flare
* games-rpg/gemrb
* games-rpg/gemrb
* games-rpg/sumwars
* games-rpg/sumwars
* games-rpg/valyriatear
* games-rpg/zsdx
* games-rpg/zsxd
* games-simulation/minetest
* games-simulation/minetest
* games-strategy/0ad
* games-strategy/0ad
* games-strategy/dunelegacy
* games-strategy/dunelegacy
* games-strategy/freeciv
* games-strategy/freecol
* games-strategy/freeorion
* games-strategy/freeserf
* games-strategy/freesynd
* games-strategy/freesynd
* games-strategy/ja2-stracciatella
* games-strategy/ja2-stracciatella
* games-strategy/openra:release
* games-strategy/openra:release
* games-strategy/openra:playtest
* games-strategy/s25rttr
* games-strategy/s25rttr
* games-action/teeworlds
* games-action/teeworlds
* games-engines/OpenJK
* games-rpg/freedink
* games-rpg/zelda-roth-se
* games-strategy/wargus
* games-strategy/wesnoth
* games-strategy/zod-engine
* games-strategy/zod-engine
# peter
* games-rpg/exult
@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
* games-action/openclonk
* games-arcade/duckmarines
* games-arcade/hawkthorne-journey
* games-arcade/mari0
* games-arcade/mrrescue
* games-arcade/notpacman
* games-arcade/nottetris2
* games-arcade/opensonic
* games-arcade/orthorobot
* games-engines/stratagus
* games-fps/eduke32
* games-fps/sauerbraten
* games-fps/urbanterror
* games-fps/warsow
* games-fps/xonotic
* net-misc/dhcpcd
* net-misc/dhcpcd
* net-misc/netifrc
* net-misc/netifrc
* sys-apps/ethtool
* sys-apps/ethtool
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
* fonts/font-bitstream-100dpi
* fonts/font-bitstream-100dpi
* fonts/font-bitstream-75dpi
* fonts/font-bitstream-75dpi
* fonts/google-web-fonts
* fonts/liberation-fonts
* fonts/liberation-fonts
* fonts/noto
* x11-themes/clearlooks-phenix
* x11-themes/clearlooks-phenix
* x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme
* x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme
* x11-themes/papirus-icon-theme
* x11-themes/tango-icon-theme
* x11-themes/tango-icon-theme
* xfce-base/xfce4-icon-theme
* xfce-base/xfce4-icon-theme
@ -18,3 +18,6 @@
* xfce-extra/xfce4-screenshooter
* xfce-extra/xfce4-screenshooter
* xfce-extra/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin
* xfce-extra/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin
* xfce-extra/xfce4-notifyd
* xfce-extra/xfce4-notifyd
# peter
* xfce-extra/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
Reference in New Issue
Block a user