
119 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/mysql-init-scripts/files/mysql-5.1.67-init.d,v 1.1 2013/01/18 01:51:47 robbat2 Exp $
depend() {
use net.lo
# localmount needed for $basedir
need localmount
get_config() {
my_print_defaults --config-file="$1" mysqld |
sed -n -e "s/^--$2=//p"
mysql_svcname() {
local ebextra=
case "${SVCNAME}" in
mysql*) ;;
*) ebextra=" (mysql)" ;;
echo "${SVCNAME}${ebextra}"
start() {
# Check for old conf.d variables that mean migration was not yet done.
set | egrep -sq '^(mysql_slot_|MYSQL_BLOG_PID_FILE|STOPTIMEOUT)'
# Yes, MYSQL_INIT_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING is a hidden variable.
# It does have a use in testing, as it is possible to build a config file
# that works with both the old and new init scripts simulateously.
if [ "${rc}" = 0 -a -z "${MYSQL_INIT_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING}" ]; then
eerror "You have not updated your conf.d for the new mysql-init-scripts-2 revamp."
eerror "Not proceeding because it may be dangerous."
return 1
# Now we can startup
ebegin "Starting $(mysql_svcname)"
if [ ! -r "${MY_CNF}" ] ; then
eerror "Cannot read the configuration file \`${MY_CNF}'"
return 1
# tail -n1 is critical as these we only want the last instance of the option
local basedir=$(get_config "${MY_CNF}" basedir | tail -n1)
local datadir=$(get_config "${MY_CNF}" datadir | tail -n1)
local pidfile=$(get_config "${MY_CNF}" pid-file | tail -n1)
local socket=$(get_config "${MY_CNF}" socket | tail -n1)
if [ ! -d "${datadir}" ] ; then
eerror "MySQL datadir \`${datadir}' is empty or invalid"
eerror "Please check your config file \`${MY_CNF}'"
return 1
if [ ! -d "${datadir}"/mysql ] ; then
eerror "You don't appear to have the mysql database installed yet."
eerror "Please run /usr/bin/mysql_install_db to have this done..."
return 1
local piddir="${pidfile%/*}"
checkpath -d --owner mysql:mysql --mode 0755 "$piddir"
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
eerror "Directory $piddir for pidfile does not exist and cannot be created"
return 1
local startup_timeout=${STARTUP_TIMEOUT:-900}
local startup_early_timeout=${STARTUP_EARLY_TIMEOUT:-1000}
local tmpnice="${NICE:+"--nicelevel "}${NICE}"
local tmpionice="${IONICE:+"--ionice "}${IONICE}"
start-stop-daemon \
${DEBUG:+"--verbose"} \
--start \
--exec "${basedir}"/sbin/mysqld \
--pidfile "${pidfile}" \
--background \
--wait ${startup_early_timeout} \
${tmpnice} \
${tmpionice} \
-- --defaults-file="${MY_CNF}" ${MY_ARGS}
local ret=$?
if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ] ; then
eend ${ret}
return ${ret}
ewaitfile ${startup_timeout} "${socket}"
eend $? || return 1
save_options pidfile "${pidfile}"
save_options basedir "${basedir}"
stop() {
ebegin "Stopping $(mysql_svcname)"
local pidfile="$(get_options pidfile)"
local basedir="$(get_options basedir)"
local stop_timeout=${STOP_TIMEOUT:-120}
start-stop-daemon \
${DEBUG:+"--verbose"} \
--stop \
--exec "${basedir}"/sbin/mysqld \
--pidfile "${pidfile}" \
--retry ${stop_timeout}
eend $?
# vim: filetype=gentoo-init-d sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 noet: