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; etc/couchdb/default.ini.tpl. Generated from by configure.
; Upgrading CouchDB will overwrite this file.
name = The Apache Software Foundation
version = 1.6.1
database_dir = /var/lib/couchdb
view_index_dir = /var/lib/couchdb
util_driver_dir = /usr/lib64/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-1.6.1/priv/lib
max_document_size = 4294967296 ; 4 GB
os_process_timeout = 5000 ; 5 seconds. for view and external servers.
max_dbs_open = 100
delayed_commits = true ; set this to false to ensure an fsync before 201 Created is returned
uri_file = /var/run/couchdb/couch.uri
; Method used to compress everything that is appended to database and view index files, except
; for attachments (see the attachments section). Available methods are:
; none - no compression
; snappy - use google snappy, a very fast compressor/decompressor
; deflate_[N] - use zlib's deflate, N is the compression level which ranges from 1 (fastest,
; lowest compression ratio) to 9 (slowest, highest compression ratio)
file_compression = snappy
; Higher values may give better read performance due to less read operations
; and/or more OS page cache hits, but they can also increase overall response
; time for writes when there are many attachment write requests in parallel.
attachment_stream_buffer_size = 4096
plugin_dir = /usr/lib64/couchdb/plugins
; etc/couchdb/default.ini.tpl. Generated from by configure.
; larger buffer sizes can originate smaller files
doc_buffer_size = 524288 ; value in bytes
checkpoint_after = 5242880 ; checkpoint after every N bytes were written
; larger buffer sizes can originate smaller files
keyvalue_buffer_size = 2097152 ; value in bytes
port = 5984
bind_address =
authentication_handlers = {couch_httpd_oauth, oauth_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}
default_handler = {couch_httpd_db, handle_request}
secure_rewrites = true
vhost_global_handlers = _utils, _uuids, _session, _oauth, _users
allow_jsonp = false
; Options for the MochiWeb HTTP server.
;server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]
; For more socket options, consult Erlang's module 'inet' man page.
;socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}]
log_max_chunk_size = 1000000
enable_cors = false
; CouchDB can optionally enforce a maximum uri length;
; max_uri_length = 8000
port = 6984
file = /var/log/couchdb/couch.log
level = info
include_sasl = true
authentication_db = _users
authentication_redirect = /_utils/session.html
require_valid_user = false
timeout = 600 ; number of seconds before automatic logout
auth_cache_size = 50 ; size is number of cache entries
allow_persistent_cookies = false ; set to true to allow persistent cookies
iterations = 10 ; iterations for password hashing
; min_iterations = 1
; max_iterations = 1000000000
; comma-separated list of public fields, 404 if empty
; public_fields =
credentials = false
; List of origins separated by a comma, * means accept all
; Origins must include the scheme:
; You cant set origins: * and credentials = true at the same time.
;origins = *
; List of accepted headers separated by a comma
; headers =
; List of accepted methods
; methods =
; Configuration for a vhost
; credentials = false
; List of origins separated by a comma
; Origins must include the scheme:
; You cant set origins: * and credentials = true at the same time.
;origins =
; List of accepted headers separated by a comma
; headers =
; List of accepted methods
; methods =
; If set to 'true', oauth token and consumer secrets will be looked up
; in the authentication database (_users). These secrets are stored in
; a top level property named "oauth" in user documents. Example:
; {
; "_id": "org.couchdb.user:joe",
; "type": "user",
; "name": "joe",
; "password_sha": "fe95df1ca59a9b567bdca5cbaf8412abd6e06121",
; "salt": "4e170ffeb6f34daecfd814dfb4001a73"
; "roles": ["foo", "bar"],
; "oauth": {
; "consumer_keys": {
; "consumerKey1": "key1Secret",
; "consumerKey2": "key2Secret"
; },
; "tokens": {
; "token1": "token1Secret",
; "token2": "token2Secret"
; }
; }
; }
use_users_db = false
javascript = /usr/local/bin/couchjs /usr/local/share/couchdb/server/main.js
coffeescript = /usr/local/bin/couchjs /usr/local/share/couchdb/server/main-coffee.js
; Changing reduce_limit to false will disable reduce_limit.
; If you think you're hitting reduce_limit with a "good" reduce function,
; please let us know on the mailing list so we can fine tune the heuristic.
reduce_limit = true
os_process_limit = 25
index_server={couch_index_server, start_link, []}
external_manager={couch_external_manager, start_link, []}
query_servers={couch_query_servers, start_link, []}
vhosts={couch_httpd_vhost, start_link, []}
httpd={couch_httpd, start_link, []}
stats_aggregator={couch_stats_aggregator, start, []}
stats_collector={couch_stats_collector, start, []}
uuids={couch_uuids, start, []}
auth_cache={couch_auth_cache, start_link, []}
replicator_manager={couch_replicator_manager, start_link, []}
os_daemons={couch_os_daemons, start_link, []}
compaction_daemon={couch_compaction_daemon, start_link, []}
/ = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_welcome_req, <<"Welcome">>}
favicon.ico = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_favicon_req, "/usr/local/share/couchdb/www"}
_utils = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, "/usr/local/share/couchdb/www"}
_all_dbs = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_all_dbs_req}
_active_tasks = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_task_status_req}
_config = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_config_req}
_replicate = {couch_replicator_httpd, handle_req}
_uuids = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_uuids_req}
_restart = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_restart_req}
_stats = {couch_httpd_stats_handlers, handle_stats_req}
_log = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_log_req}
_session = {couch_httpd_auth, handle_session_req}
_oauth = {couch_httpd_oauth, handle_oauth_req}
_db_updates = {couch_dbupdates_httpd, handle_req}
_plugins = {couch_plugins_httpd, handle_req}
_all_docs = {couch_mrview_http, handle_all_docs_req}
_changes = {couch_httpd_db, handle_changes_req}
_compact = {couch_httpd_db, handle_compact_req}
_design = {couch_httpd_db, handle_design_req}
_temp_view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_temp_view_req}
_view_cleanup = {couch_mrview_http, handle_cleanup_req}
; The external module takes an optional argument allowing you to narrow it to a
; single script. Otherwise the script name is inferred from the first path section
; after _external's own path.
; _mypath = {couch_httpd_external, handle_external_req, <<"mykey">>}
; _external = {couch_httpd_external, handle_external_req}
_compact = {couch_mrview_http, handle_compact_req}
_info = {couch_mrview_http, handle_info_req}
_list = {couch_mrview_show, handle_view_list_req}
_rewrite = {couch_httpd_rewrite, handle_rewrite_req}
_show = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_show_req}
_update = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_update_req}
_view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_view_req}
; enable external as an httpd handler, then link it with commands here.
; note, this api is still under consideration.
; [external]
; mykey = /path/to/mycommand
; Here you can setup commands for CouchDB to manage
; while it is alive. It will attempt to keep each command
; alive if it exits.
; [os_daemons]
; some_daemon_name = /path/to/script -with args
; Known algorithms:
; random - 128 bits of random awesome
; All awesome, all the time.
; sequential - monotonically increasing ids with random increments
; First 26 hex characters are random. Last 6 increment in
; random amounts until an overflow occurs. On overflow, the
; random prefix is regenerated and the process starts over.
; utc_random - Time since Jan 1, 1970 UTC with microseconds
; First 14 characters are the time in hex. Last 18 are random.
; utc_id - Time since Jan 1, 1970 UTC with microseconds, plus utc_id_suffix string
; First 14 characters are the time in hex. uuids/utc_id_suffix string value is appended to these.
algorithm = sequential
; The utc_id_suffix value will be appended to uuids generated by the utc_id algorithm.
; Replicating instances should have unique utc_id_suffix values to ensure uniqueness of utc_id ids.
utc_id_suffix =
# Maximum number of UUIDs retrievable from /_uuids in a single request
max_count = 1000
; rate is in milliseconds
rate = 1000
; sample intervals are in seconds
samples = [0, 60, 300, 900]
compression_level = 8 ; from 1 (lowest, fastest) to 9 (highest, slowest), 0 to disable compression
compressible_types = text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml
db = _replicator
; Maximum replicaton retry count can be a non-negative integer or "infinity".
max_replication_retry_count = 10
; More worker processes can give higher network throughput but can also
; imply more disk and network IO.
worker_processes = 4
; With lower batch sizes checkpoints are done more frequently. Lower batch sizes
; also reduce the total amount of used RAM memory.
worker_batch_size = 500
; Maximum number of HTTP connections per replication.
http_connections = 20
; HTTP connection timeout per replication.
; Even for very fast/reliable networks it might need to be increased if a remote
; database is too busy.
connection_timeout = 30000
; If a request fails, the replicator will retry it up to N times.
retries_per_request = 10
; Some socket options that might boost performance in some scenarios:
; {nodelay, boolean()}
; {sndbuf, integer()}
; {recbuf, integer()}
; {priority, integer()}
; See the `inet` Erlang module's man page for the full list of options.
socket_options = [{keepalive, true}, {nodelay, false}]
; Path to a file containing the user's certificate.
;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
; Path to file containing user's private PEM encoded key.
;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
; String containing the user's password. Only used if the private keyfile is password protected.
;password = somepassword
; Set to true to validate peer certificates.
verify_ssl_certificates = false
; File containing a list of peer trusted certificates (in the PEM format).
;ssl_trusted_certificates_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
; Maximum peer certificate depth (must be set even if certificate validation is off).
ssl_certificate_max_depth = 3
; The delay, in seconds, between each check for which database and view indexes
; need to be compacted.
check_interval = 300
; If a database or view index file is smaller then this value (in bytes),
; compaction will not happen. Very small files always have a very high
; fragmentation therefore it's not worth to compact them.
min_file_size = 131072
; List of compaction rules for the compaction daemon.
; The daemon compacts databases and their respective view groups when all the
; condition parameters are satisfied. Configuration can be per database or
; global, and it has the following format:
; database_name = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
; _default = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
; Possible parameters:
; * db_fragmentation - If the ratio (as an integer percentage), of the amount
; of old data (and its supporting metadata) over the database
; file size is equal to or greater then this value, this
; database compaction condition is satisfied.
; This value is computed as:
; (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
; The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when
; querying a database's information URI (GET /dbname/).
; * view_fragmentation - If the ratio (as an integer percentage), of the amount
; of old data (and its supporting metadata) over the view
; index (view group) file size is equal to or greater then
; this value, then this view index compaction condition is
; satisfied. This value is computed as:
; (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
; The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when
; querying a view group's information URI
; (GET /dbname/_design/groupname/_info).
; * from _and_ to - The period for which a database (and its view groups) compaction
; is allowed. The value for these parameters must obey the format:
; HH:MM - HH:MM (HH in [0..23], MM in [0..59])
; * strict_window - If a compaction is still running after the end of the allowed
; period, it will be canceled if this parameter is set to 'true'.
; It defaults to 'false' and it's meaningful only if the *period*
; parameter is also specified.
; * parallel_view_compaction - If set to 'true', the database and its views are
; compacted in parallel. This is only useful on
; certain setups, like for example when the database
; and view index directories point to different
; disks. It defaults to 'false'.
; Before a compaction is triggered, an estimation of how much free disk space is
; needed is computed. This estimation corresponds to 2 times the data size of
; the database or view index. When there's not enough free disk space to compact
; a particular database or view index, a warning message is logged.
; Examples:
; 1) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}]
; The `foo` database is compacted if its fragmentation is 70% or more.
; Any view index of this database is compacted only if its fragmentation
; is 60% or more.
; 2) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]
; Similar to the preceding example but a compaction (database or view index)
; is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM.
; 3) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}]
; Similar to the preceding example - a compaction (database or view index)
; is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM. If at
; 4 AM the database or one of its views is still compacting, the compaction
; process will be canceled.
; 4) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}, {parallel_view_compaction, true}]
; Similar to the preceding example, but a database and its views can be
; compacted in parallel.
;_default = [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "23:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]