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  1. # Example /etc/quilt.quiltrc
  2. # Options passed to GNU diff when generating patches
  3. QUILT_DIFF_OPTS="--show-c-function"
  4. # Options passed to GNU patch when applying patches.
  5. # (For appling patches which are not in unified format, remove the "--unified".)
  6. #QUILT_PATCH_OPTS="--ignore-whitespace"
  7. QUILT_PATCH_OPTS="--unified"
  8. # Options passed to diffstat when generating patch statistics
  10. # Options to pass to commands (QUILT_${COMMAND}_ARGS)
  11. QUILT_PUSH_ARGS="--color=auto"
  12. QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="--no-timestamps --color=auto"
  13. QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="--no-timestamps --backup"
  14. QUILT_SERIES_ARGS="--color=auto"
  15. QUILT_PATCHES_ARGS="--color=auto"
  16. # When non-default less options are used, add the -R option so that less outputs
  17. # ANSI color escape codes "raw".
  18. [ -n "$LESS" -a -z "${QUILT_PAGER+x}" ] && QUILT_PAGER="less -FRX"
  19. # (Add "-p ab" to QUILT_DIFF_ARGS and QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS to get
  20. # -p1 style diffs with a/file and b/file filenams in headers
  21. # instead of dir.orig/file and dir/file.)
  22. # The directory in which patches are found (defaults to "patches").
  23. #QUILT_PATCHES=patches
  24. # Prefix all patch names with the relative path to the patch?
  26. # Use a specific editor for quilt (defaults to the value of $EDITOR before
  27. # sourcing this configuration file, or vi if $EDITOR wasn't set).
  28. #EDITOR=nedit