# Configuration options common for suspending to disk or RAM.
# Options are not case sensitive.
# See hibernate.conf(5) for help on the configuration items.

### Some global settings

Verbosity 0
LogFile /var/log/hibernate.log
LogVerbosity 1
# LogTimestamp yes
# AlwaysForce yes
# AlwaysKill yes
# HibernateVT 15
Distribution gentoo
# XDisplay :0

### Scriptlets
###   Scriptlets provide support for doing all sorts of things before and after
###   suspending. The defaults settings here should work for most people, but
###   you may wish to edit these to taste. Consult "hibernate -h" for help on
###   the configuration settings.

### bootsplash
## If you use bootsplash, also enabling SwitchToTextMode is recommended if
## you use X, otherwise you may end up with a garbled X display.
# Bootsplash on
# BootsplashConfig /etc/bootsplash/default/config/bootsplash-1024x768.cfg

### clock
SaveClock restore-only

### devices
# IncompatibleDevices /dev/dsp /dev/video*

### diskcache
# DisableWriteCacheOn /dev/hda

### fbsplash (enable SwitchToTextMode if you use this)
# FBSplash on
# FBSplashTheme tuxonice

### filesystems
# Unmount /nfsshare /windows /mnt/sambaserver
# UnmountFSTypes smbfs nfs
# UnmountGraceTime 1
# Mount /windows

### grub
# ChangeGrubMenu yes
# GrubMenuFile /boot/grub/menu.lst
# AlternateGrubMenuFile /boot/grub/menu-suspended.lst
# BackupGrubMenuFile /boot/grub/menu.lst.hibernate.bak

# see http://bugs.debian.org/317479
# RemountXFSBoot yes

### hardware_tweaks
# IbmAcpi yes
# RadeonTool yes
# Runi915resolution yes
# FullSpeedCPU yes

### lilo
# EnsureLILOResumes yes

### lock (generally you only want one of the following options)
## For console you need vlock available.
## For x you need xscreensaver-command-command available.
## For gnome you need gnome-screensaver-command available.
## For kde you need dcop, kscreensaver available.
## For XAuto you need xautolock available.
## For Xtr you need xtrlock available.
## For Freedesktop (for example KDE4) you need dbus-send available
# LockConsoleAs root
# LockXScreenSaver yes
# LockGnomeScreenSaver yes
# LockFreedesktop
# LockKDE yes
# LockXLock yes
# LockXAutoLock yes
# LockXtrLock yes

### misclaunch
OnSuspend 20 echo "Good night!"
OnResume 20 echo "Good morning!"
OnResume 30 killall pnmixer plugin-container gmusicbrowser audacious mplayer mplayer2 gnome-mplayer
OnResume 35 hdparm -E 0 /dev/sr0

### modules
# UnloadModules snd_via82cxxx usb-ohci
# UnloadAllModules yes
UnloadBlacklistedModules yes
LoadModules auto
# LoadModulesFromFile /etc/modules

### modules-gentoo
# GentooModulesAutoload yes

### network
# DownInterfaces eth0
# UpInterfaces auto

### networkmanager
# EnableNMReconnect yes

### pause_audio
# MuteAudio yes
# PauseAudio yes

### pcmcia
# EjectCards yes

### programs
# IncompatiblePrograms xmms

### services
# RestartServices laptop_mode anacron
# StopServices alsasound
# StartServices aumix
RestartServices g15daemon

### vbetool
# EnableVbetool yes
# RestoreVbeStateFrom /var/lib/vbetool/vbestate
# VbetoolPost yes
# RestoreVCSAData yes

### xhacks
SwitchToTextMode yes
# UseDummyXServer yes
# DummyXServerConfig xorg-dummy.conf

### xstatus
## This can be set to gnome, kde or x:
## For gnome you need zenity available.
## For kde you need dcop, kstart, kdialog available.
## For x you need to have xosd OR xmessage available.
# XStatus gnome
# XmessageDisable yes
# XSuspendText Preparing to suspend...
# XResumeText Resuming from suspend...
## When using XStatus x, and you have xosd installed:
# XosdSettings --font '-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--*-120-*-*-c-*-*-*' --colour=Green --shadow 1 --pos bottom --align center --offset 50

### xbacklight
# BackLight yes

### gaim
## You need to have dbus, gaim_remote available.
# LogoutGaim yes
# GaimRestoreStatus yes
# GaimLogoutMessage Hibernating
# GaimLoginMessage Back from hibernation

### pidgin
LogoutPidgin yes
PidginRestoreStatus yes
# PidginLogoutMessage Hibernating - bye!
# PidginLoginMessage I'm back!

### SSH and PGP keys
# AgentsClearGPG yes
# AgentsClearSSH yes

### Virtualbox
SuspendVirtualbox yes