! The display_file, tombstone, and menu windows are all formatted assuming ! a fixed width font. Text windows may or may not be formatted as above. ! The rip window applies if the GRAPHIC_TOMBSTONE option is turned on, and ! requires a 12 pixel font for correct appearance. ! NetHack*font: variable NetHack*display_file*font: fixed NetHack*tombstone*font: fixed NetHack*text*rip*font: -*-times-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* NetHack*menu*font: fixed NetHack*text*font: fixed NetHack*map*font: nh10 ! To use full-color tiles for the map, uncomment the tile file name. ! If you use a 100dpi (or greater) monitor you may wish to double the ! tile size so you can see the figures. If NetHack was compiled to ! use XPM (USE_XPM in config.h), the tile_file is a standard XPM file. ! Otherwise, it is a custom format. double_tile_size only applies to ! the custom format - to enlarge an XPM file, use processing tools ! such as XV or preferably PBMplus. ! NetHack.tile_file: x11tiles !NetHack.double_tile_size: True ! ! The annotation of pets. !NetHack.pet_mark_bitmap: pet_mark.xbm !NetHack.pet_mark_color: Red ! Tombstone ! The image file !NetHack.tombstone: rip.xpm ! Text starts at (tombtext_x, tombtext_y) and subsequent lines ! are displaced by (tombtext_dx, tombtext_dy) pixels. If you !NetHack.tombtext_x: 155 !NetHack.tombtext_y: 78 !NetHack.tombtext_dx: 0 !NetHack.tombtext_dy: 13 ! The color to use for the text on the hero's tombstone NetHack*rip*foreground: black ! Translation tables. There are currently several actions in nethack, but ! the only one you should be using is "input()", which, with no parameters, ! uses XLookupString to translate your keypress into a command. You ! can optionally give it parameters to change the behavior, see the example ! below. Note that you have to specify the translations in every appropriate ! window. NetHack*message*translations: <KeyPress>: input() ! ! Example extra translations for the map window. ! !NetHack*map*translations: #override \ ! !<Key>Left: input(h) \n\ ! !<Key>Right: input(l) \n\ ! !<Key>Up: input(k) \n\ ! !<Key>Down: input(j) ! ! The icon to use; supported values are nh72, nh56, and nh32; nh72 is the ! default. Some window managers may not support the larger icon sizes. ! It is not guaranteed that the window manager will honor the icon selection. !NetHack*icon: nh56 ! ! If True, the default, a popup for single character prompts such as y/n ! questions is _not_ used. NetHack*slow: True ! The number of lines the message window will show without scrolling. !NetHack*message_lines: 12 ! ! If True, the message window has a line that seperates old and new messages. !NetHack*message_line: True ! ! If True, force keyboard to attach to popup windows. Some window managers ! enforce a click-to-focus-keyboard policy (e.g. the DECwindows wm). NetHack ! has a lot of popups and is almost unplayable without some kind of autofocus. !NetHack*autofocus: True ! ! Specify the number of rows and columns of the map window. The default ! is the standard 80x21 window. Note: this _does_not_ change nethack's ! level size, only what you see of it. !NetHack*map*rows: 21 !NetHack*map*columns: 80 ! Parts of the fancy status display. ! NetHack*status_condition.borderWidth: 0 NetHack*status_info*borderWidth: 0 ! Sample color screen entries. ! NetHack*nethack.background: wheat NetHack*map*yellow: gold NetHack*map*brown: tan NetHack*map*gray: grey85 NetHack*map*foreground: wheat NetHack*map*background: grey40 NetHack*fancy_status.skipAdjust: True NetHack*fancy_status.background: wheat NetHack*status_info*foreground: Sienna NetHack*status_info*background: wheat NetHack*status_info.background: wheat NetHack*status_attributes*foreground: black NetHack*status_attributes*background: white NetHack*status_condition*foreground: red NetHack*status_condition*background: wheat NetHack*Scrollbar*foreground: Sienna NetHack*Scrollbar*background: wheat NetHack*status_info*showGrip: False NetHack*status_attributes*showGrip: False NetHack*player_selection*random.borderColor: blue NetHack*player_selection*random.borderWidth: 2 NetHack*player_selection*random.foreground: blue NetHack*player_selection*random.accelerators: #override\n\ <Key>Return: set() notify() unset() NetHack*player_selection*quit.borderColor: blue NetHack*player_selection*quit.foreground: blue NetHack*player_selection*Command.borderColor: red NetHack*player_selection*Command.foreground: red NetHack*player_selection*quit.accelerators: #override\n\ <Key>Escape: set() notify() unset() NetHack*race_selection*random.borderColor: blue NetHack*race_selection*random.borderWidth: 2 NetHack*race_selection*random.foreground: blue NetHack*race_selection*random.accelerators: #override\n\ <Key>Return: set() notify() unset() NetHack*race_selection*quit.borderColor: blue NetHack*race_selection*quit.foreground: blue NetHack*race_selection*Command.borderColor: red NetHack*race_selection*Command.foreground: red NetHack*race_selection*quit.accelerators: #override\n\ <Key>Escape: set() notify() unset() NetHack*gender_selection*random.borderColor: blue NetHack*gender_selection*random.borderWidth: 2 NetHack*gender_selection*random.foreground: blue NetHack*gender_selection*random.accelerators: #override\n\ <Key>Return: set() notify() unset() NetHack*gender_selection*quit.borderColor: blue NetHack*gender_selection*quit.foreground: blue NetHack*gender_selection*Command.borderColor: red NetHack*gender_selection*Command.foreground: red NetHack*gender_selection*quit.accelerators: #override\n\ <Key>Escape: set() notify() unset() NetHack*alignment_selection*random.borderColor: blue NetHack*alignment_selection*random.borderWidth: 2 NetHack*alignment_selection*random.foreground: blue NetHack*alignment_selection*random.accelerators: #override\n\ <Key>Return: set() notify() unset() NetHack*alignment_selection*quit.borderColor: blue NetHack*alignment_selection*quit.foreground: blue NetHack*alignment_selection*Command.borderColor: red NetHack*alignment_selection*Command.foreground: red NetHack*alignment_selection*quit.accelerators: #override\n\ <Key>Escape: set() notify() unset() NetHack*extended_commands*dismiss.borderColor: blue NetHack*extended_commands*dismiss.foreground: blue NetHack*extended_commands*help.borderColor: blue NetHack*extended_commands*help.foreground: blue NetHack*extended_commands*Command.borderColor: red NetHack*extended_commands*Command.foreground: red NetHack*extended_commands*help.accelerators: #override\n\ :<Key>?: set() notify() unset() NetHack*extended_commands*dismiss.accelerators: #override\n\ <Key>Escape: set() notify() unset() ! ! ! The following are the default 15 colors that the nethack map uses. ! If they don't look good on your screen, change them. ! ! The foreground color is used as "no color". ! !NetHack*map*black: black !NetHack*map*red: red !NetHack*map*green: pale green !NetHack*map*brown: brown !NetHack*map*blue: blue !NetHack*map*magenta: magenta !NetHack*map*cyan: light cyan !NetHack*map*gray: gray !NetHack*map*orange: orange !NetHack*map*bright_green: green !NetHack*map*yellow: yellow !NetHack*map*bright_blue: royal blue !NetHack*map*bright_magenta: violet !NetHack*map*bright_cyan: cyan !NetHack*map*white: white