#!/bin/bash source "${PALUDIS_EBUILD_DIR}/echo_functions.bash" source "${PALUDIS_EBUILD_DIR}/die_functions.bash" source "/etc/paludis/hooks/set_portdir.bash" cd "${PORTDIR}"/metadata || die "could not cd into '${PORTDIR}/metadata'!" if [[ -e news ]] ; then einfo "news dir already exists, updating..." cd news || die "could not cd into 'news'!" git pull --ff || die "could not pull updates!" else einfo "glsa directory does not exist, cloning..." git clone https://anongit.gentoo.org/git/proj/gentoo-news.git news || die "could not clone repository!" fi cd "${PORTDIR}"/metadata/news || die "failed to cd into ${PORTDIR}/metadata/news" git clean -fdxq || die "failed to clean git repo!" if [[ -n "$(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "*-*-*")" ]] ; then die "it seems the repository format of proj/gentoo-news has changed! Update your script!" else cp -a */* . || die "could not copy news dirs to base news dir!" fi