#!/bin/bash # # Paludis hook script to apply patch (w/o modifying corresponding ebuild file). # # Copyright (c), 2010-2012 by Alex Turbov # # Version: @PH_VERSION@ # source ${PALUDIS_EBUILD_DIR}/echo_functions.bash declare -r CONFIG_FILE="/etc/paludis/hooks/configs/auto_patch.conf" PATCH_DIR="/var/db/paludis/autopatches" # Configuration override [[ -f ${CONFIG_FILE} ]] && source ${CONFIG_FILE} PATCH_DIR_FULL="${PATCH_DIR}/${HOOK}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}" _ap_rememberfile="${T}/.autopatch_was_here_${PALUDIS_PID}" issue_a_warning() { local -r tobe="$1" ewarn "WARNING: ${CATEGORY}/${PF} package $tobe installed with additional patches applied by auto-patch hook." ewarn "WARNING: Before filing a bug, remove all patches, reinstall, and try again..." } try_to_apply_patches() { if [[ -n ${PALUDIS_HOOK_DEBUG} ]]; then einfo "Check ${PATCH_DIR_FULL}" fi if [[ -d ${PATCH_DIR_FULL} ]] ; then # activate nullglob if it isn't already local saved_opt=$(shopt nullglob &> /dev/null && echo "yes" || echo "no") [[ ${saved_opt} == no ]] && shopt -s nullglob cd "${S}" || die "Failed to cd into ${S}!" for i in "${PATCH_DIR_FULL}"/*.patch ; do if declare -f epatch >/dev/null ; then epatch ${i} else # sane default if no epatch is there einfo "Applying ${i} ..." patch -p1 -i "${i}" || die "Failed to apply ${i}!" fi touch "${_ap_rememberfile}" || die "Failed to touch ${_ap_rememberfile}!" done # make sure nullglob is set to what it was before this function was called [[ ${saved_opt} == no ]] && shopt -u nullglob if [[ -e ${_ap_rememberfile} ]]; then issue_a_warning "will be" else einfo "No patches in for this package." fi fi } case "${HOOK}" in # ATTENTION This script must be symlinked to the following hook dirs: ebuild_compile_post | \ ebuild_compile_pre | \ ebuild_configure_post | \ ebuild_configure_pre | \ ebuild_install_pre | \ ebuild_unpack_post ) try_to_apply_patches ;; install_all_post) if [[ -e ${_ap_rememberfile} ]] ; then issue_a_warning "was" fi ;; esac # kate: hl bash;