       This is a config file for a copy of MU-Conference, compiled against 
       the Jabber Component Runtime (JCR). This is the same file that I use
       to connect to my development server, running jabberd2 beta2 

       In order to connect to a jabberd v1.4 server, simply change the 
       <name> value to muclinker, and make sure the muclinker section is in
       your main jabber.xml file, as per the MU-Conference README file.

  <name>conference.localhost</name> <!-- the jid of your component -->
  <host>conference.localhost</host> <!-- this should be the same as above -->
  <ip>localhost</ip> <!-- adress of the jabber server -->
  <port>5347</port>  <!-- port used to connect the service to the jabber server -->
  <secret>secret</secret> <!-- secret shared with the jabber server -->

  <spool>/var/spool/jabber/mu-conference</spool> <!-- directory containing the rooms data -->
  <logdir>/var/log/jabber</logdir> <!-- directory containing the debug log (the file is called mu-conference.log) -->
  <pidfile>/var/run/jabber/mu-conference.pid</pidfile> <!-- file that will contain the PID of the process -->
  <!--   <logstderr/> --> <!-- uncomment to also send log to stderr -->
  <loglevel>124</loglevel> <!-- log verbosity, 255 for very verbose, 0 for quiet -->

    <conference xmlns="jabber:config:conference">
      <public/> <!-- rooms are public when created, comment to make them private by default -->
      <!-- the vCard section contains the vCard of the service -->
        <FN>Public Chatrooms</FN>
        <DESC>This service is for public chatrooms.</DESC>
      <history>40</history> <!-- maximum numbers of history lines send when joining a room -->
      <logdir>/var/log/jabber/mu-conference/</logdir> <!-- where to store the room logs, comment to disable logging -->
      <!--logsubdirs/--> <!-- uncomment to stores the room logs in subdirs (for example 2007/08/02) -->
      <stylesheet>/etc/jabber/style.css</stylesheet> <!--URL of the log stylesheet -->
      <!-- default text to send to legacy clients, will also be used in the logs -->
        <join>has become available</join>
        <leave>has left</leave>
        <rename>is now known as</rename>
      <!-- lists of admins of the service, add a <user/> tag by admin -->
      <!-- <dynamic/> --> <!-- when uncommented, only dynamic rooms can be created -->
      <!-- <persistent/> --> <!-- persistent rooms will be created, overide <dynamic/> -->
      <!-- <locknicks/> --> <!-- enforce the user nickname to the user part of his jid -->
      <!-- <roomlock/> --> <!-- uncomment to allow only admins to create rooms -->
      <!-- <hideempty/> --> <!-- uncomment to hide rooms with no participants -->
      <!-- configuration of MySQL, only used if the MySQL exports is activated, see README.sql -->